Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label God’s works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s works. Show all posts

23 Oct 2018

Questions and Answers on the Inside Story of the Bible (7)

Question 7: I have studied the Bible for more than 20 years. I discovered that the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors during different times, but the content of what they wrote had no errors whatsoever. This shows that God is the true author of the Bible and that the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit.
believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life
Answer: The Bible was written by more than 40 authors and that there were no errors. Are there really no errors? Let’s communicate on this issue specifically. Actually, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has already opened up these mysteries for us. Almighty God says, “The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, the son of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin—which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham, that He was not the son of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! In this way, you know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit” (“Concerning the Bible (3)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Through God’s word we understand that the genealogy by Matthew was not God’s idea. How could God have a genealogy? Matthew knew that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and yet he gave Him a genealogy saying that Jesus was the son of David and the son of Joseph. Isn’t this denying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus and Joseph are not related. Matthew’s words are contradictory. Clearly, this genealogy did not come from the Holy Spirit and was man’s idea. Then how do you explain John 8:58: “Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am”? From here we can see that the genealogy of the Lord Jesus was man’s idea. It was written by Matthew around AD 50, and was not written at the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit.

29 Sept 2018

Questions and Answers on the Way of the Lord’s Arrival (Secret and Open)

Question 2: I’ve believed in the Lord for over half my life. I’ve worked tirelessly for the Lord and have been on constant lookout for His second coming. If the Lord came, why didn’t I receive His revelation? Has He cast me aside? This has left me very confused. How do you explain this?

believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life

Answer: Man thinks that if he believes in the Lord for half his life, works hard for the Lord, and vigilantly awaits His second coming, when the Lord comes again He will give revelation to them. This is man’s conception and imagination and is not in keeping with the fact of God’s work. The Jewish Pharisees compassed land and sea spreading the way of God. Did the Lord Jesus ever give them any revelation when He came? As for the disciples that followed the Lord Jesus, which among them followed the Lord Jesus because they had been given revelation? Not one of them! You might argue that Peter received God’s revelation and recognized that the Lord Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, but that was after Peter had been following the Lord Jesus for some time and had heard Him preach for some time and had some knowledge of Him in his heart. Only then did he receive a revelation from the Holy Spirit and was able to recognize the Lord Jesus’ true identity. Certainly Peter did not receive any revelations prior to following the Lord Jesus, this is fact. Those that followed the Lord Jesus were only able to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah after hearing Him preach for some time. They didn’t follow Him because they had received a revelation in advance that allowed them to recognize who the Lord Jesus was. In the last days, Almighty God has descended secretly among man to do the work of judgment. Millions of people have accepted and followed Almighty God, but not one of them does so because they received a revelation from the Holy Spirit. We follow Almighty God because we recognized God’s voice in our reading of Almighty God’s word and communing on the truth. These facts prove that when God is incarnated to do His work, He certainly does not give revelations to any man to believe in and follow Him. Not to mention, in the last days God expresses truth to do the work of judgment. God’s utterance of His word to the whole universe is His work of the last days. All can hear God’s voice. God’s speech in the last days represents the first time since God’s creation of the world that God has proclaimed His word to all of humanity and to the entire universe. In Revelation, God said many times “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches.” In the last days, God works through utterance of His word and expression of the truth to find His sheep. God’s sheep can hear God’s voice. All those that hear and understand God’s voice are God’s sheep, are the wise virgins. Those that do not understand God’s voice must be the foolish virgins. In this all men are distinguished each unto his own kind. This shows how wise and righteous God is!

13 Sept 2018

How to Pray in Accordance With God’s Will

Christ,Bible,Holy Spirit worship,testimony

The Outcomes and the Content of Prayer

What can be effected through prayer? We have to be clear on this. First of all, prayer can enable man to understand God’s word, to understand the truth of His word. This is the first outcome. Secondly, prayer can enable us to understand God’s will, to understand what He requires of us. Thirdly, prayer can increase our faith; in times of trial and tribulation, in particular, prayer enables us to confidently walk the road ahead. Fourthly, prayer enables us to feel God as dear and beloved, and to grow a heart that loves God and satisfies Him. Finally, prayer enables us to truly know God, especially His disposition, His loveliness, and His wondrous works. The more we pray, the more we sense the wonder of God, the more we touch Him. Hence, the more we pray, the more we come to know God. Prayer is the only way for man to come into contact with God’s Spirit. Without prayer, you have no means to contact God’s Spirit. God sees into man’s heart, yet man cannot see Him. But through prayer we touch the work of the Holy Spirit, we understand the work of the Holy Spirit and know what the Holy Spirit does upon us and with what effects. This produces real knowledge of God. Prayer can effect so many outcomes upon us, and has then an immeasurable effect on our salvation through belief in God, on our entering the truth to our final perfection by God. A heart that truly loves God is won through prayer. When man does not pray or prays little, he does not know God, and even should he wish to love God he will fail. Through prayer we are able to know something of how God’s Spirit acts, what it is to be moved by God’s Spirit; we are able to know something of God. In this way, we can see His wondrousness, and a heart is born within us that loves Him. Thus, contacting God’s Spirit through prayer results in a genuine knowledge of God. Now, many people know how to pray, and have some experience of it. It is through this experience that they have learned how to have their prayers heard, and what kind of prayers God will not answer. I believe all of us have some experience and knowledge of this. What is the nature of prayers that God hears? It must be a prayer that accords with His will. If we pray to God to understand the truth, do you think this accords with His will? If we pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit, does this accord with His will? Such prayers are all in accordance with His will. Praying to seek out God’s will, to seek out what He requires of us, accords too with His will. Praying for God to deal with real difficulties within our family accords with His will: When we seek to entrust the unbelievers in our family to God for Him to save them, that accords too with His will. When we pray for our brothers and sisters, when we pray for those religious people to return to God, this all accords with God’s will. When we meet with persecution, with adversity or are faced with all kinds of disasters and we pray for God’s deliverance, this too accords with His will. You can say that all prayers that accord with His will, will be heard. Then what might you pray for that does not accord with His will? Some pray to be rich; do you think that accords with God’s will? Some pray for their children to get into university; does that accord with His will? Some pray for God to find them a good job with more money; does that accord with His will? Or some pray for God to find them a suitable spouse; does that accord with His will? None of these prayers accord with God’s will. It is clear now too what kind of prayers do not accord with His will, isn’t it? How should we then distinguish between those things we pray for that are in accordance with God’s will and those that are not? We must be able to distinguish. We have to figure out in our own hearts the things we encounter that can be brought before God in prayer. Since the work of God is to save man, if what we pray for is in contradiction to our seeking salvation from God, if it conflicts with that, and is not beneficial to our salvation, then we need not pray for such a thing. For example, if you wish to go among the unbelievers to get rich, is this not rebellion? Does praying for this accord with God’s will? For certain, it does not. Do not pray or ask for anything that betrays God, or that offends Him. So, we have to distinguish which things accord with God’s will and should be put in our prayers, and which things do not. Furthermore, there are times we encounter something, and we are faced with a choice: Do we choose to care for God’s will or care for and submit to the flesh? These are times when man is tested, and we see which road man will take; this is temptation coming upon us. Therefore, in praying we must make distinction; we should pray for whatever things we ought to. How do we judge which things we should pray for, according to what do we ascertain them? We discern them on the basis of God’s work, on the basis of His word. Judging from what the work is that God does, do the things we pray for conflict with God’s work? Do they interrupt His work, are they beneficial to our seeking salvation? We ascertain the things we should pray for on these grounds. And what problem does this touch upon? In praying before God man must possess conscience and reason, he must possess a pure and open, an honest heart; you cannot be deceitful with God, you must be pure and open. You must possess a heart that seeks the truth, a heart that thirsts for the truth. Most importantly, you must possess a heart that genuinely loves God, a heart obedient to God. Only in this way, when coming before Him to pray, are we pleasing to God. If the heart you bear within does not love God, is not obedient to Him, and yet you pray, saying “God, what am I to do in this matter?”, and you are not willing to obey, then you are seeking God’s agreement to your rebelling against Him, to contravening Him. Is this not an expression of blasphemy? Such prayer will not be pleasing to God, and He will say, “When you pray you still are disobeying Me, you still are going against Me, you are not seeking the truth at all, you have not an iota of obedience in you.” So, there are prayers that do not accord with God’s will, that go against God, that disobey Him, prayers that you must not pray to Him. If you pray thus, you are going against God; to put it seriously, this is blasphemy. What we bring before God to pray for must accord with His will; we must be genuinely seeking truth, and not testing God. There are some whose prayers are testing in nature; they are only too eager for God to fulfill their wishes, to satisfy their needs of the flesh, to satisfy their extravagant desires. If man comes before God to pray with such a heart, this is utterly unacceptable to Him for this is an expression of going against Him, of opposing Him. In addition, there are some meaningless things we need not pray for. What are the meaningless things? Some will pray to God as to whether they should read His word, or whether they should meet together; there are even some who will pray to Him as to whether they should eat, or whether they should go shopping. They ask God whether He agrees, whether He permits. I ask you, does such prayer have any meaning? Such people appear a little crazy; they’re not too normal. I have observed that some people who are afflicted by evil spirits pray much this way: They even pray to God about going to the restroom, about whether they’re allowed; when they go to eat, they ask Him whether they’re allowed. Even more absurd are those who when they go to do any little thing, have God do it for them: When they go out the door, they have God watch over their home, protect their property and keep thieves away. Don’t you think praying for these kinds of things is absurd? What kind of prayers a person puts before God proves what kind of person they are. What someone absurd prays for is also absurd.
From Classic Selections From Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life

5 Sept 2018

How to Achieve a Change in Life Disposition

Judgment,salvation,God's word,God’s family,God’s will


The Path to a Change in Life Disposition

To achieve a change in life disposition, one must experience God’s judgment and chastisement, pruning and dealing, and trials of many kinds. This is the path to a change in life disposition. God’s judgment and chastisement is mostly about experiencing and receiving God’s judgment and chastisement from God’s words, this is the most crucial experience in submitting to the work of God. The experience of God’s judgment and chastisement is a result which must be achieved through the work of the Holy Spirit. We have seen most people read the word of God, eat and drink the word of God, but they have not experienced God’s judgment and chastisement. They have only seen in the word of God the revelation and the judgment of people’s rebelliousness and corruption. They have not personally felt the individual judgment and chastisement of themselves by God, this illustrates that these people have not experienced the judgment and chastisement of God. When some people see that the words of God’s judgment and chastisement are quite strict, they avoid and get out of them. When some people see the words of God’s judgment and chastisement, they think that they are talking about other people, that these words are not directed toward themselves, so they think nothing of it. Anyone who is in this state has not experienced God’s judgment and chastisement. So, God’s work does not have much of an effect on those people who have not experienced God’s judgment and chastisement in eating and drinking the word of God. We have seen that people in the Age of Grace all read the Bible and understood much of the writing contained within it. However, they did not feel the judgment and chastisement of God in their hearts and, at that time, God did not express words of the judgment and chastisement, so no matter how long people believed, they were not seen to have a change in life disposition. If people do not feel that God’s judgment and chastisement is directed toward themselves when they eat and drink the word of God in the Age of Kingdom or if they feel even less that God’s judgment and chastisement has a real effect on their hearts, then their experience of God’s work will not have much meaning. So, the entry into experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement is a crucial issue. So, how does one enter? You must do so through prayer. You pray before God: “God, I am willing to accept Your judgment and chastisement. May Your judgment and chastisement have an effect on my heart.” Afterward you will probably have the work of the Holy Spirit. When you read the words of the judgment and chastisement, you will feel that they are judgment and chastisement of you, that they are directed toward you. It will feel as if your heart has been stabbed and you will feel that “these words are so true, they are judging me, these words chastise me.” You will only truly experience God’s judgment and chastisement when you have this feeling. Most people, when seeing that the words of God are too strict, just like a two-edged sword, do not dare to face them but choose to avoid them. The result is that God’s judgment and chastisement seems to have nothing to do with them and, because of this, their corruption and nature will not change. Therefore, the experience of God’s judgment and chastisement lies in a person’s pursuit and acceptance. If you do not choose acceptance there is no way for this judgment and chastisement to happen to you. That is to say, a person must personally experience God’s judgment and chastisement—in your heart you truly feel that you have received God’s judgment and chastisement and you experience much suffering and refinement from the words of judgment and chastisement, and in the end, this makes you recognize your satanic nature, recognize the hatefulness of your satanic nature and recognize that Satan is the essence of your corruption. If you have no experience of God’s judgment and chastisement, then you must have not suffered too much from God’s words. If you have not suffered very much, then you definitely will not recognize your nature and the essence of your corruption and if you do not recognize this, how can you bring about change? So it can be said that experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement is dependent on a person’s pursuit. If people do not have this experience and do not suffer much from God’s words, changes in life disposition are not possible, this is a key experience. The most important thing in the submission to God’s work is to experience God’s judgment and chastisement and this depends on a person’s pursuit. If people do not pursue, they will not be able to receive the judgment and chastisement. After people are corrupted by Satan, they all think that they are good people, that they are much better than others, that they are after God’s heart, that they can be saved by God and they even consider themselves loved by God and to be God’s favorite. These people do not recognize the essence of their corruption. So the first experience is the experience of God’s judgment and chastisement. If people do not truly experience this in God’s work, this is the greatest mistake and is also the greatest loss. The second is to experience God’s pruning and dealing. Some of God’s words are specifically about the pruning of people and dealing with people’s corrupt condition. If people truly experience these words, they will feel that all of these words are dealing with themselves and are directed toward their own condition. They will see that their condition is too corrupt and that God’s dealing is right and entirely appropriate and proper. Of course, when people receive God’s pruning and dealing, their heart will suffer somewhat, they will despise their own corruption and repent, pray before God and weep. If people are not able to submit to and accept God’s words, the pruning and dealing cannot achieve any effect. They must seek the pruning and dealing of God. They must obtain the work of the Holy Spirit through prayer, so that they may feel that God’s pruning and dealing is directed toward them, is directed toward their situation yesterday or the day before. And they may feel as if God is speaking to them in person. If they have this experience, then that is to truly experience God’s judgment and chastisement and truly experience God’s pruning and dealing. Ordinary people do not have this true experience but there are some people who can feel it. You see, there are some people who after reading God’s words say to others, “this is about me,” they say this to others in public. Why do they feel that God is talking about them? Where does this feeling come from? This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The enlightenment of the Holy Spirit makes them feel that God is talking about them. They see that they have those corruptions and rebelliousness mentioned and that these words are pruning and dealing with them. This is a true entry and a true experience. If some people, no matter what aspect of the word of God they read, whether it is the words of judgment and chastisement or the words of pruning and dealing, feel that the words of God are never directed toward them, that they have nothing to do with them and the words are directed toward others, then this kind of person does not have the work of the Holy Spirit with them. In experiencing the work of God, one must also experience God’s discipline and punishment, this is also a necessary experience. Some of God’s discipline is carried out through words and sometimes God uses the environment or people, events and objects around us to discipline and punish us. If you truly have the work of the Holy Spirit, your heart will be very clear about it, you will say: God is disciplining me through this environment, this is God punishing me. If people have this kind of experience—they of course have to suffer a lot—and they can feel God’s discipline and God’s punishment, this is an effect of the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it can be said that, whoever seeks the truth and seeks to change their disposition must have this kind of experience. If a person does not have this kind of experience, their corrupt disposition will not change. There is also another experience which is the most formidable. It is the experience of God’s trials of many kinds. If a person does not experience God’s trials of many kinds, their life disposition will definitely not change. Experienced people will definitely know about these trials of many kinds while inexperienced people will definitely not know them. The trials of many kinds are not a sort of trial. In the initial stage of God’s work, most people underwent the trial of the service-doers, the trial of death and the refinement of the times of chastisement. However, after experiencing these trials were they able to achieve a change in life disposition? Impossible. They experienced some changes but did not achieve a change in life disposition. To achieve a change in life disposition, they must experience God’s trials of many kinds. So, in God’s work, those who experience God’s trials of many kinds are the most blessed. Only in this kind of person can a real change in life disposition be seen. Some people often ask: “What trials are included in the trials of many kinds? What kind of occurrence constitutes a trial?” Put it this way, anything which makes you suffer and which refines you has the nature of a trial or refinement. If you are a person who pursues the truth, anything which makes you especially suffer or refines you and is a kind of experience which you endure without collapsing and which makes you stronger afterward is a trial. For example, sometimes you may find that you cannot feel God for a while, that when you pray you cannot sense the presence of God either, and in your heart, no matter how you pray to be close to God, you cannot feel God. Will people suffer when they are in this situation? Of course they will suffer, no one could bear this. If a person cannot feel God, his first reaction is: “Oh, God does not want me, God has eliminated me, I’m finished! What sins have I committed? Why has God forsaken me?” If he is able to pursue the truth, he will undergo a period of refinement and endure much suffering. In his heart he will say: “This is no good. Even though I cannot feel God I must still have faith, even though I cannot feel God I will still pursue the truth, I cannot leave God.” He will still keep his faith, this is the expression of a person who pursues the truth. If a person who does not pursue the truth cannot feel God, he will think: “Why can’t I feel God at the moment? Is it because my faith was misplaced? Well, if there is no God then I will not believe,” and he will return to the world. This kind of person will thus be eliminated, this is not a test of him but is a way to expose him, to expose his evil heart of disbelief and eliminate him. However, the more people who pursue the truth fail to feel God, the more worried they will become. The more worried they become, they more they will pray to God, the more they will reflect on themselves, the more they admit their transgressions to God, the more they admit their corruption and in their heart they will do their utmost to call for and want God. This kind of desire will become more and more intense with the passing of time. They will feel that they cannot go on living without God, that life without God has no meaning and is empty. They will think: “This is no good, I must go on pursuing the truth, I must go on reading God’s words….” This is a person who truly wants God. If he encounters this kind of situation and it does not make him collapse, but on the contrary, it makes him stronger, this is a kind of test. It is like when a young child is living with his parents. Sometimes the parents want to test whether or not the child can be independent, to see if he can be apart from them. So they suddenly hide themselves. When the child cannot see his parents he becomes worried, cries and looks for them. The parents, when seeing the child crying most miserably, suddenly appear before him again. At this time the child thinks: Oh, my parents are great, they are truly worthy of my love! And immediately he throws himself into their arms. This is similar to how God sometimes tests people. God conceals Himself so that people cannot feel Him. However, if a person truly pursues the truth, no matter how long this kind of trial lasts, he will still want God, still pursue the truth and still read Gods words, he will not leave God. This is one kind of trial. There are also times when some people will suddenly feel as if they were about to die, that they don’t have long to live. They have a kind of premonition that something special is going to happen. After they have this kind of premonition, they will suffer inside and be very worried: “What will it be like if I really die? If I really die, have I received salvation or not? After I die where will I go? I have not gained God, nor obtained the truth, if I really die will I not miss the opportunity to be made perfect through God’s work?” This trial of death is quite painful, upon encountering this trial one will probably feel like he is about to die. What would a person who pursues the truth think? He would think: “I am about to die, that is no good; since I am about to die I even more have to do my duty properly, I must satisfy God for once, and even if I die I will not complain. I was created by God, and should offer my loyalty to God. I must live for God when alive. If I am about to die I must do well my duty so that my life is not wasted.” You see, this trial of death has this kind of effect on people. Is this not a kind of purification? It is indeed a kind of purification, it can change people. It is a result that people will obtain after experiencing the trials of many kinds. Many times when this kind of trial happens, you will feel in your heart as if it is really happening to you. This is your refinement, the refinement of your heart. At last, once it has had a certain effect, the feeling of this trial will go away. There are many trials like this, they probably occur once every 8 or 10 days. Sometimes they involve the word of God. God will have you read a sentence and you will feel that it is testing you. This one sentence will cause you to suffer for five, six, seven or eight days. After you have suffered, you will think: “Why is God judging me like this? These words are directed toward me. Is it possible that I am really about to be punished? Is it possible that I am really about to go to perdition or destruction? Then what should I do? How should I practice?” In the end, you will still choose to satisfy God and submit to God. You must be refined so that you can achieve the following result: You will have a heart to satisfy God, you are willing to best fulfill your duty as a created being, you are willing to give your loyalty until the end, you are willing to repent, you are able to despise yourself and curse yourself and you are able to praise God and you feel that God is righteous and so lovable. When refinement produces such a result, does it not mean that you have been purified? This is indeed the process by which a person is purified. So the trials of many kinds are of great benefit to a person! I have seen God’s words which talk of Peter facing hundreds of trials in the last 7 years. In the beginning, I did not understand, I thought: “Facing hundreds of trials in 7 years, wow, that is one trial every few days. What kind of trial did he receive once every few days?” Later, with experience, I understood. I also experienced some trials, so I knew that these trials were of great benefit to a person. In short, whether you experience God’s judgment and chastisement, experience God’s pruning and dealing, experience God’s discipline and punishment, or experience God’s many kinds of trials, these are all the process by which God purifies a person, they are the process by which God saves or transforms a person and are of great benefit for a person’s change of disposition. If you are a person who pursues the truth, you will long for this kind of experience. You will be willing to receive God’s judgment and chastisement, be willing to receive some pruning and dealing, and be even more willing to receive discipline and punishment. You will also feel that God is lovable and righteous while living with God’s many kinds of trials and feel that this is God’s exaltation and grace. Now, when experiencing God’s work, the more suffering you receive from God’s words, the more blessed you are. If a person does not receive any suffering from God’s words, there are problems with his method of faith, practice, pursuit and resolution. Strictly speaking, anyone who does not suffer from God’s words is not truly experiencing God’s work. If you read a lot of God’s words or if you read God’s words for several years and you do not feel that you have suffered very much, it could be said that this is the greatest loss! If you have not suffered, you have definitely been too selective when reading God’s words. You have tried to choose some words to read which do not cause suffering. This is of no benefit to your growth in life or your change in disposition. This is the truth. At the beginning when I read God’s words in experiencing the trial of the service-doers, I thought: Wow, why are these words so harsh, these words are so piercing to the heart. After one glance I do not want to read anymore. At that time I was also like this. However, as time passed, I discovered that the work of the Holy Spirit did not leave me and it was impossible to not suffer, I wanted to avoid it but could not. After I experienced it for a time, I felt better, the state inside me changed. At this time I realized: Wow, it is good to suffer in reading God’s words. The more I feel judgment and chastisement from the words, the more I should read them carefully and attentively, the more I should write them down in my notebook. This is what I felt later, it wasn’t like this at the start. Therefore, any of you who fears suffering while reading God’s words, should go back and read God’s words carefully. You should truly submit to God’s words, and should be able to truly satisfy God in God’s words. Reading God’s words this way is guaranteed to make your life grow and bring you a change in life disposition. If you read God’s words in the way that people eat food, choosing delicious food and food which suits their own taste as much as possible, then it will not be of any benefit. Reading the word of God in this way is not truly experiencing God’s work. This is the truth. A change in life disposition depends on experiencing God’s work. The most important thing is to receive God’s judgment and chastisement, to receive God’s pruning and dealing, to receive God’s discipline and even punishment and even more so to receive God’s trials and refinement of many kinds. If you do not experience enough of these four kinds of suffering, your life disposition will definitely not change very much. Achieving a change in disposition is dependent on experiencing God’s work and much pain. If a person merely continually reads God’s words while he lives in tranquility and peace without experiencing any suffering at all, he will not be able to achieve this result. So, you must understand the true path of achieving a change in life disposition, it is obtained by truly receiving God’s judgment and chastisement, by truly receiving God’s pruning and dealing, by receiving God’s discipline and punishment and finally by experiencing God’s many kinds of trials. This is the only way to truly receive this blessing of a change in life disposition. So, I’m afraid that anyone who does not suffer through God’s words, especially those words of judgment and chastisement, pruning and dealing, discipline and even punishment will not receive life and will be even less able to achieve a change in life disposition.
From Classic Selections From Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life

22 Aug 2018

I Have Found a True Home

Yangyang, USA
Christ,Bible,Holy Spirit worship,testimony

    When I was three years old my father passed away. At that time my mother had just given birth to my younger brother, and my grandmother, owing to superstition, said that it was my mother and younger brother that caused my father’s death. For lack of a better option mother had to take my younger brother to her father’s house to live, so from the start of my earliest memories I was living together with my grandpa and grandma. Although my grandpa and grandma treated me well I still felt lonely and really wanted to be together with my mom and little brother. I hoped for the same kind of motherly love that other kids received. Really, what I was asking for wasn’t much, all I wanted was a true family, a mother who loved me dearly, who I could share my true feelings with. But even this small ask turned into an extravagant hope. I was only able to see my mother on the weekends. Whenever I got into trouble at school mom was never there by side either, I was like a small patch of grass by the side of the road, nobody showed any interest in me. Over time I became very self-abased, I held everything back in my heart and didn’t take initiative to interact with others. When I was sixteen there were some people in my village who were going abroad for work, and the idea tempted me. I thought to myself: My family conditions aren’t very good, if I were to go abroad then I could earn my own living, and even give some of my earnings to my family. That way I could help my family live a little better.

17 Aug 2018

The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father (Selection)

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,Judgment

The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His humanity or divinity, both submit to the will of the heavenly Father. The substance of Christ is the Spirit, that is, the divinity. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself; this substance will not interrupt His own work, and He could not possibly do anything that destroys His own work, nor would He ever utter any words that go against His own will. Therefore, the incarnate God would absolutely never do any work that interrupts His own management. This is what all man should understand. The essence of the work of the Holy Spirit is to save man and is for the sake of God’s own management. Similarly, the work of Christ is to save man and is for the sake of God’s will. Given that God becomes flesh, He realizes His substance within His flesh, such that His flesh is sufficient to undertake His work. Therefore, all the work of God’s Spirit is replaced by the work of Christ during the time of incarnation, and at the core of all work throughout the time of incarnation is the work of Christ. It cannot be commingled with work from any other age. And since God becomes flesh, He works in the identity of His flesh; since He comes in the flesh, He then finishes in the flesh the work that He ought to do. Be it the Spirit of God or be it Christ, both are God Himself, and He does the work that He ought to do and performs the ministry that He ought to perform.
from “The Substance of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Watch more:
Best English Christian Music | "Who Has Known the God in the Flesh" | Praise and Worship Song 2018 

18 Jul 2018

Best Christian Music | Praise and Worship Song | "God's Deeds Fill the Vast Expanse of the Universe"

Personal thoughts:
Praise God for His reign on the earth. The truth and righteousness appear in the world.

1. God looks down upon all things from on high, and dominates all things from on high. At the same time, God has sent His salvation over the earth. God is watching from His secret place all the time, man’s every move, everything they say and do. God knows man like the palm of His hand. The secret place is God’s abode, the firmament is the bed He lies on. Satan’s force cannot reach unto God, for He is full of majesty, righteousness, and judgment.

14 Jul 2018

Best Christian Song | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest" | The Church of Almighty God

Harvest after watching:
Only by accepting the truth expressed by God in last days can it resolve man’s corruption from its root. Although God’s words are stern, it is a deep love of a straight father behind. As long as we experience that, we can feel God’s word is the light, as well as the truth, the way and the life. Blessed are those who listen and obey God, they are living in His light. Thank God! Share with you a hymn of God’s word “The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest”

Christian Music Videos | "The Inner Meaning of the Work of Conquest"

The inner meaning of man’s conquest is to return to the Creator.
It is for man to turn his back on Satan and turn fully towards God.
This is man’s complete salvation. Arduous conquest is the final battle.
It is the last stage in God’s victorious plan.
Without this, no man is saved, no victory is gained against Satan,
no man enters a good destination.
Mankind suffers the influence of Satan.
Thus Satan’s defeat must come first to bring man’s salvation.
For all of God’s works are for the sake of man.

The final conquest brings salvation and reveals the destination.
But through judgment, repentance, and awakening to the righteous path of life,
awakened will be the hearts of the numb.
And the disobedient will be judged, their inner rebellion shall be laid bare.
But if man fails to repent, or walk the right path,
or cast off the corruption within,
they will be swallowed by Satan, beyond rescue and salvation.
This is the purpose of God’s conquest—to save people and reveal their endings,
which, either good or bad, shall be revealed in God’s conquest.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh