Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label knowing God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowing God. Show all posts

4 Jul 2019

2019 English Christian Hymn With Lyrics | "God Is the Sole Sovereign of Man’s Fate"

Christian Worship Song | "God Is the Sole Sovereign of Man’s Fate"

No matter how far you have walked in your life,
no matter how old you are now,
no matter how long you will stay on your course,
you must recognize God’s authority,
be earnest in knowing He’s your unique Master.
No matter how great one’s abilities are,
one cannot influence the fates of other people,
let alone orchestrate them, or change, or control.
Only the unique God dictates all things for man,
for only He has the authority to rule man’s fate,
and so only the Creator is man’s Master.

25 Nov 2018

Almighty God's Word "You Should Know That the Practical God Is God Himself"

Almighty God says, "God’s appearance in the flesh means that all of the work and words of the Spirit of God are done through His normal humanity, and through His incarnate flesh. In other words, God’s Spirit both directs His human work and carries out the work of divinity in the flesh, and in God incarnate you can see both God’s work in humanity and completely divine work; this is the real significance of the practical God’s appearance in the flesh. If you can see this clearly, you will be able to connect all of the different parts of God, and will cease to place too much of a premium on His work in divinity, and to be too dismissive of His work in humanity, and you will not go to extremes, nor take any detours. Overall, the meaning of the practical God is that the work of His humanity and of His divinity, as directed by the Spirit, is expressed through His flesh, so that people can see that He is vivid and lifelike, and real and actual."

More attention :

Message from God | Almighty God's Word "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'"

6 Nov 2018

Questions and Answers on God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days(2)

Question 2: The Lord Jesus was crucified as a sin offering to redeem mankind. We have accepted the Lord, and obtained salvation through His grace. Why do we still have to accept Almighty God’s work of judgment and purification in the last days?
believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,Eastern Lightning
Answer: In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did the work of redemption. It was not God’s work of judgment in the last days to thoroughly save mankind. What the work of redemption achieved was that the Lord Jesus served as the sin offering for us all, and that He redeemed us from the clutches of Satan, made us repent our sins, and accept God’s salvation. He qualified us to go before God and enjoy God’s grace and blessing. That was the real significance of the work of redemption. But many people don’t understand. They always think the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption granted complete salvation to all mankind, and allowed us entry into the kingdom of heaven. That notion comes entirely from man’s imagination. We were given redemption by the Lord Jesus, that much is true, but did that change our sinful natures? Does the fact that God forgave our sins mean we’ve truly been holy? Then why do we still sin so frequently? Can those who sin so frequently ever really be approved by the Lord? Not many people have considered this problem, and we’ve never seen anyone truly understand this problem. The Lord Jesus redeemed us from a state of sin. Our sins were forgiven, we were granted salvation by grace, this is a fact. But, as we believe in the Lord and follow the Lord, we also often betray the Lord’s teachings, and give in to our fleshly desires to sin. We do things like lie, commit fraud, deceive, engage in intrigue, seek fame and fortune, we give in to vanity, lust for wealth, and follow evil worldly trends… In times of bitterness and trial, we often misunderstand and blame God, or even leave and betray God. When God’s work doesn’t accord with the notions of man, we carelessly judge and condemn God. At the same time we follow God, we worship and follow men. We live in a cycle of sinning and repenting, that’s hard to escape. We can’t free ourselves from the binds and control of our satanic nature, this is a fact. And although the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption is done, and our sins are forgiven, and we are no longer cursed for violating God’s laws, and can come before God to pray to Him and enjoy the entirety of God’s grace, that does not mean God’s work of saving mankind is over, because the sinful nature inside us still remains. We are still compelled by our satanic nature to oppose and betray God. And without knowing God, we will never fear God and distance ourselves from evil, even less can we reach a state of complete obedience to God, the compatibility with God and sanctity. We haven’t been truly gained by God. We all know, God is holy, and righteous. If people are unsanctified, they can’t see the Lord. God won’t allow the impure or corrupt into His kingdom. This is decided by God’s righteous disposition. So, in the last days, God has, according to His management plan to save mankind, carried out His work of judgment and chastisement, to remove the shackles and restraints of sin from the corrupt mankind and the root causes of sinning and help mankind completely escape the influence of Satan, be saved by God, and enter God’s kingdom. Let’s look at two more passages from Almighty God.

2 Nov 2018

The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven(3)

3. In my view, any of the religions teach mankind to be good. Does that mean that no matter which religion mankind follows, as long as they are sincere and commit no evil deeds they will achieve salvation?

believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life
The Answer from God’s Word:
He who is incapable of creating the world will be incapable of bringing it to an end, whereas He who created the world will surely bring it to an end, and so if one is unable to bring the age to an end and is merely able to help man cultivate his mind, then he will surely not be God, and will surely not be the Lord of mankind. He will be incapable of doing such great work; there is only one who can carry out such work, and all that are unable to do this work are surely the enemies other than God. If they are cults, then they are incompatible with God, and if they are incompatible with God, then they are the enemies of God. All work is done by this one true God, and the entire universe is commanded by this one God.
from “Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

26 Oct 2018

Finally I Can Love God

believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life

God, Your love is true and pure.
Your heart is honest and kind.
You gave us Your all to pay the costs
for the sake of saving us.
I love and rely on You.
I tremble in Your presence.
I went through trials with You.
I don't want You to leave my side.
With guidance from You,
I can live in the light.
I'll do anything I can.
I'll learn to love You.
Together with You,
I've come to know Your heart.
Finally I can love You, God.
Finally I am able.
Finally I can know Your heart
and love You, God.

26 Sept 2018

Gospel Music 2018 - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind

My impression:

Today I watched the documentary “The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything” - God Ruling Over the Beginning and the Future of Mankind, I just found that whether one is wealthy or poor, or how many ups and downs we have to go through, they are not controlled in our own hands. Thinking back I was fighting for a better life, dreaming I could buy an apartment in downtown when I had enough money. But, changes always go beyond plans. No matter how much money I had, it was spent out because of my husband’s sick. I was always thinking why my life was so hard… When I was still fighting for my plan of life, God arranged me to listen to His word. From His word I understand that no matter how much wealth we have is actually arranged by God. If we want to be free from these troubles and pains, we can only come before God and live by the God’s word can our lives be easy. 

From when we come wailing into the world, we begin playing different roles in life. We move from birth to old age to illness to death, we go between joy and sorrow…. Where does mankind really come from, and where will we really go? Who controlled man's beginnings, and who commands his future? Today, all will be revealed …

More details :

What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

6 Sept 2018

"God's Work, God's Disposition, and God Himself I" (Part Four)

God's words in this video are from the book "Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh". The content of this video: 3. God Makes the Rainbow as a Symbol of His Covenant With Man

Feeling after watching:

He Who Fears God and Shuns Evil Is Precious in God’s Eyes. Gaining Those Who Know God and Can Bear Witness to God Is God’s Never-changing Will.

19 Jun 2018

How to Know God’s Disposition and the Result of His Work (Part Five)

Man’s Fate Is Decided by His Attitude Toward God
truth,believe ,Holy Spirit,worship,testimony
God is a living God, and just as people perform differently in different situations, God’s attitude toward these performances differs because He is not a puppet, nor is He empty air. Getting to know God’s attitude is a worthy pursuit for mankind. People should learn how, by knowing God’s attitude, they can know God’s disposition and understand His heart bit by bit. When you come to understand God’s heart bit by bit, you won’t feel that fearing God and shunning evil is a difficult thing to accomplish. What’s more, when you understand God, it’s harder for you to make conclusions about Him. When you stop making conclusions about God, you’re less likely to offend Him, and unwittingly God will lead you to have a knowledge of Him, and thereby you will fear God in your heart. You will stop defining God using the doctrines, the letters, and the theories you’ve mastered. Rather, by always seeking out God’s intentions in all things, you will unconsciously become a person who is after God’s heart.

12 Jun 2017

God’s Righteous Disposition

Now that you have listened to the previous fellowship about God’s authority, I am confident that you are equipped with quite an array of words on the matter. How much you can accept, grasp and understand all depends on how much effort you will apply to it. It is My hope that you can approach this matter earnestly; by no means should you deal with it half-heartedly! Now, is knowing God’s authority equal to knowing God’s entirety? One can say that knowing God’s authority is the beginning of knowing the unique God Himself, and one could also say that knowing God’s authority means that one has already stepped into the gate of knowing the substance of the unique God Himself. This understanding is one part of knowing God. What is the other part, then? This is the subject that I would like to fellowship about today—God’s righteous disposition.