Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts

1 Sept 2019

Inspirational Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Express Their Heartfelt Feelings"

Inspirational Gospel Song With Lyrics | "All God's People Express Their Heartfelt Feelings"

Look upon God’s kingdom, where God reigns over all.
From when creation started until the present day,
sons of God guided undergoing hardships,
through ups and downs they went.
But now in His light they dwell.
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice?
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice?
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?
People give their best to God.
Some regret their follies.
Some hate themselves for their pursuit yesterday.
They have all known themselves,
seen Satan’s deeds, God’s wonder.
Inside their hearts lives God, for His work has been fulfilled.

22 Aug 2019

2019 Christian Worship Hymn | "The Symbols of God’s Victory"

2019 Christian Worship Song | "The Symbols of God’s Victory"

Man is restored to what he looked like in the beginning.
They can fulfill their own duties, keep their own place,
obey all the arrangements of God.
God will then have a group of people worship Him on earth.
He will have also built a kingdom that worships Him on earth too.
He will have also built a kingdom that worships Him on earth too.
He will have eternal victory upon the earth.
Those opposed to Him will perish for eternity.
This will restore His intentions when He created man.
It will restore His intentions in creating all things,
and it will restore His authority on earth,
His authority among all things and among all His enemies.
These are the symbols of God’s victory, of His total victory.
These are the symbols of God’s victory, of His total victory.

15 Aug 2019

Praise Hymn | Kingdom Anthem the Kingdom Descends on the World

God, kingdom, Christian, Worship, Praise Hymn

 Praise Hymn Kingdom Anthem the Kingdom Descends on the World

My impression:

I saw the poster of large-scale choir performance on Facebook. A light from sky flashes to the earth.  Brothers and sisters in tidy moves, stately and powerful scene. On the poster are the words "Oh, Zion! Raise your triumphant banner to celebrate Me! Sing your triumphant song of victory and spread My holy name! All things on earth!" Looking forward to Kingdom Descends on the World, magnificent choir performance, to be released soon. Sharing the great joy with you all.

Recommend More: Christian Worship Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

8 Aug 2019

Christian Hymn | The Millennial Kingdom Is in Sight

Christian Hymn, Almighty God, kingdom,  judgment, God's word

 Christian Hymn | The Millennial Kingdom Is in Sight
Verse 1
Incarnate Son of man has come.
Almighty God appears in flesh,
starts Age of Kingdom with His word,
and from God's house begins judgment. 

Verse 2
God's people return to the throne,
we come to worship kingdom's King.
We no longer have vague belief,
for God's come to the world long since.

29 Jul 2019

2019 English Christian Song With Lyrics "Is the World Your Place of Rest?"

Christian Hymn | "Is the World Your Place of Rest?"

People who live outside God’s word
and flee the suffering of trial,
they’re all just drifting through the world,
like autumn leaves, blown in the wind.
They flutter here, they flutter there.
They never have a place to rest,
much less God’s words of consolation.
They’re only beggars in the streets,
outside the kingdom of heaven.
They’re wandering from place to place,
though God’s chastisement and refinement
don’t ever follow them.
Can you be sure the world’s your place of rest?
Can you smile with ease in this world
if you’ve avoided God’s chastisement?
And can you use your fleeting joy
to cover up the empty feeling in your heart
that cannot be concealed?
You can fool anyone in your family,
yet you can never fool God.

19 Jun 2019

I Will Love God to Eternity

Best Hymns of Faith, kingdom, God's word, mercy, know God

Best Hymns of Faith | I Will Love God to Eternity

O God!
Your words have led me back to You.
I accept training in Your kingdom
day and night.
So many trials and pains,
so many tribulations.
Many times I shed tears
and felt heart-stricken,
and many times have fallen into
the trap of Satan.
But You have never departed from me.
You led me through many hardships,
You kept me through many dangers.
Now I know that You have loved me.

20 Feb 2019

"Faith in God" (5) - Is Working Painstakingly for the Lord the Reality of Belief in the Lord?

Most believers believe that so long as we keep the Lord's name, pray often, read the Bible and have meetings, and so long as we abandon things, expend and work painstakingly for the Lord, then this is a true belief in the Lord, and we will be able to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns. Is this kind of view correct? The Lord Jesus said, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out devils? And in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity" (Matthew 7: 22-23). Almighty God says, "I do not care how meritorious your hard work is, how impressive your qualifications, how closely you follow Me, how renowned you are, or how improved your attitude; so long as you have not done what I have demanded, you will never be able to win My praise" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

More information:

Best Bible Movie Clip: A Record of God's Work of Creating the World and Leading and Redeeming Mankind 

16 Jan 2019

We Are the Most Blessed

the church,God’s work,God’s will,Eastern Lightning,salvation

It's all God's grace
that we can see God's loveliness,
that today we seek to love Him,
that we wish to accept
the training of the kingdom
of our time.
This is all God's grace,
and with this He lifts us up.
And when I think of this,
I feel God's loveliness.
God truly loves us, or else
we would not feel the way we do.
It shows we are blessed
more than the saints,
more than the rest.
So God always says
people of the last age are blessed.

12 Jan 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?

Some people go by Paul's word on the matter of waiting for the Lord to be raised into the kingdom of heaven: "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1Co 15:52). They believe that although we still sin constantly without breaking away from the bondage of sinful nature, the Lord will change our images instantly and bring us into the kingdom of heaven when He comes. Also, there are people who go by God's word: "Not everyone that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven" (Mat 7:21). "… Be you holy; for I am holy" (1Pe 1:16). They believe that people who still sin constantly are far from attaining holiness and utterly unqualified to be raised into the kingdom of heaven. A spectacular debate thus began…. So, what kind of people are qualified to be raised into the kingdom of heaven? We invite you to watch this short video.

Know more:

 Eastern Lightning—the appearance and work of God in the last days has rocked all sects and denominations, and all kinds of men have been revealed.

8 Jan 2019

How Should We Welcome the Jesus Christ When He Knocks on the Door?

After believing in the Lord, brothers and sisters all like singing the song “The Beloved Is Urgently Knocking on the Door Outside”: “The Beloved is urgently knocking on the door outside. His locks are filled with the drops of the night dew. Come on, get up to open the door for Him; don’t let our beloved walk away. …” Every time we sing it, we are very moved inside, and it has a great impact on us. We all want to keep the beloved, and be the first one to hear His voice and welcome Him when He knocks on our door. It can be said that, we believers in the Lord are all longing for it. But what does it mean that the Lord knocks on the door? And how should we welcome Him when He knocks on our door?

  In the Age of Grace, when the Jesus Christ came to do the work of redemption, His deeds and His teachings spread all over Judea and His name also became well-known among the whole generation. For the people of that time, the Jesus Christ was knocking on their door when He preached the gospel everywhere with His disciples. The Lord Jesus said, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). The Lord wanted people to repent and confess before Him, so that they were forgiven their sins and were redeemed from the condemnation and curse of the law. At that time, many Jewish people saw the wonders performed by the Jesus Christ as well as the authority and power of His words, such as feeding five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish after giving thanks, calming the wind and sea with one word, resurrecting Lazarus with just a word, and so on. As the Lord Jesus spoke, things were fulfilled and accomplished. His words are just like the words spoken by the Creator when He created the heavens and earth and all things; they equally hold the authority and power. Besides, the words said by the Lord Jesus to teach man and rebuke the Pharisees cannot be said by us mankind. His words all reveal God’s disposition and being, and show forth the authority and power of God. Actually, whatever the Lord said and did struck everyone to the core of his being. It can be said that the Jewish people of that time had already heard the Lord’s knocking.

7 Jan 2019

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (2) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom

Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?

More content:

Why does the religious world put so much effort into condemning and madly resist Almighty God and The Church of Almighty God

24 Nov 2018

Understanding the Eastern Lightning | Questions and Answers on Rapture (2)

Question 2: We still haven’t determined whether God’s kingdom is on earth or in heaven. The Lord Jesus once talked about “the kingdom of heaven being at hand” and “the kingdom of heaven coming.” If it is the kingdom of heaven, it should be in heaven. How can it be on earth?

  Answer: We should all be clear that “Heaven” is always referred to as God. The “heavenly kingdom” obviously refers to God’s kingdom. Revelation says, “the tabernacle of God is with men,” “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.” This means that God’s kingdom will be established on earth. In the end, the kingdoms of earth will become God’s kingdom. After the old world is destroyed in the great disasters, the Millennial Kingdom will appear. The kingdoms of the earth will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. Then God’s will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This will completely fulfill the prophecy: New Jerusalem will come to earth. God has become flesh and does the work of judgment in the last days to end this dark, evil generation. All who hear God's voice and are raptured before His throne will be perfected into overcomers. Then the great disasters will begin. Only those who have been cleansed and saved by God’s work in the last days will survive. They will become the people of God’s kingdom. We are the most blessed to be able to accept God’s work in the last days here today. We who are lucky enough to hear God’s voice and be raised up before His throne will be cleansed through the judgment and chastisement of His words, and be made overcomers before the disasters, the firstfruits that are obtained by God. Then God will send down the great disasters. All who resist God, as well as all devilish non-believers will be destroyed in the great disaster. All who are cleansed and made perfect will receive God’s protection during the disaster; they will survive. When the Lord descends on a cloud and appears to everyone, God will come into His kingdom on earth. This is what God will soon accomplish. If we believers cannot see this vision, then are we not blind? Those who simply gaze up at the sky and wait for the Lord to come with clouds will cry and gnash their teeth when He actually does return on the clouds. It’s just as the prophecies in Revelation said, “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen” (Rev 1:7). People who do not hear God’s voice before the disasters and fail to be raptured before His throne will fall into disasters and be punished therein, crying and gnashing their teeth.

17 Jul 2018

The Hymn of God’s Word The Kingdom Anthem (I) The Kingdom Has Descended on the World (Version 2)

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,salvation

All people are cheering God.
All people are praising God.
All tongues are calling
the one true God.
The kingdom has come to the world.

All people are cheering God.
All people are praising God.
All tongues are calling
the one true God.
All people raise their eyes,
watching the deeds of God.
The kingdom has come to the world.
God's person is full and rich,
God's person is full and rich.
Who doesn't feel fortunate?
(Who doesn't feel fortunate?)
Who wouldn't dance for this?
(Who wouldn't dance for this?)
O Zion! O Zion!
Raise your flag of victory,
celebrate God!
Sing your song of victory,
spread God's holy name!

26 Jun 2018

Christian Wang Dongdong's Account of His Experience of the CCP's Cruel Persecution

Thoughts after reading:     🕊🕊🕊🌈🐑🐐🐑
As a Chinese in abroad, after listening to Chinese Christians crying out the Chinese government's persecution, seeing the fact that Christians are being persecuted by the CCP, I clearly know the true colors of the CCP of its atheist regime. It is obviously that there is no human rights and freedom in China. I admire those Chinese Christians so much, for they aren't be shaken by the harsh environment. Chinese Christians, hang in there!

Wang Dongdong started to believe in the Lord Jesus along with his parents since he was little. In 2001, his whole family accepted Almighty God’s kingdom gospel. In 2011, his elder brother was arrested because of believing in God. Wang Dongdong and his parents were forced to flee their home. In 2012 when he was in exile, he heard the news that his mother passed away due to sickness while hiding from the hunting of the police. Wang was arrested by the Chinese SWAT officers in 2013 because of preaching the gospel, and he was tortured by them for three months and eleven days. After his release, he had no choice but to flee abroad in order to escape from the CCP’s persecution.
The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

2 Jun 2018

Almighty God's Word "The Kingdom Anthem - The Kingdom Has Descended on the World" (Stage Version)

The people are cheering happily to God, the people are praising Him,
countless voices are speaking of the one true God, countless people are looking on at His deeds.
The kingdom has descended on the world, and God’s person is rich and bountiful.
Who does not rejoice for this? Who does not dance for this?  
Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God!
Sing your song of victory to spread God’s holy name!

from "Kingdom Anthem" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Expression of Almighty God
Investigating the Eastern Lightning
How does the Church of Almighty God develop?
God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I
What is the rapture before the disaster? What is an overcomer who is made complete before the disaster?

25 May 2018

How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part One)

  First, let’s sing a hymn: The Kingdom Anthem (I) The Kingdom Has Descended on the World

God’s will,Life,truth,believe ,Holy Spirit
  God’s kingdom has come on earth; God’s person is full and rich. Who can stand still and not rejoice? Who can stand still and not dance? Oh Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God. Sing your song of victory to spread His holy name over the world. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.

  All things on earth, make yourselves clean; come and make offerings to God. Stars, return to your nest in the sky, show God’s might in the heavens above. On earth voices rise up and sing, pouring out infinite love and boundless reverence to God. He attently listens to them. Countless people praise God with joy, countless voices exalt His name. Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.

  On that day all things are revived, God in person comes to the earth. Flowers burst out in joyful bloom, birds sing and all things rejoice. See the kingdom of Satan fall as the salute of God’s kingdom sounds, trampled down, never to rise again, drowned beneath the anthem of praise. Countless people praise God with joy (with joy), countless voices exalt His name (His name). Look at His awesome deeds; now His kingdom on earth has come.

22 May 2018

Praise and Worship Song | Christians Love God Until Death | "Life's Testimony"

The central government has ordered that all religions must be banned,
Troops won’t be withdrawn until the ban is done.
Move out!
Yes sir!
What are you up to?
Having a meeting?
The nation has ruled that
any gathering of three or more people is illegal
and it disrupts social order.
Take them away!

Come on!

11 May 2018

Short Sketch From the Christian Church | "We Must Be Dreaming!" | Eastern Lightning


A religious-world pastor in a sheepskin coat, a kind and honest wife, and a devoted Christian with discernment who loves the truth come together in a humorous skit that explores the question, "Can one enter the kingdom of heaven through hard work?" The ironic language and the brilliant debate between the believer and the pastor leave viewers with a lot to think about …

Expression of Almighty God
Investigating the Eastern Lightning
The Church of Almighty God was founded by the returned Lord Jesus personally in the last days 

3 May 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "Yearning" (4) - Is the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven or on Earth?

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. ”(John 10: 27)🕊💖🕊

Many people who have faith in the Lord believe that the kingdom of heaven is in heaven. Is this really the case? The Lord's Prayer says: "Our Father which are in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:9-10). The Book of Revelation says, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ" (Revelation 11:15). "The holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, … the tabernacle of God is with men" (Revelation 21:2-3). So, is the kingdom of heaven in heaven or on earth?

15 Apr 2018

Eastern Lightning | Posters | God Coming to Earth and Becoming a Sin Offering

Adam and Eve Living in the Garden of Eden

Jehovah God made Adam and Eve in His own image with His own hands, and breathed His very life into them. He placed them in the Garden of Eden …

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,God’s will

God’s Destruction of the Earth With a Flood

Jehovah God said: “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13).

truth,believe ,Holy Spirit,worship,testimony

God’s Promise to the Israelites
In the year of our Lord, a male child was born in a manger at an inn in Bethlehem of Judea. Three wise men from the east, guided by a star that had never before been seen, came to the place of the child’s birth. They bowed down to Him in worship. This child was the One promised by God, who would lead and redeem the Israelites from the law.

Holy Spirit,God’s-wish,testimony,Jesus,Christ

People have but to accept the Lord Jesus as the Savior for their sins to be forgiven, and to enjoy the abundant grace and blessings that come from God. Such graces not only bring people closer to God, but also rescue them from their enslavement to sin.

Holy Spirit,worship,testimony,Jesus,Christ

The Jews Going Into Exile Abroad and the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom Being Disseminated
In 70 A.D., thirty-seven years after the Lord Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven, the Roman army captured Jerusalem. And the diasporas of Jewish people wandered the earth after being driven out of the land of Israel. Although they had lost their homeland, they carried with them the Lord Jesus’ gospel of the heavenly kingdom which had been confined to Judea and spread it to every corner of the world.

Praise, Jehovah,Judgment,God’s family,God’s will

Expression of Almighty God
Investigating the Eastern Lightning
About the Church of Almighty God