Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe. Show all posts

13 Feb 2018

Christian Video | ''The Heart's Deliverance'' | Do You Know the Secret to Getting Rid of Jealousy?

I watched this video "The Heart's Deliverance", it really speaks out my heart's voice. I'm a jealous person. When I see my colleague's working abilities are better than me and gained the leader's compliments, I feel jealous. I know it's not good but I didn't know how to solve it.
Thanks be to God! I watched this video today and finally found the root cause of my jealousy. Actually, it's because of my desire for status that I always want to gain others' compliments. The movie also shows a way to practice, "You must learn to give up and set aside these things, to yield, to recommend others, to allow them to stand out. Do not struggle furiously and rush to take advantage as soon as you encounter an opportunity to stand out or obtain honor…...The more you give up and set aside, the more peaceful your heart will be and the more space will open up within it, and the more your condition will improve. The more you struggle and compete, the darker will be your condition; try it if you don’t believe it. If you want to turn around this kind of condition, if you want not to be controlled by these things, then you must first set them aside and give them up."  from"You Can Obtain Truth After Turning Your True Heart Over to God" Thanks be to God! I harvested a lot, and I'll try to practice in this aspect.

Eastern lightningChristian Video | ''The Heart's Deliverance'' | Do You Know the Secret to Getting Rid of Jealousy?

Zheng Xin is a new believer who accepted God's work in the last days recently. She frequently joins gatherings with her brothers and sisters to have fellowship on God's words and sing hymns in praise of God. This brings her happiness and enjoyment. However, overtaken by an arrogant satanic disposition, when she sees that another sister is progressing more quickly and is looked up to and praised by the other brothers and sisters, while she does not gain their admiration, she begins to feel jealous. She starts to get competitive with this sister in gatherings and is frequently negative and weak because she cannot surpass her. She is full of pain and lives within a state of being toyed with by Satan. Later, a church leader comes to offer her support and help, and shares fellowship on God's words. Through the judgment of God's words and what they bring to light, she finally finds the root of her jealousy and develops some hatred for her own satanic dispositions of arrogance, struggling for fame and gain, and selfishness and lowliness. She also gains a shallow understanding of God's righteousness and His rule. Zheng Xin resolves to be willing to obey God's rule and arrangements. Under the guidance of God's words, she finally casts off the shackles, the binds of her jealousy and her heart finds deliverance. She experiences the peace and joy of living by God's words.

Expression of Almighty God
Know more of the Church of Almighty God

5 Feb 2018

What Is the Difference Between God's Judgment Work in the Last Days and the Work of the Lord Jesus?

What Is the Difference Between God's Judgment Work in the Last Days and the Work of the Lord Jesus? | Eastern Lightning

Some people believe that after the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit descended to work on man on the day of Pentecost. He reproved the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. When we receive the work of the Holy Spirit and repent to the Lord for our sins, we are experiencing the Lord's judgment. The work done by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost should be the judgment work of God in the last days. Are we correct in the way we receive it? What is the difference between the work of the Lord Jesus and the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days?


Why Christians Spread the Gospel?

About the Church of Almighty God

3 Jan 2018

Question 13: Some people ask: We believe that the Lord has absolved our sins, and that if someone is saved once, then they are forever saved. Why must we accept God’s work of judgment in the last days before being able to be saved and brought into the kingdom of heaven?

All believers think: The Lord Jesus redeemed us when He died on the cross, so we have already been absolved of all sin. The Lord no longer sees us as sinners. We have become righteous through our faith, and once saved, we are saved forever. As long as we endure until the end, when the Lord returns, we will be directly raptured into the heavenly kingdom. Well, is that the truth? Did God ever give any evidence in His words to back up this claim? If this viewpoint is not in line with the truth, what will the consequences be? We who believe in the Lord should use His own words as our basis for all things. This is especially true when it comes to the question of how to treat the Lord’s return. Under no circumstances can we treat His return based on man’s conceptions and imaginings. The consequences of such behavior are too serious to even contemplate. It’s the same as when the Pharisees crucified the Lord Jesus on the cross while waiting for the Messiah to come. What would the outcome be? The Lord Jesus has completed the work of redeeming mankind. This much is true, but is God’s work of salvation for mankind finished? Does that mean that all of us believers in the Lord Jesus qualify to be raptured into the heavenly kingdom? No one knows the answer to this question. God once said, “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21), “you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45). According to God’s words, we can be sure that those who enter the heavenly kingdom have freed themselves from sin and have been cleansed. They are the ones who do God’s will, obey God, love God, and revere Him. Because God is holy and those who enter the heavenly kingdom shall live together with Him, if we have not been cleansed how could we be qualified to enter the heavenly kingdom?! Therefore, some people’s notion that we believers have been absolved from sin and we can enter the heavenly kingdom is a complete misunderstanding of God’s will. It originated from our imaginations; it’s our own conception. The Lord Jesus absolved us of sin; that is not false. However, the Lord Jesus never said that we have been totally cleansed through this absolution and are now eligible to enter the heavenly kingdom. No one can deny this fact. Then why do all the faithful think everyone who has been absolved from sin can enter the heavenly kingdom? What do they use as evidence? How do they support this claim? Many people say that they base this belief on the words of Paul and the other apostles, as written in the Bible. Well then, let me ask you, do the words of Paul and the other apostles represent the words of the Lord Jesus? Do they represent the words of the Holy Spirit? Man’s words may be in the Bible, but does this mean they are words of God? There is one fact we can clearly see from the Bible: The people that are praised by God can hear His voice and obey His work. They are the ones who follow His way, are the ones eligible to inherit what God has promised. This is a fact that no one can deny. We all know that even though the sins of us the faithful have been forgiven, we have still not been cleansed; we still sin and resist God often. God clearly told us, “you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45), “Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21). From God’s words, we can be sure that not all those whose sins have been forgiven are eligible to enter the heavenly kingdom. People must be cleansed; they must become doers of God’s will before they can enter the heavenly kingdom. This is an irrefutable fact. Apparently, understanding God’s will is not nearly as simple as it seems. We don’t become cleansed just because our sins have been forgiven. We must first obtain some reality of the truth and earn God’s praise. Then we will be eligible to enter the heavenly kingdom. If we do not love the truth and in fact are weary of it and even hate it, if we only pursue rewards and the crown but do not care for God’s will, much less to say do God’s will, are we not doing evil? Does the Lord praise this sort of person? If so, we are just like those hypocritical Pharisees: Even though we’ve been forgiven of sin, we are still not able to enter the heavenly kingdom. This is an indisputable fact.

25 Dec 2017

One must recognize the difference between the way of repentance in the Age of Grace and the way of eternal life in the last days.

The Church of Almighty God | One must recognize the difference between the way of repentance in the Age of Grace and the way of eternal life in the last days.

Bible Verses for Reference:
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47-48).
Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21).
Relevant Words of God:
Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to take on the sins of man as the sin offering, but also required God to do greater work to completely rid man of his disposition, which has been corrupted by Satan. And so, after man was forgiven his sins, God has returned to flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment, and this work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.
from Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh

16 Dec 2017

What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

What is knowing God exactly? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered as knowing God?

Relevant Words of God:
What does it mean to know God? It means that man knows God’s gamut of emotions, this is what knowing God is. You say that you have seen God, yet you do not understand God’s gamut of emotions, do not understand His disposition, and do not know His righteousness either. You have no understanding of His mercifulness, and do not know what He loathes. This cannot be called knowledge of God. Therefore, some people are able to follow God, but they do not necessarily believe in God. This is the distinction. If you know Him, you understand Him, if you are able to comprehend and grasp some of what His will is, and you know His heart, then you can truly believe in Him, can truly submit to Him, truly love Him, and truly worship Him. If you do not understand these things, then you are only following along, a person who only runs along and follows the crowd. That cannot be called true submission, and cannot be called true worship. How can true worship be produced? There are none who see God and truly know God who do not worship Him, who do not revere Him. As soon as they see God they are afraid. At present people are in the time of the work of God incarnate. The more that people have understanding of the disposition of God incarnate and of what He has and is, the more people treasure them, and the more they revere God. Often, less understanding means more recklessness, such that God is treated as human. People will fear and tremble if they really know God and really see Him. Why did John say, “the One who is coming after me, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry”? Though his understanding in his heart was not very deep, yet he knew that God is awesome. How many people are able to revere God now? Without knowing the disposition of God, how can one revere Him? If people do not know the essence of Christ, and do not understand the disposition of God, they are even less able to truly worship God. If people see only the ordinary and normal outward appearance of Christ and do not know His essence, it is easy for people to treat Christ as an ordinary man. They can adopt a disrespectful attitude toward Him, can cheat Him, resist Him, disobey Him, cast judgment on Him, and be opinionated. They can take His word as insignificant, can treat His flesh as they please, can harbor conceptions, and can blaspheme. To solve these issues one must know the essence of Christ, the divinity of Christ. This is the main aspect of knowing God; it is what all people who believe in the practical God must enter and achieve.
from “Knowledge of the Incarnation” in Records of Christ’s Talks

14 Dec 2017

The CCP Has Reached Tremendous Heights in Vying With God—Exposing the Secrets of the CCP’s “Hundred Days Battle

The CCP Has Reached Tremendous Heights in Vying With God—Exposing the Secrets of the CCP’s “Hundred Days Battle”

The “May 28 Shandong Zhaoyuan Case” had occurred a mere three days before the CCP used the media to fervently gain influence. They used this matter to frame the Church of Almighty God and shifted the blame onto them. On June 16, the Central Leading Group on Dealing With Heretical Religions (The 610 Office) urgently convened a video and phone conference over the whole country, and deployed a special task for dealing with the Church of Almighty God. At this meeting, the CCP brought up the suppression of the Church of Almighty God as a political mission of “utmost urgency, arduous labor and great importance.” They strictly ordered that in every province, city, and autonomous region, there would be launched the operation known as the “Hundred Days Battle” to specially deal with the Church of Almighty God. And then they deployed forces of public security as well as the armed police to overwhelmingly carry out blanket and dragnet manhunts and inspections. And they mobilized the entire populace to report them, investigated village by village and house by house, followed closely by dispatching national security, internet police, technical investigators, criminal investigators, public security, and other divisions of the police. They threatened to carry out thunderous actions and heavy-handed attacks: “Discover one group, unearth one group, take one group into custody, and severely punish one group of core members of the Church of Almighty God to make sure to create a situation of high pressure.” High officials of the CCP government also issued death warrants, saying: “One group of these people must be killed, and one group must be imprisoned.” They vainly attempted to completely ban the Church of Almighty God. Soon afterward, the CCP publicly declared the Church of Almighty God to be an “evil cult organization” and enacted laws to punish them. Quickly, a tyrannical operation without precedent to attack and persecute the Church of Almighty God was carried out overwhelmingly on the Chinese mainland.

30 Nov 2017

Gospel Movie Clip "Yearning" (2) - Do You Understand the Mystery of God's Appearance?

Many believers in the Lord believe that the Lord will return in glory, descending on a cloud and appearing to all peoples, so they are always gazing at the clouds in the sky, waiting for the Lord to come down on a cloud, and to be raptured up into the heavens and meet with Him. Is this belief in line with the truth? How should one understand God's appearance and work? What kind of mysteries does the appearance of God contain?
Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.
Why Christians Spread the Gospel?

26 Nov 2017

After Listening with My Heart, I Have Welcomed the Lord’s Return

Eastern Lightning- Breaking Through the Fog to See the Light

Faith    China
 I am an ordinary worker. At the end of November, 2013, a coworker saw that my wife and I would always make a lot of noise about little things, that every day we were worried and distressed, so he passed on the work of Almighty God in the last days to us. From the word of Almighty God, we have learned that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and that man’s life is bestowed on him by God. We have also understood the truth of the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan, the mystery of the incarnation, God’s three stages of work in saving mankind, the significance of God’s work of judgment in the last days, and other respects. My wife and I thought that happening upon God having come to save mankind during our lifetimes was a great blessing. We happily accepted God’s work in the last days, and led a church life. Under the guidance of the word of God, we both pursued the truth and to transform ourselves, and whenever something happened and we started to argue, we wouldn’t just find fault with each other like we used to, but rather we would reflect on ourselves and try to know ourselves. After that, we acted in a way that forsook the flesh in accordance with God’s demands, and our marital relations became better and better, and our hearts became peaceful and steady. We felt that believing in God was truly good. However, while we were joyous and happy to follow God, when we were enjoying the blessed life, we were faced with a violent attack coming from our families…. Just when I was losing my way, it was the word of God that guided me to see through Satan’s scheme, and to break through the fog and enter onto the radiant and correct path for life.
 When I had just retired in February of 2014, my daughter in law got us two elderly folks to travel to Sichuan to babysit our grandson. I prayed to God: “Almighty God! My daughter in law has asked me to babysit our grandson, but I’m not used to life in that place, and it’s not convenient to believe in God or read the word of God in that place. I hope You will open up a way out for us….” Not long after that, my daughter in law called me again to say that she would bring my grandson to us. When I heard this news I was overjoyed, and felt how almighty God is. God heard my prayer and opened up a way out for me. Before too many days had passed, my daughter in law and her parents brought over my grandson. As it happened, the day after that I was going to a gathering, and I told them that I believed in Almighty God. After hearing this, my daughter in law said unhappily, “Dad, how can you believe in Almighty God? I’m sure you know that the government doesn’t allow people to believe in Almighty God, and in recent years they have been arresting believers in Almighty God. You can’t continue to believe in Him.” I refuted her by saying, “When we believe in God, we don’t do it out of opposition to the government. We just attend gatherings, read the word of God, pursue the truth, and follow the right path. How can they not let us believe?” My daughter in law said, “No matter what you say, and even if believing in God is the right path, as long as the government opposes it, you can’t believe in Him!” I thought to myself, “No matter what you say, it is the true God who I believe in. Even if the CCP government doesn’t allow it, I will still believe.” Later, my daughter in law went and found my wife and urged her that we shouldn’t believe in God…. Afterward, my son in faraway Sichuan called me up and said, “Dad, I heard you believe in Almighty God. That’s something the CCP opposes, so you can’t believe in Him anymore.” When I heard my son say this, I felt perturbed in my heart: Believing in God is the law of heaven for me, so why are you all trying to block me from it over and over? It’s so hard to believe in God and follow the correct path! I then prayed silently to God to guard me so I could resist the disturbances of my son and daughter in law. After praying, my heart gradually became tranquil. Although my son and daughter in law did not understand, I was clear that my faith in God and following the correct path was not mistaken, and that I could not be influenced by them. After three days, my daughter in law hurriedly came running home, and I saw that she had two stacks of something printed in her hands. She urged me to look at them quickly, and when I looked I saw that they were filled with rumors and falsehoods of the CCP government vilifying, condemning, and defaming the Church of Almighty God. For a moment I felt some confusion in my heart, and I thought: It can’t be, I’ve been attending meetings for several months and I’ve never seen any brothers or sisters missing arms or legs! Why does the CCP government want to spread rumors and defamation about the Church of Almighty God? What is really going on here? In the evening that day, I couldn’t sleep because I kept turning this over in my mind. “Alas! My son and daughter in law are trying so forcefully to block me, and the CCP government is also trying to persecute me, so what should I do?”

22 Aug 2017

The Church of Almighty God Christians Ring in the New Year With French Friends

On February 18, 2018, precisely during a traditional Chinese holiday—Spring Festival—Christians from The Church of Almighty God in France held a New Year’s celebration with the theme of “gratitude” in the parish activity center of the Saint-Germain Church in Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris. This was the first local New Year’s event hosted by these Christians since being forced to flee to France after suffering brutal oppression by the Chinese government. They wanted to use this opportunity to extend their thanks to their French friends who had helped them and shown their concern. The event also provided an excellent platform for those in attendance to further understand the truth of the persecution of Christians from The Church of Almighty God by the Chinese government.

The Return of the Lord Jesus
Investigating the Eastern Lightning