Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label God’s voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s voice. Show all posts

16 Sept 2019

Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (1) - How Should We Watch and Wait for the Lord’s Return?

Best Gospel Movie clip "Waiting" (1) - How Should We Watch and Wait for the Lord’s Return?

Will the Lord return upon a cloud or in secret like a thief? How should you treat the Lord’s return? Will you refuse to seek due to fear of the false Christs’ deception? Or will you carefully listen to God’s voice like a wise virgin? How should we watch and wait so that we can behold the Lord’s coming? Please watch this clip!

More Information: How the Prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ Return Is Fulfilled

7 Mar 2019

Questions and Answers on God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days (4)

believe in God,Bible,judgment,the truth,Eastern Lightning

Question 4: Just then, you said that the most prophesied thing in the Bible is God’s judgment work in the last days. There are at least 200 places in the Bible mentioning that God will come to carry out His judgment. This is completely true. This was stated even more clearly in 1 Peter 4:17: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” It seems God’s judgment work in the last days is a certainty. But what you witnessed is God of the last days coming into the flesh to do His judgment work. This is different to what we accept. We believe the Lord in the last days will appear to mankind and work in the form of Jesus’ spiritual body following the resurrection. This is also the view of the majority in religious circles. This concept of the returned Lord appearing to man and working in the flesh is something we still cannot see through, so please communicate some more with us.

20 Jan 2019

Gospel Song "Only Those Who Accept the Truth Can Hear God's Voice" | Welcome the Lord Jesus' Return

Where there is the appearance of God,
there’s expression of the truth and the voice of God.
Only those who accept the truth
can hear God’s voice and witness His appearance.
Put away views of “impossible”!
Thoughts of impossible are likely to happen.
God’s wisdom soars higher than the heavens.
His thoughts and His work are far beyond all man’s thoughts.
The more impossible something is, the more there is truth to seek.
The more beyond man’s conception, the more it contains God’s will.
No matter where He appears, God is still God, God is still God.
And His essence will never change because of where He’s appeared.
Put your notions aside, quiet your heart, read these words.
If you yearn for the truth, God will let you know His will and words.

17 Sept 2018

Praise and Worship Song "God's Love Circles My Heart" | Praise and Thank God for His Power of Love

I heard the lyrics ” I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God. “
Amen. After experiencing God’s work in the last days, and the judgment and purification of God’s words, I truly feel that God’s love is real and practical! Now, I would like to share with you the happy time. Hope brothers and sisters from all over the world can listen to the voice of God soon and then return before God’s throne and accept God’s work in the last days, enjoying the greatest love. Praise and Worship Song God's Love Circles My Heart | Praise and Thank God for His Power of Love

The Sun of righteousness rises in the East.
O God! Your glory fills the heaven and earth.
My beautiful beloved, Your love circles my heart.
Those who seek the truth—they love God, one and all.
In the early morning, though I rise alone, joy is in my heart as I ponder God’s words.
His gentle words, like those of a loving mother; His words of judgment, stern like father’s scolding.
Naught else in the world do I love, with my whole heart I love only Almighty God.
Ah hey, ah hey,
ah hey, ah hey.
Naught else in the world do I love, with my whole heart I love only Almighty God.