Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts

24 Aug 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | “Pigeon” Mail

Su Jie, China
 One day in 1999, after the meeting had ended, the pastor said to me, “Su Jie, here is a letter for you.” As soon as I saw it, I knew that it came from the church I established in Shandong. I took the letter and on the way home, I thought as I walked: This letter is so thick, could it be that they have encountered some difficulties? …
 When I got home, I couldn’t wait to open the letter and saw that it said: “Sister Su, peace be with you in the Lord! I am writing to tell you some great news: The Lord Jesus our Savior whom we yearn for day and night has returned. He has already returned to the flesh in China and has done a step of work of judging and cleansing people through His words; He has ended the Age of Grace and started the Age of Kingdom…. I hope you can accept God’s new work and keep up with God’s footsteps. Whatever you do, do not miss God’s last days’ salvation.” Reading up to here, I felt surprised: They hadn’t actually encountered any difficulties but believed in Eastern Lightning! I was eager to know who wrote this letter and turned to the last page. I learned that the letter was written by Brother Meng and at the end of the letter were all the signatures of all the brothers and sisters of the church. After finishing reading the letter I was dumbfounded. I stared at it blankly for a while before I recovered and thought to myself: Eastern Lightning testifies that the Lord has returned and has stolen many good sheep and leading sheep from various denominations. I did not expect Brother Meng from Shandong church to believe in Eastern Lightning too. The brothers and sisters of this church had all been stolen by Eastern Lightning. What could be done? When I thought about this, I felt even more anxious. But it was too far to travel to Shandong and I was tied up with my work here. For the time being I could not go. Helpless, I could only cry and pray to the Lord: “Lord! These brothers and sisters have believed in You for a short time and their foundation is not yet stable. Please guard over them….”
grace,gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom 
 Later, I searched through the Bible and put pen to paper to write the first letter back to them. In the letter I said: “Brothers and sisters, in Jesus Christ, I advise you to be wary. Paul said: ‘I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ to another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel to you than that you have received, let him be accursed’ (Gal 1:6-9). Brothers and sisters, I only just managed to bring you before the Lord. Why did you betray the Lord so quickly? Your stature is too small to be able to listen to other ways! You must listen to me because what I spread to you is the true way. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior. You must hold on to His way forever….” Only after I finished writing and looked at the eight-page letter did I feel at ease and thought to myself: I wrote all that I should write, checked all of the scriptures that I should check and wrote all the words of advice and encouragement that I should. I believe that after they read this, they will certainly reply to me and acknowledge their mistake.

17 Aug 2018

The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father (Selection)

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,Judgment

The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His humanity or divinity, both submit to the will of the heavenly Father. The substance of Christ is the Spirit, that is, the divinity. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself; this substance will not interrupt His own work, and He could not possibly do anything that destroys His own work, nor would He ever utter any words that go against His own will. Therefore, the incarnate God would absolutely never do any work that interrupts His own management. This is what all man should understand. The essence of the work of the Holy Spirit is to save man and is for the sake of God’s own management. Similarly, the work of Christ is to save man and is for the sake of God’s will. Given that God becomes flesh, He realizes His substance within His flesh, such that His flesh is sufficient to undertake His work. Therefore, all the work of God’s Spirit is replaced by the work of Christ during the time of incarnation, and at the core of all work throughout the time of incarnation is the work of Christ. It cannot be commingled with work from any other age. And since God becomes flesh, He works in the identity of His flesh; since He comes in the flesh, He then finishes in the flesh the work that He ought to do. Be it the Spirit of God or be it Christ, both are God Himself, and He does the work that He ought to do and performs the ministry that He ought to perform.
from “The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Watch more:
Best English Christian Music | "Who Has Known the God in the Flesh" | Praise and Worship Song 2018 

30 Jul 2018

How I Nearly Became a Foolish Virgin

Li Fang, China

  In the fall of 2002, Sister Zhao from my denomination, the Church of Truth, brought her niece, Sister Wang, to my home to tell me some great news that the Lord has come back. After a few days of reading the words of Almighty God and listening to the sister’s detailed fellowship, I understood that from the creation of the world until now God has performed three stages of work in order to save mankind. Other truths that I also came to know were God’s adoption of a different name during each stage of the work, the significance of God’s name for each age, and the mystery of God’s incarnation, etc. These truths really allowed me to open my eyes wide and see my fill. I said to myself: “It all sounds crystal clear, and Almighty God very probably is the returned Lord Jesus so I’d better make sure I grasp this chance and read more of Almighty God’s words.” Before leaving, Sister Wang left some books of God’s words for me. Whenever I had time during the day, I read God’s words. The more I read the more I loved reading them and the more I felt that they were the words of God. After three days I became anxious. I thought: “My son, who is also a believer, and many brothers and sisters in our church still don’t know this great news about the return of the Lord. I’d better hurry up and tell them.”

  The next day early in the morning I went to my son’s home. I said happily to him: “This is such a great book. You should read it as soon as possible.” My son glanced at me and asked: “What book? You seem pretty delighted. Just put it down there and I’ll take a look at it when I have time.” I thought that as all believers were looking forward to the Lord’s return my son would be happy to learn that the Lord has already returned.

Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

27 Jul 2018

God Wants Man's True Heart

Thoughts after reading:  💖🌈🐑🐐🐑
After listening to this Hymn, I am moved. God’s grace and blessing are bestowed upon each of us selflessly. God is forever good, He will help you up as you fall down.This is God’s love and salvation. 
Judgment,salvation,God's word,God’s family,God’s will,

People today don't treasure God.
He has no place inside their hearts.
In the days to come, days of suffering,
could they show true love,
show true love for Him?
Are God's deeds unfit for repay?
Why does man not give Him his heart?
Why does man hug his heart,
not willing to release?
Can the heart of man
ensure joy and peace?
Man's righteousness is without form.
It can't be touched or be seen.
In human bodies,
the most precious part
is a thing God wants,
that's man's precious heart.
Are God's deeds unfit for repay?
Why does man not give Him his heart?
Why does man hug his heart,
not willing to release?
Can the heart of man
ensure joy and peace?

25 Jul 2018

God’s Story: Creation

Personal thoughts:
When counting God's love, I feel even warmer! Though we haven’t seen His true face, but He accompanies us all way.

  This video is so creative and easy to understand: The use of hand drawing quickly shows us God’s creation of the heavens and earth and all things. We can see the supreme authority of God’s word from the fact that He used words to create all things. God speaks, and it will be accomplished; He commands, and it will stand fast. Everything is accomplished because of His words. There are unknown mysteries hidden behind the sentence that is repeatedly emphasized: “and God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:21).

22 Jul 2018

Christian English Movie "Salvation" | What Is Being Saved? What Is True Salvation?

What I gain from this movie:
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16) . “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Mat 26:28). I used to understand the meaning of these two verses to be that the Lord Jesus has forgiven all the sins of man and because people believe Lord Jesus, people can be saved. After watching this movie, I realize I tried to understand the Bible with it’s literally meaning. Really we need to read God's words, ponder and seek the truth from God so that we can get more truth from God. Thank God for His enlightenment. I realized that the real salvation of mankind is not only the forgiveness of sin, but also to rid man of the sinful nature and become more like God, then we will no longer sin. Only after that can we receive God’s praise and can enter into Kingdom of Heaven.

What is salvation? Those who believe in the Lord Jesus think that if they sincerely pray to the Lord, confess their sins, and repent, their sins will be forgiven, and they will be granted salvation, and when the Lord comes, they will be directly raised into the kingdom of heaven. But is salvation really that simple?

With God’s Protection, Grandson Survived a Fall From the Fourth Floor

By Zhao Hengxin
  I am 68 years old. My wife and I are ordinary believers of the Church of Almighty God. We have followed Almighty God for four years. During my time believing in God, whenever my son and his wife came back from work in another place in festivals and holidays, I often testified of God’s work in the last days to them. But they laughed it off and weren’t willing to believe in God, pleading being busy. However, since my grandson fell from the fourth floor, they have changed their attitude before the calamity. Through relying on God, our family all experienced God’s wonderful protection—my grandson escaped danger and is safe and sound. It is still vivid in my mind whenever I recall it.
truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word,God’s family

21 Jul 2018

Only If Mankind Worships the True God Can They Have a Good Fate

Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

Who created this world,
created all mankind,
was the great architect
of the ancient Greek cultures?
Who created all things,
created every being,
was the One who designed
all civilizations?
Only God comforts His humanity.
Night and day, He takes care of them.
All the growth
and progress that man sees
is because of His sovereignty.
Only God comforts His humanity.
Night and day, He takes care of them.
All that's past and all that will be
is designed in God's sovereignty.

20 Jul 2018

The Words God Bestows on Men Are the Ways They Should Keep

testimony,Jesus,Christ,God's word,hymn
God doesn't look at whether our status is high or low. As long as we praise with a true heart, God feels pleased. All the glory be to Almighty God.

Throughout every age,
when God does His work on earth,
He always bestows some words
upon humankind,
He tells them some truths.
These truths serve as the way
man should adhere to,
the way which man should keep.
It's the way that leads man to
fear God and shun evil,
and something in their lives,
and in life's journey
that they should practice,
should adhere to.
These are the reasons
that God bestows His
words upon them.

19 Jul 2018

God’s Words Guide Me to Learn How to Educate My Children (II)

Xiaoxue, Malaysia
 One day after dinner, I taught my eldest son how to read Chinese—just the simple words, “Heaven, earth, people, and, earth, daddy, mommy….” I taught him quite a few times, but he still couldn’t write them. He would write the first word and then forget the next one. The anger inside me rose up, and I grabbed the ruler on the table and hit him several times. I shouted loudly: “How stupid you are! You cannot even learn these few words!” My eldest son was hit until he cried, “waah, waah” and broke free and ran to stand in the corner. I scolded him, “Come over here and keep writing!” My eldest son did not come over, so I grabbed hold of him and pulled him onto the chair. Seeing that my eldest son’s hand had been beaten red and swollen by me, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I cried and returned to my room and prayed to God: “God! As soon as my child displeased me, I could not control my anger. I don’t want to treat my children like this. God, may You help me.” After praying, I slowly calmed down.
Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

 Later, I taught him as usual, but he still did not learn. I remembered praying to God and I did not get angry again. At the same time, I also started to reflect on myself. Why could I not control my temper when my child did not please me? Whilst reflecting on this, I thought of a passage of God’s words: “Once a man has status, he will often find it difficult to control his mood, and so he will enjoy seizing upon instances to express his dissatisfaction and vent his emotions; he will often flare up into rage for no apparent reason, so as to reveal his ability and let others know that his status and identity are different from those of ordinary people. Of course, corrupt people without any status will also frequently lose control. Their anger is frequently caused by damage to their individual benefits. In order to protect their own status and dignity, corrupt mankind will frequently vent their emotions and reveal their arrogant nature” (“God Himself, the Unique II” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “Some exercise restraint in their anger, while others are more rash and flare up with rage whenever they wish without the least bit of restraint. In short, man’s anger derives from his corrupt disposition. No matter what its purpose, it is of the flesh and of nature; it has nothing to do with justice or injustice because nothing in man’s nature and substance corresponds to the truth” (“God Himself, the Unique II” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Through what God’s words revealed, I saw that I was too deeply corrupted by Satan and too arrogant and domineering, always suppressing and forcing my children in my identity and status as their mother and as soon as they did not meet my demands and standards, I could not stop myself from getting angry and chiding and physically punishing them. I actually had no reason at all. Was the reason why I got so angry with my son not because his results from taking the school entrance test were the worst of all the children? This made me feel a loss of face in front of others. “Treating my child so strictly and disregarding his feelings today is not all for his own good or to make him quickly improve his academic performance, but to gratify my own vanity and desire for status. I’m too selfish and despicable! It is because of my arrogant, selfish corrupt disposition that I cannot obey God and always want to break free from God’s mastery and arrangements and want to arrange everything for my children based on my own ability and finally bring myself and my children so much pain.” When I thought of this, I hated myself and no longer wished to live by Satan’s corrupt disposition and be fooled by Satan. So I prayed to God and asked God to keep my heart, to guide me through His words, and to arrange even more environments to change and cleanse me. Subsequently, I no longer demanded too much of my son. Instead, I patiently taught him and did my best to be a mother. Slowly, I no longer worried because my children did not learn, and felt especially relaxed and happy. When I looked at my two children again, I realized that they were really cute and lively, and I realized then how unfair it was for my children when I always made them live my way and grow into the standard image in my mind.

15 Jul 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Saved in a Different Way

gospel,Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue,believe
Yang Le    Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
When I was still at school, my father grew sick and passed away. After he died, uncles on both sides of the family who had often been helped by my father not only did not take care of us—my mother who had no source of income, my two sisters and I—but, on the contrary, did everything they could to make a profit off of us, even fighting with us for the little legacy my father had left behind. In the face of my relatives’ indifference and all the things they did that I never could have expected, I felt such extreme pain and couldn’t help but hate the utter lack of conscience and the heartlessness that these relatives displayed, at the same time also gaining a sense of the fickleness of human nature. After that, whenever I saw some occurrence in society of family members fighting each other over money, or people robbing and murdering over money, I would often lament that the world today was too full of darkness, that people’s hearts really were sinister and the world really was too fickle. At that time, I thought the reason why the world was so full of darkness was because people today had turned bad, that they no longer had any conscience and that there were too many evil people in the world. Afterward, only through eating and drinking the words of God did I realize that what I had thought had only just scratched the surface, and was not the source of the world’s darkness and evil. From God’s words I saw clearly the real source of darkness and evil in the world.

13 Jul 2018

God’s Words Guide Me to Learn How to Educate My Children (I)

Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

Xiaoxue, Malaysia

 I have two sons and they are one year apart. In order to raise them to be cultured, well mannered, good people who will be able to establish themselves in society and succeed, when they were two years old, I discussed finding a good kindergarten for them with my husband. After some visits, inquiries and comparison, we selected an English kindergarten because they placed importance on children’s caliber and ability, which matched my view on educating children. Although the tuition fees were a bit high, as long as the children were able to develop better and get a better education, it was worth spending a little more money.

11 Jul 2018

God's Utterance "How to Know God's Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part One)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". The content of this video: The Outcome's Weight in People's Hearts People's Beliefs Cannot Substitute for the Truth There Are Many Opinions Concerning the Standard With Which God Establishes Man's Outcome

What should we pursue on believing in God? How to practice the Truth of loving God?

7 Jul 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | The Importance of Coordination in Service

Mei Jie    Jinan City, Shandong Province
 After changing the church administration back to its original form, partnership was established for every level of leader in the household of God. At the time I thought this was a good arrangement. I was of a low caliber and I had a great deal of work; I really did need a partner to help me complete all types of work in my region.
Rescue,believe,love,God’s-wish,Meaningful Life

12 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | In the Middle of a Disaster I Saw God’s Protection

Zhang Min, Beijing
August 6, 2012
Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

 On July 21, 2012, it started to rain heavily in the morning. By the afternoon when I was supposed to go to a meeting, I saw the rain was so heavy that I didn’t want to go. But it was just once a week, if I didn’t go I’d have no way to do my church work. Whatever there was going on outside, I still had to fellowship with them. When I thought of that, I hurried myself to the meeting. After four o’clock that afternoon, the brother of the meeting place ran back home, saying: “You’re still holding meeting, get yourselves home, there’s a whole lot of water coming down out there.” I went out and looked and there was a lot of water coming down, the river was swollen and running very high. I’d never seen so much water, I had no way to get home. (My place was half a li outside this village.) I was very anxious. There was nothing I could do, I had to go back to the meeting place, because the place was high up, and safer. After a while I heard a clamor of voices outside. I went out to look, and it was the adults and children of my village coming their way with ropes and poles. I rushed to ask how my house was doing, and someone told me it hadn’t been washed away, but the waters were high outside of the wall of the yard. I thought to myself: All things are in God’s hands. Even if the house is washed away, there is the good purpose of God in it.

11 Jun 2018

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

 My impression:

Then I know, if we want to get rid of Satan’s afflict. We should practice God’s word and pursue to be an honest man, then we can live out a happy life! Amen.

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality,
they are like angels that come to the world.
No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity.
They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves.
Those who love the truth all have honest hearts.
Honest people take joy in practicing the truth, and by obeying God their hearts are at peace.
They fear God, shun evil and live by God’s words. They live in God’s words and are liberated and free.
They accept God’s scrutiny and live before Him. To love God is to be happy and joyful.

6 Jun 2018

Almighty God’s Words | God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II (Part One)

During our last meeting we shared a very important topic. Do you remember what it was? Let Me repeat it. The topic of our last fellowship was: God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself. Is this an important topic to you? Which part of it is most important to you? God’s work, God’s disposition, or God Himself? Which one interests you most? Which part do you want to hear about most? I know it’s difficult for you to answer that question, because God’s disposition can be seen in every aspect of His work, and His disposition is revealed in His work always and in all places, and, in effect, represents God Himself; in God’s overall management plan, God’s work, God’s disposition, and God Himself are all inseparable from each other.
Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue,believe

The content of our last fellowship about God’s work was accounts in the Bible that occurred long ago. They were all stories about man and God, and they happened to man and simultaneously involved the participation and expression of God, so these stories hold particular value and significance to knowing God. Just after He created mankind, God began to engage with man and talk to man, and His disposition began to be expressed to man. In other words, from when God first engaged with mankind He began to make public to man, without cease, His substance and what He has and is. Regardless of whether earlier people or the people of today are able to see or understand it, in short God speaks to man and works among man, revealing His disposition and expressing His substance—which is a fact, and undeniable by any person. This also means that God’s disposition, God’s substance, and what He has and is are constantly issued forth and revealed as He works and engages with man. He has never concealed or hidden anything from man, but instead makes public and releases His own disposition without holding anything back. Thus, God hopes that man can know Him and understand His disposition and substance. He does not wish for man to treat His disposition and substance as eternal mysteries, nor does He want mankind to regard God as a puzzle that can never be solved. Only when mankind knows God can man know the way forward and be able to accept God’s guidance, and only a mankind such as this can truly live under the dominion of God, and live in the light, and live amid God’s blessings.

27 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Shaking Off the Shackles of the Spirit

Wu Wen    Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
 I was a weak person with a sensitive character. When I didn’t believe in God, I would frequently feel down and distressed from things that came up in life. There were many of these times, and I always felt that my life was difficult; there was no joy, no happiness in my heart to speak of. After I started believing in God, there was a period of time where I felt particularly joyous and at peace, but after that, I once again felt the same as ever. I couldn’t make sense of why I was always that way.
Life,truth,Judgment,God’s family,God’s will

17 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | I See the Path to Knowing God

Xiaocao    Changzhi City, Shanxi Province

  One day, I saw this following passage of God’s word in the piece “How Peter Came to Know Jesus”: “Over the time he followed Jesus, Peter observed and took to heart everything about His life: His actions, words, movements, and expressions. … From his time in contact with Jesus, Peter also realized that His character was different from that of an ordinary man. He always acted steadily and never with haste, never exaggerated nor underplayed a subject, and conducted His life in a way that was both normal and admirable. In conversation, Jesus was elegant and graceful, open and cheerful yet serene, and never lost His dignity in the execution of His work. Peter saw that Jesus was sometimes taciturn, yet other times talked incessantly. He was sometimes so happy that He became agile and lively like a dove, and yet sometimes so sad that He did not talk at all, as if He were a weather-beaten mother. At times He was filled with anger, like a brave soldier charging off to kill enemies, and sometimes even like a roaring lion. Sometimes He laughed; other times He prayed and wept. No matter how Jesus acted, Peter grew to have boundless love and respect for Him. Jesus’ laughter filled him up with happiness, His sorrow plunged him into grief, His anger frightened him, while His mercy, forgiveness, and strictness made him come to truly love Jesus, developing a true reverence and longing for Him. Of course, Peter only gradually came to realize all of this once he had lived alongside Jesus for a few years.” After reading this passage I thought: No wonder Peter could achieve knowledge of God! Turns out it was because during the time he lived alongside Jesus day and night, he personally witnessed Jesus’ every word and every move, and from that he discovered more of God’s adorableness. Now is also the era of when God becomes flesh to personally descend upon the world of man to work. If I could also have the fortune of being able to come into contact with God and spend time together like Peter had, then wouldn’t I also know God better? Oh! It’s a shame that now I can only read God’s word but cannot see the face of Christ. Then how would I be able to gain true knowledge of God?

I See the Path to Knowing God

  Just when I was sad and disappointed over this and losing my confidence in God, His words enlightened me: “Knowing God must be done through reading God’s word and understanding God’s word. Some people say: ‘I haven’t seen God incarnate, so how can I know God?’ God’s word is actually an expression of God’s disposition. From God’s word you can see God’s love for mankind, His salvation of mankind, and the way He saves them … because God’s word is expressed by God as opposed to God using man to write it out. It is personally expressed by God. It is God Himself expressing His own words and His inner voice. … expressing His disposition, His will, His thoughts, His love for mankind, His salvation of mankind, and His expectations of mankind. Among God’s words.… Sometimes God speaks from a gentle and compassionate perspective, and people see God’s love for mankind; sometimes He speaks from a strict perspective, and people see God’s unoffendable disposition. Man is deplorably filthy and is not worthy of seeing God’s face, and is not worthy of coming before God. People’s coming before God now is purely out of God’s grace. God’s wisdom can be seen from the way God works and the meaning of His work. Even if people don’t come into contact with God, they will still be able to see these things in God’s word” (“Knowledge of the Incarnation” in Records of Christ’s Talks). God’s words made me suddenly see the light. Yes! God in the flesh of the last days has already used His word to express all His disposition to man, allowing man to see through God’s word His great power, His supremacy, His humility and hiddenness, and His adorableness, and moreover understand His joys and sorrows, and know all He has and is. This is sufficient to show that reading God’s word and experiencing God’s word is the only path to knowing God. If I move away from God’s word, then so what even if I see God in the flesh? Didn’t the Pharisees also see Jesus back then? So why did they nail Jesus to the cross? Wasn’t it because they didn’t listen to Jesus’ words, they were arrogant and stubbornly held on to their own conceptions and imaginations, and resisted and condemned the Lord Jesus based on that little bit of the scriptures they understood? On the other hand, Peter was able to know Jesus because he could let go of his own conceptions and imaginations, listen closely to the words of Lord Jesus, and was good at carefully contemplating every word and sentence uttered by Jesus. Through Lord Jesus’ utterances and work he got to know God’s disposition and all He has and is, ultimately gaining true knowledge of God. Doesn’t this ironclad fact sufficiently explain that man can only know God through His word? Moreover, given that the main work of God in the flesh of the last days is the work of the word, doesn’t this benefit me in getting to know God?

  The more I thought back to my logical reasoning the more I felt my own wretchedness, foolishness, and childishness. Every day I held God’s word in my hands, ate and drank God’s word, read God’s word, and experienced God’s word, but I did not love God’s word dearly, thinking that I could only know God by seeing the face of Christ. I really was living a blessed life without appreciating it! Oh God! Thank You for revealing and turning around my wrong way of knowing and making me see the path to knowing God. From now on, I will long to read Your word, contemplate Your word, seek to understand Your joys and sorrows through Your word, and through discovering more of Your adorableness get to know You even deeper.

From  Judgment Before the Seat of Christ

Source from:I See the Path to Knowing God


Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally

25 Apr 2018

Eastern Lightning | Documentary Trailer: Exploring Mystery of Human Life "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything"

Each of us is playing our own role on the stage of life, 

No matter whether it's "excellent" or not, there will be the time when we take a curtain call. 

Our life is like the flowing water slipping through our fingers, 
Learning to speak - studying - stepping into the society - getting married and having a child - stepping into the old age - death 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑
None can escape from this rule. 
"Why do we live? And why do we have to die
But, a classic documentary The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything is going to be on screen and lead you to explore the mystery of life!

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. No one can overcome sickness and death. No one can alter the laws of age and infirmity. ……………………………… "Why do we live? And why do we have to die? Who is in command of this world?"

Almighty God’s Words
Understanding the Eastern Lightning
Why must people who believe in God pray, gather, and read God’s word to attain new life?
The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally