Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


26 Sept 2018

Gospel Music 2018 - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind

My impression:

Today I watched the documentary “The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything” - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind, I just found that whether one is wealthy or poor, or how many ups and downs we have to go through, they are not controlled in our own hands. Thinking back I was fighting for a better life, dreaming I could buy an apartment in downtown when I had enough money. But, changes always go beyond plans. No matter how much money I had, it was spent out because of my husband’s sick. I was always thinking why my life was so hard… When I was still fighting for my plan of life, God arranged me to listen to His word. From His word I understand that no matter how much wealth we have is actually arranged by God. If we want to be free from these troubles and pains, we can only come before God and live by the God’s word can our lives be easy. 

From when we come wailing into the world, we begin playing different roles in life. We move from birth to old age to illness to death, we go between joy and sorrow…. Where does mankind really come from, and where will we really go? Who controlled man's beginnings, and who commands his future? Today, all will be revealed …

More details :

What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

25 Sept 2018

Why God Calls the First Age the Age of Law

Harvest after reading:
  God Is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. The Israelites at that time keep the commandments, God blessed them for a thousand generations. When they violated the Ten Commandments, they will be stoned to death or be burnt to death. From it, I see that God’s almightiness and wisdom is not just about issuing commandments to the Israelites, but also bringing mankind to the present day. The laws of the nations in the world nowadays have the commandments of the Lord as the foundation. For example, murder is a crime, if one breaks the law, he will go to jail. People constrain their behaviors because of the law, and so crime is controlled. The people on earth can lead serene and contented lives.God! I’ve felt your love and seen how wonderful your work is! God's Words Bestows on Men Are the Ways They Should Keep.

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,Judgment,

  During the Age of Law, Jehovah laid down many commandments for Moses to pass on to the Israelites who followed him out of Egypt. These commandments were given by Jehovah to the Israelites, and bore no relation to the Egyptians; they were meant to restrain the Israelites. God used the commandments to demand of them. Whether they observed the Sabbath, whether they respected their parents, whether they worshiped idols, and so forth: these were the principles by which they were judged sinful or righteous. Among them, there were some who were stricken by Jehovah’s fire, some who were stoned to death, and some who received Jehovah’s blessing, and this was determined according to whether or not they obeyed these commandments. Those who did not observe the Sabbath would be stoned to death. Those priests who did not observe the Sabbath would be stricken by Jehovah’s fire. Those who did not show respect to their parents would also be stoned to death. This was all commended by Jehovah. Jehovah established His commandments and laws so that, as He led them in their lives, the people would listen to and obey His word and not rebel against Him. He used these laws to keep the newborn human race under control, the better to lay the foundation for His future work. And so, based on the work that Jehovah did, the first age was called the Age of Law.

from “The Work in the Age of Law” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

More content :
What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

24 Sept 2018

Footsteps of the Holy Spirit | God's Word "Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God"

Almighty God says, "Knowing the work of God is no simple matter: You should have standards and an objective in your pursuit, you should know how to seek the true way, and how to measure whether or not it is the true way, and whether or not it is the work of God. What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you. Distinguishing between the true way and the false way requires several aspects of basic knowledge, the most fundamental of which is to tell whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit."

Questions and Answers on the Truth of Incarnation (1)

Question 1: In all my years of faith, despite knowing that the Lord Jesus is God’s incarnation, I didn’t understand the truth of the incarnation. If the Lord’s appearance in the second coming is similar to how the Lord Jesus was incarnated as the Son of man to do His work, then we’ll be unable to recognize the Lord Jesus, we’ll be unable to greet the Lord’s coming. I believe that the incarnation is a great mystery. Few are able to truly understand the truth of the incarnation. Please commune with us on this issue, what exactly is the incarnation.

the church,God’s work,God’s will,truth,salvation
Answer: Pertaining to what is God incarnate, and what is the essence of God incarnate, it can be said as the mystery of the truth that we believers of the Lord fail to understand. For thousands of years, despite believers knew that the Lord Jesus was the incarnation of God, no one could understand what God incarnate and His essence are respectively. It was only until the advent of Almighty God in the last days that this mystery of the truth was unfolded to mankind. Let’s read a few passages of Almighty God’s word: “The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man” (“The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

23 Sept 2018

The Likeness of a True Person

share with you a passages of God's word:

In the beginning, I created mankind, that is, I created mankind’s ancestor, Adam. He was endowed with form and image, brimming with vigor, brimming with vitality, and was, furthermore, in the company of My glory. That was the glorious day when I created man. After that, Eve was produced from the body of Adam, and she too was the ancestor of man, and so the people that I created were filled with My breath and brimming with My glory. Adam was originally born from My hand and was the representation of My image. Thus the original meaning of “Adam” was a being created by Me, imbued with My vital energy, imbued with My glory, having form and image, having spirit and breath. He was the only created being, possessed of a spirit, who was capable of representing Me, of bearing My image, and receiving My breath. In the beginning, Eve was the second human endowed with breath whose creation I had ordained, so the original meaning of “Eve” was a created being who would continue My glory, filled with My vitality and furthermore endowed with My glory. Eve came out of Adam, so she also bore My image, for she was the second human to be created in My image. The original meaning of “Eve” was a living human, with spirit, flesh, and bone, My second testimony as well as My second image among mankind. They were mankind’s ancestors, man’s pure and precious treasure, and, from the first, living beings endowed with spirit.

gospel,God’s love,word of God,the last days,Christ

When you believe in God
and experience His work,
you will find your views of life
will change.
The values in your life,
the significance,
the foundation of existence,
completely transformed.
This is a person that's truly human.
Those made complete will be, will be
living for truth, living for God,
living for righteousness. Always!

22 Sept 2018

Pledging My Life to Devotion

believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life

Zhou Xuan Shandong Province

  On April 3, 2003, I went with a sister to visit a new believer. This new believer had still not been set in the truth and ended up reporting us. As a result, four evil plain-clothes police came and aggressively forced the two of us into their vehicle and took us to the police station. On the road, my heart was extremely nervous, because on my person was a pager, a partial list of names of members of our church, and a notepad. I was afraid that the evil police would discover these things and I was more afraid that my brothers and sisters would call my pager, therefore I continually and urgently prayed to God in my heart: “God, what am I supposed to do? I ask You to provide a way out for me and not let these things fall into the hands of the evil police.” Following this, I took the things from my bag and quietly moved them into my waist and said that my stomach was not feeling good and I had to use the restroom. The evil police swore at me saying: “You are full of shit!” Upon my repeated requests, they had a female police officer watch me as I went to the bathroom. When I removed my belt, the pager fell out and I easily picked it up and threw it into the sewer pipe. Because I was afraid at the time that the female officer would discover the bag in my waist, I didn’t throw it in the pipe, but rather placed it in the garbage can; I thought that I would use the bathroom again at night and then throw it in the toilet. As it turned out, I never went back to that bathroom. It turned out that the evil police found the bag I had thrown away in the garbage can.

21 Sept 2018

The Word of Christ in the Last Days | "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself II" (Part Six)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh".
The content of this video:
Job's Testimony Brings Comfort to God   
Although God Has Not Revealed Himself to Job, Job Believes in the Sovereignty of God     
Job's Faith in God Is Not Shaken Because God Is Hidden From Him 
Job Blesses the Name of God and Does Not Think of Blessings or Disaster     
Although God Is Hidden From Man, His Deeds Among All Things Are Sufficient for Man to Know Him 
If Man's Heart Is in Enmity to God, How Can He Fear God and Shun Evil      

Recommended reading:

What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

20 Sept 2018

Why the Second Age Is Called the Age of Grace

Harvest after reading:

After reading some passages of the utterance of Christ of the last days─Almighty God, I found that the Israelites were getting more frequent to commit sin. Because they didn’t have sin offering to replace their sins so they were facing to be condemned and put to death at that age. But God promised to become flesh and bestow grace upon them so that they wouldn’t die under the law. When the first time God incarnated in the name of Jesus, He brought a new era─the Age of Grace, with great mercy and love. The Lord Jesus let the blind saw, the dead resurrected, and He also performed many signs and wonders. As long as they accepted Jesus as their savior, they could gain the sin offering and enjoy the abundant grace.

Bible,hymns,Lord Jesus,worship,Holy Spirit

  Jesus represents all the work of the Age of Grace; He was incarnated in the flesh and crucified on the cross, and He also inaugurated the Age of Grace. He was crucified in order to complete the work of redemption, to end the Age of Law and begin the Age of Grace, and so He was called the “Supreme Commander,” the “Sin Offering,” the “Redeemer.” Thus the work of Jesus differed in content from the work of Jehovah, although they were the same in principle. Jehovah began the Age of Law, established the home base, that is, the point of origin, of His work on earth, and issued the commandments; these were two of His accomplishments, which represent the Age of Law. The work Jesus did in the Age of Grace was not to issue commandments but to fulfill the Commandments, thereby ushering in the Age of Grace and concluding the Age of Law that had lasted two thousand years. He was the trailblazer, who came in order to begin the Age of Grace, yet the main part of His work lay in redemption. And so His accomplishments were also twofold: opening up a new age, and completing the work of redemption through His crucifixion. Then He departed. At this point, the Age of Law came to an end and mankind entered into the Age of Grace.