Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

4 Sept 2019

A Hymn of God's Word "Only God Has the Way of Life" | The Church of Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Word "Only God Has the Way of Life" | The Church of Almighty God

The way of life isn’t something anyone possesses;
it’s not something anyone can get easily.
For life comes only from God,
only God Himself has the substance of life,
only God has the way of life.
So only God is the source of life,
and the ever-flowing wellspring of living water of life.
From the creation of the world,
God has done a lot of work
that involves the vitality of life, that brings life to man;
He has paid a great price for man to gain life.
For God Himself is eternal life;
He is the way by which man gets resurrection.

21 Jul 2018

Only If Mankind Worships the True God Can They Have a Good Fate

Life,truth,Judgment,salvation,God's word

Who created this world,
created all mankind,
was the great architect
of the ancient Greek cultures?
Who created all things,
created every being,
was the One who designed
all civilizations?
Only God comforts His humanity.
Night and day, He takes care of them.
All the growth
and progress that man sees
is because of His sovereignty.
Only God comforts His humanity.
Night and day, He takes care of them.
All that's past and all that will be
is designed in God's sovereignty.

5 Jun 2018

Analysis of the CCP's Persecution of Religious Beliefs Under the Pretext of "Cult"

Recently in mainland China,the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government has completely banned online sales of the Bible. E-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.com, and Dangdang have already removed listings for the Bible and other Christian literature, and some retailers have even had their E-shops seized up. Just think of the events in recent years— the CCP has dispatched armed police to demolish, to tear down a number of crosses and churches, and some really beautiful and impressive churches have been demolished. This has been heartbreaking and painful for many believers; so many Christians have surrounded these churches in tears, only able to persist in praying to God. Numerous facts show that the CCP government's persecution of religious beliefs is becoming more and more serious and it has reached the point of insanity. It is widely known that the CCP government has persecuted religious beliefs for a long time; when it came to power in 1949, it defined Christianity and Catholicism as cults, openly suppressing and persecuting these religions. It defined the Bible as cult literature and confiscated and destroyed countless copies. In 1995, the CCP government then added many house churches to its list of cults, and among them the persecution of The Church of Almighty God has been particularly severe. It has even taken up the slogan: "Troops Won't Be Withdrawn Until the Ban Is Done." It has mobilized armed police and army troops to hunt down defenseless Christians. The CCP government openly oppresses religious beliefs, and many foreigners have expressed confusion. Why would the CCP government define Christianity and Catholicism as cults, and suppress and persecute them? Is this kind of wanton condemnation and oppression of religious groups in line with international law? What is the government's objective in doing this? In this program we will interview
Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio, director of the Center for Studies on Freedom of Religion, Belief and Conscience (LIREC) in Italy, who is also a professor, social activist, and psychologist. 
Let's have a listen to Dr. Marzio's ideas and viewpoints.
The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God
Searching for the Footprints of God—The Eastern Lightning

18 May 2018

Christian Music Video | Feel the Love of God | "When You Open Your Heart to God"

When you do not understand God and do not know His nature,
your hearts can never truly open, open up to God.
Once you understand your God,
you will understand what's in His heart,
and savor what lies in Him
with all your faith and heed.
When you savor what is in God's heart, bit by bit,
day by day,
when you savor what is in God's heart,
your heart will open up to Him.

When your heart is truly open,
when your heart is truly open,
you will see the contempt,
you will see the shame of your extravagant and selfish requests.
When your heart is truly open,
when your heart is truly open,
you will see an infinite world in God's heart,
and be in a realm of wonder untold.
In this realm there is no cheating,
no deception, no darkness, and no evil.
There is only sincerity and faithfulness;

only righteousness and kindness.

10 Feb 2018

Christian Song | "The Creator's Authority Never Changes" | No One Can Transcend the Power of God

Christian Song | "The Creator's Authority Never Changes" | No One Can Transcend the Power of God | Eastern Lightning

God is with authority and power; they are real, not merely words.
Revealed in steps, shown in His creation and His control over all things. 
Seen in how He guides and manages man.
Proved by every way, detail and perspective of His rule, 
by His deeds and grasp of all things. 
Heaven and earth may change a lot, but God’s authority will stand firm. 

30 Jan 2018

God's will | Why has God been incarnated as a female in the last days? What is the significance of this?

gospel,God’s love,Eastern Lightning,the last days,Christ

Eastern Lightning | God's will | Why has God been incarnated as a female in the last days? What is the significance of this?

The Answer from God’s Word:
Each stage of work done by God has a real significance. When Jesus arrived, He was male, and this time He is female. From this, you can see that God created both male and female for His work and with Him there is no distinction of gender. When His Spirit arrives, He can take on any flesh at will and the flesh represents Him. Be it male or female, both represent God as long as it is His incarnate flesh. If Jesus arrived and appeared as a female, in other words, if an infant girl, not a boy, was to be conceived by the Holy Spirit, that stage of work would have been completed all the same. If so, this stage of work would have to be completed instead by a male and the work would then be completed all the same. The work done in both stages is significant; no work is repeated or conflicts with each other. At the time of His work, Jesus was called the only Son, which indicates the male gender. Then why is the only Son not mentioned in this stage? This is because the needs of the work have necessitated a change to the gender different from that of Jesus. With God there is no distinction of gender. His work is done as He wishes and is not subject to any restrictions, particularly free, but every stage has a real significance. God became flesh twice, and it goes without saying that His incarnation in the last days is the last time. He has come to reveal all His deeds. If in this stage He did not become flesh to personally do work for man to witness, man would forever hold on to the notion that God is only male, not female. Before this, all believed that God could only be male and that a female could not be called God, for all regarded man as having authority over woman. They believed that no woman could take on authority, but only man. They even said that man was the head of woman and that woman must obey man and could not surpass him. When it was spoken in the past that man was the head of woman, it was said in regard to Adam and Eve who had been beguiled by the serpent, and not to the man and woman created by Jehovah in the beginning. Of course, a woman must obey and love her husband, much as a man must learn to support his family. These are the laws and decrees set forth by Jehovah by which mankind must abide in their lives on earth. Jehovah said to woman, “your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” This was said only so that mankind (that is, both man and woman) could live normal lives under the dominion of Jehovah, so that the lives of mankind would have structure and not lose order. Therefore, Jehovah made appropriate rules for how man and woman should act, but these only referred to all the creation living on the earth and not to God’s incarnate flesh. How could God be the same as His creation? His words were directed only toward the mankind of His creation; they were rules set forth for man and woman so that such mankind could live normal lives. In the beginning, when Jehovah created mankind, He made both male and female; therefore, His incarnate flesh was also differentiated into either male or female. He did not decide His work based on the words He spoke to Adam and Eve. The two times He became flesh were determined entirely in line with His thinking when He first created mankind. That is, He completed the work of His two incarnations based on the male and female that had not been corrupted. If man applies the words spoken by Jehovah to Adam and Eve who had been beguiled by the serpent to the work of God’s incarnation, should not Jesus also have to love His wife as He ought? Is God still God then? If so, can He complete His work? If it is wrong for God’s incarnate flesh to be female, would it not also have been a great error when God created woman? If man still believes that for God to be incarnated as female is wrong, would not the incarnation of Jesus, who did not get married and therefore could not love His wife, be as much an error as the present incarnation? Since you use the words spoken to Eve by Jehovah to measure the truth of God’s incarnation this day, you must use Jehovah’s words to Adam to judge the Lord Jesus who became flesh in the Age of Grace. Are these two not the same? Since you judge the Lord Jesus by the male who had not been beguiled by the serpent, you cannot judge the truth of the incarnation this day by the female who had been beguiled by the serpent. That is unfair! If you make such a judgment, then this proves your lack of rationality. When Jehovah twice became flesh, the gender of His flesh was related to the male and female that had not been beguiled by the serpent. Twice did He become flesh in accordance with such male and female not beguiled by the serpent. Do not think that the maleness of Jesus was the same as that of Adam who was beguiled by the serpent. He is completely unrelated to him, and they are two males of different natures. Surely it cannot be that the maleness of Jesus proves He is only the head of all women but not that of all men? Is He not the King of all the Jews (including both men and women)? He is God Himself, not just the head of woman but the head of man as well. He is the Lord of all creatures and the head of all creatures. How could you determine the maleness of Jesus to be the symbol of the head of woman? Is this not blasphemy? Jesus is a male that has not been corrupted. He is God; He is Christ; He is the Lord. How could He be a male like Adam who had been corrupted? Jesus is the flesh worn by the most holy Spirit of God. How could you say He is a God possessing the maleness of Adam? Then would not all of God’s work have been wrong? Could Jehovah incorporate within Jesus the maleness of Adam who had been beguiled? Is not the incarnation at present another work of God incarnate different in gender from Jesus but alike in nature? Do you still dare say that God incarnate could not be female since it was woman who was first beguiled by the serpent? Do you still dare say that as woman is the most unclean and the origin of the corruption of mankind, God could not possibly become flesh as a female? Do you still dare say that “woman shall always obey man and may never manifest or directly represent God”? …

23 Oct 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "The Lives of All Beings of Creation Come From God"

Hymns of The Church of Almighty God | "The Lives of All Beings of Creation Come From God"

The life bestowed upon man by God is endless, unfettered by flesh, time, or space. Though it is mysterious, it serves as proof, proof of God's gift of life. Many people may not believe the life source is from God, but they are enjoying all that comes from God. Should God have a change of heart and reclaim all the world and His life, then all the world and living beings, all creation will forever be gone. God gives His life to all things living or lifeless. His power and authority bring good order, an incomprehensible truth that is a testament to the life force of God.