Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimony. Show all posts

23 Jun 2019

The Whole Earth Shall Rejoice and Praise God

Best Hymns of Faith, testimony, the Holy Spirit,  praise, Almighty God

Best Hymns of Faith | The Whole Earth Shall Rejoiceand Praise God

Whoa~ whoa~ whoa~ whoa~
The one true God who administers
all the things in the universe
—the almighty Christ!
This is the witness of the Holy Spirit.
He's working to bear testimony
So no one will have any doubt.
The triumphant King, Almighty God,
has prevailed over the world.
He's overcome sin
and accomplished redemption.
Praise the triumphant King
of the universe.
The whole earth shall rejoice!
Almighty God, worthy of praise!
Glory and power be to You,
the great King of the universe!

5 Jun 2019

2019 Christian Worship Hymn With Lyrics | "God Eagerly Wants Those Who Can Carry Out His Will"

Contemporary Worship Songs | "God Eagerly Wants Those Who Can Carry Out His Will"


As God’s work moved onward and progressed ceaselessly through time, after the rainbow covenant was established with man, a sign that He would never again flood the world, could be of one mind with Him.
God wished even more for those who
God longs to gain those who understand His will,
Such a group of people, they are His confidants.
know His disposition and worship Him.
Such a group of people can bear testimony
to Him, to Him, to Him.

18 May 2019

Only Those Who Know the Work of God Today Can Serve God

Holy Spirit’s work, the truth, obey, God’s work, will

    To bear testimony to God and shame the great red dragon you must have a principle, and a condition: In your heart you must love God, and enter into the words of God. If you do not enter into the words of God, then you will have no way of shaming Satan. Through the growth of your life, you renounce the great red dragon and bring utter humiliation upon it, and only then is the great red dragon truly shamed. The more you are willing to put the words of God into practice, the greater the proof of your love of God and loathing of the great red dragon; the more you obey the words of God, the greater the proof of your longing for the truth. People who do not long for the words of God are people who are without life. Such people are those who are outside the words of God, and who belong to religion. People who truly believe in God have a more profound knowledge of God’s words through eating and drinking the words of God. If you do not long for the words of God, then you cannot truly eat and drink the words of God, and if you have no knowledge of the words of God, then you have no means of testifying to God or satisfying God.

13 May 2019

A Christian’s Testimony: I Gained Happiness When I Stopped Being a Slave to Money

By Shixing, Malaysia

    When I was young, my father, a compulsive gambler, lost all of the family’s money and fell in debt to loan sharks. As a result, our family of three started living like vagabonds and was looked down upon by our relatives and friends. So I made a resolution: After growing up, I will strive hard to earn money to change my family’s difficult circumstances so that my family will lead an abundant life and all those around us will look at us in a new light.

4 May 2019

The Word of God | "All Who Do Not Know God Are Those Who Oppose God"

Almighty God says, "Those who I say are in opposition to God are those who do not know God, those who acknowledge God with empty words yet do not know Him, those who follow God yet do not obey Him, and those who revel in the grace of God yet cannot stand witness to Him. Without an understanding of the purpose of God’s work and the work of God in man, man cannot be in accord with the heart of God, and cannot stand witness to God. The reason that man opposes God stems, on the one hand, from the corrupt disposition of man, and on the other hand, from ignorance of God and lack of understanding of the principles of God’s work and His will toward man. These two aspects merge into a history of man’s resistance to God."

25 Apr 2019

2019 Praise and Worship song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

 Christian Praise and Worship Song | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

It’s been several thousand years,
and mankind still enjoys the light,
and he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still breathes in the breath
that was exhaled by God Himself.
Yes, he still enjoys the air bestowed by God.
Mankind still enjoys the things
like flowers, fish, insects and birds.
The things created by God, he enjoys them all.
Day and night replace each other. 
The four seasons cycle around,
they alternate as usual, provided by God.
Every manner of creature living amongst all things,
departs and then returns, and then departs again.
In the twinkling of an eye, a million changes happen.
What will never ever change
are their instincts and their laws of survival.

30 Mar 2019

Guided by God’s Words I Stop Being Jealous

Spiritual Warfare, God’s words, testimony, prayer, Daily Devotionals

By Jianding

    Editor’s note: In daily life, we are often jealous of people who are better than us and even may dislike and contend with them. The author of this article once lived in jealousy because her classmate was superior to her. She felt extremely miserable and was desperate to free herself from such misery. Now she has successfully emerged from the mire of jealousy. How has she achieved that? This article will tell you.

7 Mar 2019

Questions and Answers on God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days (4)

believe in God,Bible,judgment,the truth,Eastern Lightning

Question 4: Just then, you said that the most prophesied thing in the Bible is God’s judgment work in the last days. There are at least 200 places in the Bible mentioning that God will come to carry out His judgment. This is completely true. This was stated even more clearly in 1 Peter 4:17: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” It seems God’s judgment work in the last days is a certainty. But what you witnessed is God of the last days coming into the flesh to do His judgment work. This is different to what we accept. We believe the Lord in the last days will appear to mankind and work in the form of Jesus’ spiritual body following the resurrection. This is also the view of the majority in religious circles. This concept of the returned Lord appearing to man and working in the flesh is something we still cannot see through, so please communicate some more with us.

2 Mar 2019

The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything Screenings Inspire Audience to Ponder Life’s Mysteries

In May 2018, The Church of Almighty God released a large-scale choral documentary, The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything, a classic work of testimony to the Creator’s almightiness and sovereignty. It incorporates grand and powerful special effects and lovely, moving choral music,laying out before viewers’ eyes the facts of God’s grasp over the entire universe and world, His rule over mankind’s fates, and how He has propelled human history. This heart-shaking film inspires reflection on life’s mysteries. As of December 9, the film has received awards in over 20 international film festivals in Asia, Europe, and the USA. Recently, at the KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival in Hollywood, California, the Veritas Film Festival in Pennsylvania, the Culdee Arts Reel Entertainment Awards in West Virginia, and the James Bond III Film Festival Christian Edition in Kentucky, The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything received the five major awards of, respectively, Best Feature Musical, Audience Award, Best Redemptive Feature, Best CG Effects, Innovation Award.

Watch more:

Best Bible Movie Clip: A Record of God's Work of Creating the World and Leading and Redeeming Mankind 

9 Dec 2018

Clip (4) - Experiences and Testimony of Successfully Breaking Web Addiction After Believing in God

gospel movies "Child, Come Back Home" (4) - Experiences and Testimony of Successfully Breaking Web Addiction After Believing in God

Many young web addicts would like to quit the internet, but they can't ever control themselves. After repeated failures, they get discouraged and disappointed, believing that quitting the internet is hopeless. In this movie clip, a group of Christians give an account of their experiences and testimony of how they successfully quit the internet after coming to believe in God

More information:

Can you come to realize that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus by looking at the mysteries Almighty God has made known? 

5 Nov 2018

Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)

The crosstalk Escaping the Cage tells the story of how Christian Xiaolan was persecuted and locked in her home for a month by her Communist Party official father, where she was unable to take part in church life, and her experience of escaping her home and running away. A once-happy family was split apart, a daughter left her mother, and her father held a deep grudge against her. Who was the chief architect? And who gave Xiaolan faith and strength, and led her to escape her cage and walk the correct path in life?

More information :

Why Does Eastern Lightning Surge Forward With Unstoppable Progress?

23 Oct 2018

Questions and Answers on the Inside Story of the Bible (7)

Question 7: I have studied the Bible for more than 20 years. I discovered that the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors during different times, but the content of what they wrote had no errors whatsoever. This shows that God is the true author of the Bible and that the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit.
believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life
Answer: The Bible was written by more than 40 authors and that there were no errors. Are there really no errors? Let’s communicate on this issue specifically. Actually, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has already opened up these mysteries for us. Almighty God says, “The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, the son of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin—which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham, that He was not the son of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! In this way, you know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit” (“Concerning the Bible (3)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Through God’s word we understand that the genealogy by Matthew was not God’s idea. How could God have a genealogy? Matthew knew that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and yet he gave Him a genealogy saying that Jesus was the son of David and the son of Joseph. Isn’t this denying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus and Joseph are not related. Matthew’s words are contradictory. Clearly, this genealogy did not come from the Holy Spirit and was man’s idea. Then how do you explain John 8:58: “Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am”? From here we can see that the genealogy of the Lord Jesus was man’s idea. It was written by Matthew around AD 50, and was not written at the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit.

7 Oct 2018

The Word of Christ in the Last Days | "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself II" (Part Six)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
Job's Testimony Brings Comfort to God   
Although God Has Not Revealed Himself to Job, Job Believes in the Sovereignty of God     
Job's Faith in God Is Not Shaken Because God Is Hidden From Him 
Job Blesses the Name of God and Does Not Think of Blessings or Disaster     
Although God Is Hidden From Man, His Deeds Among All Things Are Sufficient for Man to Know Him 
If Man's Heart Is in Enmity to God, How Can He Fear God and Shun Evil  

Recommended reading:  

The Mystery of the “Resurrection of a Dead Man”

12 Jun 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | In the Middle of a Disaster I Saw God’s Protection

Zhang Min, Beijing
August 6, 2012
Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

 On July 21, 2012, it started to rain heavily in the morning. By the afternoon when I was supposed to go to a meeting, I saw the rain was so heavy that I didn’t want to go. But it was just once a week, if I didn’t go I’d have no way to do my church work. Whatever there was going on outside, I still had to fellowship with them. When I thought of that, I hurried myself to the meeting. After four o’clock that afternoon, the brother of the meeting place ran back home, saying: “You’re still holding meeting, get yourselves home, there’s a whole lot of water coming down out there.” I went out and looked and there was a lot of water coming down, the river was swollen and running very high. I’d never seen so much water, I had no way to get home. (My place was half a li outside this village.) I was very anxious. There was nothing I could do, I had to go back to the meeting place, because the place was high up, and safer. After a while I heard a clamor of voices outside. I went out to look, and it was the adults and children of my village coming their way with ropes and poles. I rushed to ask how my house was doing, and someone told me it hadn’t been washed away, but the waters were high outside of the wall of the yard. I thought to myself: All things are in God’s hands. Even if the house is washed away, there is the good purpose of God in it.

31 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Without God’s Salvation, I Would Not Be Here Today

Zhang Jin, Beijing
👀🙏📖💖 August 16, 2012 👀🙏📖💖
  I am an elder sister with two faulty legs. Even when the weather is nice out, I have some trouble walking, but when the floodwaters were about to swallow me up, God allowed me to miraculously escape danger.

28 May 2018

Christian Musical Drama "An Uncertain Return" | Why Are Christians Homeless (English Dubbed)

Christian Zhang Chengzhi is forced to flee his home because of the Chinese government's mad persecution of religious beliefs. A happy family is torn apart. But the police refuse to give up—they monitor, question, and intimidate his family members, and look for opportunities to arrest him. Zhang Chengzhi and his family miss each other, but cannot be reunited. Zhang narrowly escapes arrest time after time and in the end has no choice but to escape the country. He and his family are in different corners of the world and don't know when they will meet again …

23 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Christian Life: How to Educate One’s Child and Be a Happy Parent

By Huiyuan, Malaysia

  “Over these past few weeks, your son has listened very carefully in class and is a very sensible boy. He’s like a totally different person to how he used to be. How come he’s suddenly changed so much? How are you educating him at home?” Hearing the teacher say this, I smiled slightly, and my heart was filled with gratitude to God. That my son could change as much as he has is the result of God’s work, and I give thanks to God! I always failed before when trying to educate my son, but then I had the fortune to accept God’s work of the last days and, under the guidance of God’s words, I finally understood how to educate my son, and I became a happy parent.

  My Naughty Son Drove Me to My Wits’ End

gospel,God’s love,Eastern Lightning,the last days,Christ

  Over the previous few years, I saw many parents spoil their children, which led to their children becoming more and more unrestrained and reckless. Therefore, after I got married and had children, I said to myself: “There is no way I’m going to spoil my children. I will definitely be strict with them, keep their behavior to acceptable norms, and get them to develop good habits right from the start!” But my eldest son was very naughty, and he had many bad habits. For example, he would often ride on the escalator handrail and slide from the top to the bottom, he would willfully break things in the home, throw rubbish down wherever he wanted, and he was a fussy eater, and so on. To combat these problems, I drew up a plan to educate him: Whenever he was being fussy with his food, I would reprimand him, and then he wouldn’t dare be fussy anymore; if I saw anything in life that I thought would be beneficial to his upbringing, then he had to do what I said. If he didn’t, I had my own way to control him and would let him know what the consequences would be if he was disobedient … I made every effort to educate my son, but there was little change in him. This was all a big headache for me.

9 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | A Haughty Spirit Before a Fall

💖👁📙💞🙏 Baixue    Shenyang City 💖👁📙💞🙏
 Because of a work requirement, I was transferred to another work area. At that time, I was very grateful to God. I felt that I was lacking so much, yet through God’s divine promotion, I was given the opportunity to fulfill my duty in such a wonderful work area. I made a vow to God in my heart: I would do my very best to repay God.
believe ,Holy Spirit,worship,testimony,Jesus

5 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | After Losing My Status …

Huimin    Jiaozuo City, Henan Province

  Every time I saw or heard of someone having been replaced and them feeling down, weak or sulky, and not wanting to follow anymore, then I looked down on them. I thought it was nothing more than different people having different functions within the church, that there was no distinction between high or low, that we were all God’s creations and there was nothing to feel down about. So whether I was taking care of new believers or leading a district, I never thought I focused much on my status, that I was that sort of person. I never would have thought in a million years that I would display such shameful behavior when I myself was replaced …

After Losing My Status

  As my work had not brought about any results for some time, my leader replaced me. At that time, I thought even if my character wasn’t made out to be a district leader, I must surely still be allowed to do the watering or safeguarding work. I never expected for my leader to get me taking care of the routine stuff. I was surprised then, thinking of such a dignified district leader as myself being today made to run errands, and that anyone in the church who could run or who had a little intelligence could do this job. Wasn’t getting me to do this job an obvious waste of my talents? But I kept my feelings to myself, afraid that my sisters would say I was disobedient, that I cared about my status. But as soon as I got home, I fell flat on the bed and felt awful. Thoughts of having no status from now on and wondering how my brothers and sisters would see me filled my head. And to make me run errands—how would I ever be able to have my day again? The more I thought about it, the more awful I felt.

3 May 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | Going Astray and Finding the Way

Xiaobing    Xuanzhou City, Anhui Province 🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂
  “That which you are enjoying today is the very thing which is ruining your future, whereas the pain you are suffering today is the very thing that is protecting you. You must be clearly aware of that so as to keep away from the hook of temptation and to avoid entering the dense fog that blocks out the sun.” Every time I sing this song of God’s word “Enjoying Fleshly Comforts Will Ruin Your Future,” I think of time after time when I tested and betrayed God, and I feel both endless remorse and incredible gratitude.

  In 1997, I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days, and before long I had enthusiastically thrown myself into the work of spreading the gospel and had set my determination that in front of God, I would expend myself for Him without constraints in order to satisfy His heart. But as God’s work changed, when God’s work was not in line with my own conceptions and my desires were not fulfilled, my “devotion” to God then disappeared without a trace and my nature of betraying God was fully exposed.