Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Incarnate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Incarnate. Show all posts

3 Nov 2018

New Christian Song 2018 "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"

1. The incarnate God ends the age when “only Jehovah’s back appeared to mankind,” and ends the age of mankind’s belief in the vague God. In particular, the work of the last incarnate God brings all mankind, brings all mankind into a more realistic, more practical, and more pleasant age.

29 Oct 2018

Questions and Answers on the Inside Story of the Bible(3)

Question 3: The Lord Jesus said it Himself that the Bible is His testimony. That’s why our belief in the Lord must be based on the Bible. The Bible is our only path to knowing the Lord.
Bible,hymns,Lord Jesus,worship,Holy Spirit
Answer: Then let’s see whether one can truly know the Lord based on the Bible. The answer to this question can be found in the word of Almighty God. Allow me to read it to everyone!The Jews of the time all read from the Old Testament and knew of Isaiah’s prophecy that a male infant would be born in a manger. Why then, with this knowledge, did they still persecute Jesus? Is this not because of their rebellious nature and ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit? At that time, the Pharisees believed that the work of Jesus was unlike what they knew of the prophesied male infant; man of today rejects God because the work of the incarnate God does not conform to the Bible. Is not the substance of their rebelliousness against God one and the same? … What you ought to do is accept, without the need for further substantiation from the Bible, any work so long as it is that of the Holy Spirit, for you believe in God to follow God, not to investigate Him. You should not search out further proof for Me to show that I am your God. Rather, you ought to discern whether I am of benefit to you; that is the key. Even if you have found out much irrefutable proof within the Bible, it cannot bring you fully before Me. You are one who lives within the confines of the Bible, and not before Me; the Bible cannot help you know Me, nor can it deepen your love for Me. Though the Bible prophesied that a male infant would be born, none could fathom upon whom the prophecy would come to pass, for man did not know the work of God, and this is what caused the Pharisees to stand against Jesus(“How Can Man Who Has Defined God in His Conceptions Receive the Revelations of God?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). People in the Age of Law held on to the Scriptures and did not seek or investigate God’s new work. In the end, they crucified the Lord Jesus. We can see from these facts that we cannot get to know God or God’s work merely based on the Bible. we all know that back in the day, the people who followed the Lord Jesus sought to know God based on the actual work and word of the Lord Jesus and the enlightenment and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Not one person got to know God based on the Bible. This is a fact. Brothers and sisters, we also cannot use only the Bible as our basis to measure the work of Almighty God today. The Bible can only be used as a reference. The main thing is to confirm it based on whether or not there is the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. Only then can the correct decision be made.

24 Sept 2018

Questions and Answers on the Truth of Incarnation (1)

Question 1: In all my years of faith, despite knowing that the Lord Jesus is God’s incarnation, I didn’t understand the truth of the incarnation. If the Lord’s appearance in the second coming is similar to how the Lord Jesus was incarnated as the Son of man to do His work, then we’ll be unable to recognize the Lord Jesus, we’ll be unable to greet the Lord’s coming. I believe that the incarnation is a great mystery. Few are able to truly understand the truth of the incarnation. Please commune with us on this issue, what exactly is the incarnation.

the church,God’s work,God’s will,truth,salvation
Answer: Pertaining to what is God incarnate, and what is the essence of God incarnate, it can be said as the mystery of the truth that we believers of the Lord fail to understand. For thousands of years, despite believers knew that the Lord Jesus was the incarnation of God, no one could understand what God incarnate and His essence are respectively. It was only until the advent of Almighty God in the last days that this mystery of the truth was unfolded to mankind. Let’s read a few passages of Almighty God’s word: “The meaning of incarnation is that God appears in the flesh, and He comes to work among man of His creation in the image of a flesh. So, for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this, at the very least, must be true. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man” (“The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

9 Jul 2018

Woe to Those Who Crucify God Once Again

grace,gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom

During the last days, God has been incarnated in China to work, and has expressed millions of words, conquering and saving a group of people with His word and ushering in the new age of judgment beginning with the house of God. Today, the spreading of God’s work during the last days has reached its climax in Mainland China. Most of the people in the Catholic Church and all Christian denominations and sects who pursue the truth have returned before God’s throne. The incarnate God has accomplished the work of “the Son of man’s secret coming” prophesied in the Bible, and will soon appear publicly to every nation and place in the world. All people in every nation and place who thirst for God’s appearance will look upon God’s public appearance. No force can hinder or destroy God’s kingdom, and anyone who resists God will be punished by God’s wrath, just as it is said in God’s words: “My kingdom is forming over the whole universe, and My throne is seizing the hearts of trillions of people. With the angels’ assistance, My great accomplishment will soon be brought to successful completion. All the masses of My sons and My people, anxiously await My return, anticipating My reuniting with them, never to be separated again. How could all the populace of My kingdom not run around in celebration with each other over My being together with them? Could this be a costless reunion? I am honorable in the eyes of everyone, I am proclaimed in everyone’s words. When I return, I will conquer all enemy forces even more. The time has come! I want to put My work in motion, I want to reign supreme among man! I am returning! I am leaving! This is what everyone is anticipating, what they are hoping for. I want to let everyone see the arrival of My day and joyfully welcome the coming of My day!” “All those that I love will surely live for eternity, and all those who stand against Me will surely be chastised by Me for eternity. For I am a jealous God, I will not lightly spare men for all that they have done. I will watch over the whole earth, and, appearing in the East of the world with righteousness, majesty, wrath, and chastisement, I will reveal Myself to the myriad hosts of humanity!

24 Apr 2018

Eastern Lightning | Gospel movie | "Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom" (3) - Disclosing the Mystery of the Incarnation

Although people who believe in the Lord all know that the Lord Jesus is God become flesh, however no one can truly understand the truth of the incarnation. It is prophesied in the Bible that the Lord will come again in the flesh to speak and work in the last days. If we do not know the incarnate God, then we have no means of welcoming the second coming of the Lord. So, knowing God incarnate is the key to welcoming the Lord's return. How then should we know the incarnate God?

Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue,believeExpression of Almighty God
Investigating the Eastern Lightning
How did the Church of Almighty God come into being?

12 Apr 2018

How Great Is the Love of God | Christian Song | "The Incarnate God Is Most Lovable"

Eastern Lightning | How Great Is the Love of God |"The Incarnate God Is Most Lovable"

After God became flesh, living life among mankind, He saw man's depravity, the situation of their life. God in the flesh deeply felt man's helplessness, how pitiful they are; He felt their sadness. God gained more compassion for the human condition, and more concern for His followers from His instincts in the flesh.
In God's heart, those He wants to manage and save mean the most to Him; He values them above all else. Great price He's paid; betrayal and hurt He's endured. But He never gives up, relentless in His work, with no regrets, no complaints. God gained more compassion for the human condition, and more concern for His followers from His instincts. God gained more compassion for the human condition, and more concern for His followers from His instincts in the flesh.

from "God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself III" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

My impression:
Thanks be to God! God has never changed His will of saving us, and has been working among us. 

Expression of Almighty God
The Church of Almighty God was founded by the returned Lord Jesus personally in the last days 

22 Mar 2018

"The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (2) - How to Understand God Incarnate

In the last days, God has become flesh to work to save man. But because we don't understand the truth of the incarnation, we regard God incarnate as the same as an ordinary person, we cannot recognize God's voice and we know even less how to welcome the Lord—to the point where we are even able to follow the religious world and ruling powers to defy and condemn God—the situation becomes no different from when God incarnated as the Lord Jesus to do His work of the Age of Grace. It appears, therefore, that understanding the truth of the incarnation is key to our knowing God. So what exactly is the incarnation? What is the essence of the incarnation?


Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare" - Why the Chinese Communist Party Persecutes The Church of Almighty God

One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days
Hymns of the Church of Almighty God

21 Mar 2018

Clip "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel" (6) - Is the Lord Jesus the Son of God or God Himself?

It is recorded clearly in the Bible that the Lord Jesus is Christ, that He is the Son of God. Yet the Eastern Lightning testifies that the incarnate Christ is the manifestation of God, that He is God Himself. So is the incarnate Christ the Son of God? Or is He God Himself? Almighty God says, "'Jesus is the beloved Son of God, in whom He is well pleased'.... That was God bearing witness to Himself, but merely from a different perspective, that of the Spirit in heaven bearing witness to His own incarnation. Jesus is His incarnation, not His Son in heaven. Do you understand? Do not the words of Jesus, 'The Father is in Me and I am in the Father,' indicate that They are one Spirit? And is it not because of the incarnation that They were separated between heaven and earth? In reality, They are still one; no matter what, it is simply God bearing witness to Himself" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).


God Is Come, God Is King | "Gospel Choir 18th Performance"

Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth
Album of Hymns–"Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs"

16 Feb 2018

God's voice | Interpretation of the First Utterance

Eastern lightning | God's voice | Interpretation of the First Utterance

Just as God said, “None can grasp the root of My words, or the purpose behind them.” If it weren’t for the guidance of the Spirit of God, if it weren’t for the advent of His words, all would perish under His chastisement. Why does God test man for so long? And for as long as five months? This is the focal point of our fellowship as well as a central point in God’s wisdom. We can assume this: Were it not for this trial, and without God attacking, killing, and hacking away at the corrupt humanity, if the building of the church continued until today, then what would that accomplish? So in the first line of His speech, God gets straight to the point and explains the desired effect of these months’ work, and it is painfully accurate! It goes to show the wisdom of God’s deeds over this period of time: teaching the people to learn submission and sincere dedication through the trial, as well as how to better understand God through painful refinement. The more despair people experience, the more they are able to understand themselves. And to tell the truth, the more painful refinement they face, the more they can understand their own corruption, and in doing so they even learn that they are not worthy of being a service-doer for God, and rendering this kind of service is being elevated by Him. And so once this is achieved, once man has depleted himself, God utters the words of mercy, not hidden but in plain sight. It is clear that after several months, God’s new[a] approach of work starts today; this is plain for all to see. In the past, God often said “it is not easy to earn the right to be called My people,” so as He has fulfilled these words in the people who are referred to as service-doers, all may see God can be trusted without any error. All of what God says will come true to varying degrees, and His words are not in the least bit empty.