Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

24 Feb 2019

Praise and Worship Song "God's People of All Nations Express Their Feelings as One" Thank God's Love

Gospel Worship Song | "God's People of All Nations Express Their Feelings as One" | Thank God's Love

All God’s People Give Vent to Their Feelings
Look upon God’s kingdom, where God reigns over all. 
From when creation started until the present day,
sons of God guided undergoing hardships.
Through ups and downs they went. But now in His light they dwell. 
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice? 
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice? 
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?

22 Feb 2019

July 8, 2018 – Luke 24:6-7

  For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

- Proverbs 1:32

believe in God,Bible,judgment,the truth,Eastern Lightning

  Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

  Three days after the Lord Jesus’ crucifixion, He rose again and appeared to man. All those who truly believe in the Lord have faith in this fact and applaud God’s might.

  From the fact of Jesus’ resurrection, we know the authority and power of God’s word. As God speaks, so He brings to fruition all that which He has spoken. Such as, “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” (Gen 1:3). The heavens and earth and all things are established and made complete by the words of God. When the Lord Jesus preached and did His work, His one word made the blind see, made cripples walk, resurrected the dead, and calmed the wind and sea. … All of these prove that the authority of God’s words is inestimable and that the Lord Jesus is the unique God Himself.

Source: Daily Devotionals

31 Jan 2019

The Word of the Spirit of God "In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God"

Almighty God says, "Key to obeying God is appreciating the new light, and being able to accept it and put it into practice. Only this is true obedience. … Not being satisfied with living amid God’s graces, actively thirsting for the truth, and searching for the truth, and pursuing being gained by God—this is what it means to consciously obey God; this is precisely the kind of faith that God wants."

Read more:

Christian Worship Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

11 Sept 2018

The Mystery of the Incarnation (4) (Selection)

Meaningful Life,word of God, Jehovah, Jesus,Christ

  In the Age of Grace, Jesus did much of that work, such as healing sickness, casting out demons, laying His hands upon man to pray for man, and blessing man. However, to continue to do so would serve no purpose in the present day. The Holy Spirit worked in that way at the time, for it was the Age of Grace, and man was shown enough grace for enjoyment. Man did not have to pay any price and could receive grace as long as he had faith. All were treated very graciously. Now, the age has changed, and the work of God has progressed further; through His chastisement and judgment, the rebelliousness of man and the unclean things within man will be cast away. As it was the stage of redemption, God had to do such work, showing man enough grace for man to enjoy, so that He could redeem man from sin, and through grace forgive man their sins. This stage is done to reveal the iniquities within man through chastisement, judgment, the smiting of words, as well as the discipline and revelation of words, so that they may afterward be saved. This is work more in-depth than redemption. In the Age of Grace, man enjoyed enough grace and has already experienced this grace, and so it is no longer to be enjoyed by man. Such work is now out-of-date and is no longer to be done. Now, man is saved through judgment by the word. After man is judged, chastised and refined, his disposition is thereby changed. Is this not because of the words I have spoken? Each stage of work is done in line with the progress of all mankind and with the age. All work has its significance; it is done for the final salvation, for mankind to have a good destination in the future, and for man to be divided according to their kind in the end.

29 Jul 2018

Praise and Worship Song "God's People of All Nations Express Their Feelings as One" Thank God's Love

Movies of the Church of Almighty God  | "God's People of All Nations Express Their Feelings as One"


All God’s People Give Vent to Their Feelings
Look upon God’s kingdom, where God reigns over all. 
From when creation started until the present day,
sons of God guided undergoing hardships.
Through ups and downs they went. But now in His light they dwell. 
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice? 
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?
Who doesn’t weep at yesterday’s injustice? 
Who doesn’t shed tears for the hard-won life today?
Who doesn’t take this chance to dedicate their hearts to God?
Who doesn’t want to give voice to their passion and experience?

21 Jun 2018

Praise Song "All Nations Come to Your Light"

Question 2: If Eastern Lightning is the true way, then what is the basis of your confirmation? We believe in the Lord Jesus because He redeemed us, but what do you use to verify that Eastern Lightning is the true way?

You open up Your wide embrace
to caress mankind in its moaning,
You sway Your arms of strength and care,
and Your eyes of brightness are beaming!
And Your love and mercy hold us fast,
and Your glorious face appears.
In this world so long corrupted,
now Your rays of light are here.
And our world is dying, fallen and evil,
and she cries for the Savior to come again.
You bring hope to all mankind,
and an end of two millennia of waiting!

9 Jun 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Amidst Disasters I Saw God’s Righteous Disposition

Li Jing, Beijing
August 7, 2012
 On that day, it started raining in the morning. I went to a meeting at a brother’s house, while the rain kept getting heavier and heavier. By afternoon it was pouring down as though straight from the heavens. By the time we finished our meeting, the rain had entered my brother’s courtyard, but because I was worried about my family, I struggled on home. Halfway there, some people fleeing the danger said to me, “Are you not running away, are you still going home?” When I got home, my child asked, “Did the flood not wash you away?” Only then did I know that I didn’t have God in my heart. Not long after, the husband of my neighboring sister climbed up onto the roof, and saw that houses not far from our own had been washed away. The current was getting stronger, and the sister’s husband insisted that they lead their child up to the mountain, but she wouldn’t go. We few sisters discussed it amongst ourselves, that the sister’s husband arguing like this contained God’s will; only then did we follow him to a railroad house on the mountain top to spend the night. There, we heard from those who had fled the disaster how turbulent the floodwaters were, and how people had gone in all directions; some had climbed the rooftops, some were washed away, some were stopped by trees …
Life,truth,salvation,God's word,God’s will,
 The next day I went to see a sister. Her house was by the riverside, with a big road in front and the river behind. Her house was right in the center of the two converging sides of the floodwaters. When the flood came, this sister prayed to God, and relied on Him. The waters washed away all the other houses in her row, leaving only hers and one other unscathed while she slept a sound night’s sleep. I truly saw that when one has God’s protection, one can rest easy in their heart.

24 May 2018

Christian Music Video | Yearning for God's Love | "My Beloved, Please Wait for Me" (Korean Song)

Oh Lord, the church has become desolate.
Oh Lord, where are You?

My Beloved, Please Wait for Me
The moon creeps up the treetops,
its light is beautiful, like my beloved.
My beloved, where are You? 
Have You heard me weep?
Who else gives me love but You?
Who cares for me but You?
Who takes care of me but You?
Who cherishes my life but You?
Moon, soon return to the far side of heaven.
Don’t make my beloved worry. Please convey my thoughts.
Don’t forget to take my love with you.

7 Apr 2018

Christian Music | Praise and Worship | "All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God"

1. Thousands of years passed by, humans still enjoy the light and the air bestowed by God. Humans still breathe in and out the breath exhaled by God Himself. Humans still enjoy things created by God, the fish, birds, flowers and insects. Humans enjoy all the things, all the things provided by God. Continually day and night still replace each other. As usual the four seasons alternate. Flying in the sky, the geese depart in winter and return in spring. Swimming in the water, the fish never leave the rivers and the lakes, their home.

2. During the summer days, cicadas on the ground joyfully sing their hearts out. During the autumn days, crickets in the grass gently hum in time to the wind. Geese gather in flocks, while eagles stay alone. Lions hunt to live, while elk never stray from the grass and flowers. … Every living creature in all things comes and goes again and again, a million changes in a moment. But what does not change are their instincts and the laws of survival. They live under God’s nourishing and provision. No one can change their instincts. No one can break their rules of survival. No one can break their rules of survival.

from “God Himself, the Unique (I) God’s Authority (1)” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

Books of the Church of Almighty God

Investigating the Eastern Lightning
Experience Testimonies of the Church of Almighty God
Why must people who believe in God pray, gather, and read God’s word to attain new life?

22 Mar 2018

Someone asks: The Lord Jesus already redeemed mankind in the Age of Grace, and people’s sins that have been forgiven no longer count as sin. Why would God undertake judgment and cleansing work in the last days?

 kaharian,iglesia, buhay,Jesus,katotohanan

 Bible Verses for Reference:
 “You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45).
 “… holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb 12:14)
 “And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47-48).
 Classic Words of God:
 “Though man has been redeemed and forgiven of his sins, it is only considered as God not remembering the transgressions of man and not treating man in accordance with man’s transgressions. However, when man lives in the flesh and he has not been set free from sin, he can only continue to sin, endlessly revealing the corrupt satanic disposition. This is the life that man leads, an endless cycle of sin and forgiveness. The majority of men sin in the day only to confess in the evening. As such, even if the sin offering is forever effective for man, it would not be able to save man from sin. Only half the work of salvation has been completed, for man still has corrupt disposition. … it runs deeper than sin, planted by Satan and deeply rooted within man. It is not easy for man to become aware of his sins; man is unable to recognize his own deeply rooted nature. Only through judgment by the word can such effects be achieved. Only thus can man gradually be changed from that point onward.”
from “The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

16 Mar 2018

Question 16: Some people go by Paul’s word, believing that our image will be changed instantly to become holy when the Lord returns. So why does God still need to become flesh to express the truth and do a stage of work of judgment and purification of man in the last days.


  Each stage of God’s work is unfathomable to us humans. Nor could humanity decipher God’s prophecies until they are fulfilled. What does it mean to us? It means that God’s wisdom and almightiness is unfathomable. In the Age of Grace when the Lord Jesus appeared to work, no one of us humans could fathom it. In the Age of Kingdom when Almighty God does judgment work in the last days, no one could predict it either. Therefore, God being incarnated to express the truth and do judgment work in the last days is inconceivable to mankind. After the work of God is completed and the great disasters arrive, mankind will feel that God’s words are fulfilled. It will be too late for regrets. They can only mourn and grind their teeth in disasters. Pertaining to how God does the work of judgment in the last days to cleanse and save people, how to make a group of overcomers—the firstfruits, we will understand it much better after reading these passages of the words of Almighty God:

1 Mar 2018

#1 Xie Jiao, a Concept Manipulated to Attack The Church of Almighty God in HK - Massimo Introvigne

#1 Xie Jiao, a Concept Manipulated to Attack The Church of Almighty God in HK - Massimo Introvigne

From November 20 to November 21, 2017, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, two mouthpieces of the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong, released 17 reports intensively to attack The Church of Almighty God, all in a span of two days. These reports cited the rumors and fallacies the CCP always uses to slander and condemn The Church of Almighty God, among which “cult” is the word of the highest frequency. As to this word the CCP uses to condemn the church, Professor Massimo Introvigne, a sociologist from Italy, the founder and director of the Center for Studies on New Religions, who has attended two international anti-cult academic conferences held by the CCP, will make his remarks in this episode.

The Return of the Lord Jesus
Investigating the Eastern Lightning

15 Feb 2018

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

The Church of Almighty God | "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?


The Return of the Lord Jesus

Expression of Almighty God

Why Christians Spread the Gospel?
Investigating the Eastern Lightning

12 Feb 2018

God's word | You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day

truth,believe ,Holy Spirit,worship,testimony

Eastern lightningGod's word | You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day

The entirety of the work over the 6,000 years has gradually changed along with the times. The shifts in this work have occurred according to the entire world’s circumstances. God’s management work has only gradually transformed according to the developmental trends of humanity as a whole; it was not already planned at the beginning of creation. Before the world was created, or right after it was created, Jehovah had not yet planned the first stage of work, that of law; the second stage of work, that of grace; or the third stage of work, that of conquering, in which He would first work among a group of people—some of the descendants of Moab, and from this He would conquer the entire universe. He did not speak these words after creating the world; He did not speak these words after Moab, let alone before Lot. All of His work was done spontaneously. This is exactly how His entire six-thousand-year management work has developed; by no means had He written out such a plan as Summary Chart for Humanity’s Development before creating the world. In God’s work, He directly expresses what He is; He does not rack His brains to formulate a plan. Of course, many prophets have spoken many prophecies, but it still cannot be said that God’s work has always been one of precise plan-making; the prophecies were made according to God’s actual work. All of His work is the most actual work. He carries out His work according to the development of the times, and He carries out His most actual work according to the changes of things. For Him, carrying out work is akin to administering medicine to an illness; He observes while doing His work; He works according to His observations. In every stage of His work, He is capable of expressing His ample wisdom and expressing His ample ability; He reveals His ample wisdom and ample authority according to the work of that particular age and allows any of those people brought back by Him during those ages to see His entire disposition. He supplies people’s needs and carries out the work He should do according to the work that must be done in each age; He supplies people’s needs according to the degree to which Satan has corrupted them. It was this way when Jehovah initially created Adam and Eve in order to allow them to manifest God upon the earth and to have God’s witnesses among the creation, but Eve sinned after being tempted by the snake; Adam did the same, and together in the garden they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And thus, Jehovah had additional work to perform among them. He saw their nakedness and covered their bodies with clothing made from animal hides. Following this, He said unto Adam, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for your sake … till you return to the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are, and to dust shall you return.” To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” From then on He banished them from the Garden of Eden and made them live outside the garden, as modern man now does upon the earth. When God created man in the very beginning, He did not plan to let man be tempted by the snake after he had been created and then curse man and the snake. He did not actually have this kind of plan; it was simply the development of things that gave Him new work among His creation. After Jehovah carried out this work among Adam and Eve upon the earth, humanity continued to develop for several thousand years, until “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. … But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” At this time Jehovah had more new work, for the humanity He created had become too sinful after being tempted by the snake. Given these circumstances, Jehovah selected Noah’s family from among these people and spared them, and carried out His work of destroying the world with a flood. Humanity has continued to develop in this manner to this very day, becoming increasingly corrupt, and when humanity’s development reaches its peak, it will also be humanity’s end. From the very beginning to the end of the world, the inside truth of His work has always been this way. It is the same as how man will be classed according to their kind; far from each and every person being predestined to the category they belong to at the very beginning, people are gradually categorized only after undergoing a process of development. In the end, anyone who cannot be saved entirely will be returned to his or her ancestors. None of God’s work among humanity was already prepared at the creation of the world; rather, it was the development of things that allowed God to perform His work step by step more realistically and practically among humanity. This is just like how Jehovah God did not create the snake in order to tempt the woman. It was not His specific plan, nor was it something that He had intentionally predestined; one could say that this was unexpected. It was thus because of this that Jehovah expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and vowed to never again create man. But God’s wisdom is only discovered by people upon this foundation, just like the point that I mentioned earlier: “My wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots.” No matter how corrupt humanity grew or how the snake tempted them, Jehovah still had His wisdom; therefore, He has been engaged in new work ever since He created the world, and none of the steps of this work have ever repeated. Satan has continuously carried out plots; humanity has been continuously corrupted by Satan, and Jehovah God has also continuously carried out His wise work. He has never failed, and He has never ceased His work from the creation of the world through now. After humanity was corrupted by Satan, He continuously worked among people to defeat His enemy who corrupts humanity. This battle will continue from the beginning until the world’s end. In doing all this work, He has not only allowed humanity, who has been corrupted by Satan, to receive His great salvation, but also allowed them to see His wisdom, almightiness and authority, and in the end He will let humanity see His righteous disposition—punishing the wicked and rewarding the good. He has battled Satan to this very day and has never been defeated, for He is a wise God, and His wisdom is exercised based on Satan’s plots. And so He not only makes everything in heaven submit to His authority; He also makes everything upon earth rest below His footstool, and not last of all, He makes those evildoers who invade and harass humanity fall within His chastisement. All the results of the work are brought about because of His wisdom. He had never revealed His wisdom before the existence of humanity, for He had no enemies in heaven, upon earth, or in the entire universe, and there were no dark forces that invaded anything among nature. After the archangel betrayed Him, He created humanity upon the earth, and it was because of humanity that He formally began His millennia-long war with Satan, the archangel, a war that grows more heated with every successive stage. His almightiness and wisdom are present in each of these stages. Only at this time can everything in heaven and earth see God’s wisdom, almightiness, and particularly God’s realness. He still carries out His work in this same realistic manner today; in addition, as He carries out His work He also reveals His wisdom and almightiness; He allows you to see the inside truth of each stage of work, to see exactly how to explain God’s almightiness, and particularly exactly how to explain God’s realness.

2 Feb 2018

When God became flesh in the Age of Grace it was in the image of a Jewish man, so why has God of the last days appeared as an Asian person?

gospel,God’s love,Eastern Lightning,the last days,Christ

When God became flesh in the Age of Grace it was in the image of a Jewish man, so why has God of the last days appeared as an Asian person? | Eastern Lightning

The Answer from God’s Word:
God is the greatest in the entire universe, so could He fully explain Himself using the image of a flesh? God puts on the flesh in order to do a stage of His work. There is no significance to the image of the flesh, and it bears no relation to the passing of ages, and has nothing to do with God’s disposition. Why did Jesus not allow the image of Him to remain? Why did He not let man paint His image, so that it could be passed on to later generations? Why did He not allow people to acknowledge that His image was the image of God? … He becomes flesh only so that the Spirit can have somewhere appropriate to reside when doing His work, so that He can achieve His work in the flesh—so that people can see His work, come into contact with His disposition, hear His words, and know the wonder of His work. His name represents His disposition, His work represents His identity, but He has never said that His appearance in the flesh represents His image; that is merely a notion of man. And so, the key points of the incarnation of God are His name, His work, His disposition, and His gender. He uses these to represent His management in this age. His appearance in the flesh has no bearing on His management, and is merely for the sake of His work at the time. Yet it is impossible for God incarnate to have no particular appearance, and so He chooses the appropriate family to determine His appearance. If the appearance of God has representative significance, then all those who possess similar facial features to Him also represent God. Is that not an egregious error? … God is Spirit, and man will never be capable of summing up exactly what His image is. His image can only be represented by His disposition. … You cannot use the language of man to fully epitomize the image of God, for God is too exalted, too great, too wondrous and unfathomable!
from “The Vision of God’s Work (3)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

20 Jan 2018

God's voice | What It Means to Be a Real Man

gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,Rescue,believe

Eastern Lightning | God's voice | What It Means to Be a Real Man

Managing man is My job, and having him be conquered by Me is even more something that was ordained when I created the world. People may not know that I will completely conquer them in the last days and may also be unaware that the evidence of My defeat of Satan is to conquer the rebellious ones among mankind. But, when My enemy joined battle with Me, I had already told it that I would become the conqueror of those that Satan had taken captive and made into its children and its loyal servants watching over its home. The original meaning of conquer is to defeat, to subject to humiliation. Couched in the language of the Israelites, it is to completely defeat, destroy, and render incapable of further resistance against Me. But today, as used among you people, its meaning is to conquer. You should know that My intent is to completely extinguish and put to rout the evil one of mankind, so that it can no longer rebel against Me, much less have the breath to interrupt or disturb My work. Thus, as far as man is concerned, it has come to mean conquest. Whatever the connotations of the term, My work is to defeat mankind. For, while it is true that mankind is an adjunct to My management, to put it more precisely, mankind is none other than My enemy. Mankind is the evil one that opposes and disobeys Me. Mankind is none other than the progeny of the evil one accursed by Me. Mankind is none other than the descendant of the archangel that betrayed Me. Mankind is none other than the heritage of the devil who, spurned by Me long ago, has been My irreconcilable enemy ever since. Above the human race, the sky lowers, murky and gloomy, without so much as a glimmer of clarity, and the human world is plunged in pitchy darkness, so that one living in it cannot even see his outstretched hand before his face or the sun when he lifts up his head. The road beneath his feet, muddy and rife with potholes, meanders tortuously; the whole land is littered with corpses. The dark corners are filled with the remains of the dead, and in the cool and shady corners crowds of demons have taken up residence. And everywhere in the world of men demons come and go in hordes. The progeny of all manner of beasts, covered in filth, are locked in pitch battle, the sound of which strikes terror in the heart. At such times, in such a world, such an “earthly paradise,” where does one go to seek out life’s felicities? Where would one go to find his life’s destination? Mankind, trampled under Satan’s feet long ago, has from the first been an actor taking on Satan’s image—even more, Satan’s embodiment, serving as the evidence that bears witness to Satan, loud and clear. How can such a human race, such a bunch of degenerate scum, and such offspring of this corrupt human family bear witness to God? Whence comes forth My glory? Where can one begin to speak of My witness? For the enemy that, having corrupted mankind, stands against Me, has already taken mankind—the mankind that I created long ago and that was filled with My glory and My living out—and soiled them. It has snatched away My glory, and all it has imbued man with is poison heavily laced with the ugliness of Satan, and juice from fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the beginning, I created mankind, that is, I created mankind’s ancestor, Adam. He was endowed with form and image, brimming with vigor, brimming with vitality, and was, furthermore, in the company of My glory. That was the glorious day when I created man. After that, Eve was produced from the body of Adam, and she too was the ancestor of man, and so the people that I created were filled with My breath and brimming with My glory. Adam was originally born from My hand and was the representation of My image. Thus the original meaning of “Adam” was a being created by Me, imbued with My vital energy, imbued with My glory, having form and image, having spirit and breath. He was the only created being, possessed of a spirit, who was capable of representing Me, of bearing My image, and receiving My breath. In the beginning, Eve was the second human endowed with breath whose creation I had ordained, so the original meaning of “Eve” was a created being who would continue My glory, filled with My vitality and even more richly endowed with My glory. Eve came out of Adam, so she also bore My image, for she was the second human to be created in My image. The original meaning of “Eve” was a living human, with spirit, flesh, and bone, My second testimony as well as My second image among mankind. They were mankind’s ancestors, man’s pure and precious treasure, and, from the first, living beings endowed with spirit. However the evil one took the progeny of mankind’s ancestors and trampled on them and took them into captivity, plunging the human world into complete darkness, and making it so that the progeny no longer believe in My existence. Even more abominable is that, even as the evil one corrupts people and tramples them down, it is cruelly wresting away My glory, My testimony, the vitality I bestowed on them, the breath and the life I blew into them, all My glory in the human world, and all the heart’s blood I have expended on mankind. Mankind is no longer in the light, and has lost everything I have bestowed on them, discarding the glory I have bestowed. How can they acknowledge that I am the Lord of all created beings? How can they continue to believe in My existence in heaven? How can they discover the manifestations of My glory upon the earth? How can these grandsons and granddaughters take the God their own ancestors revered as the Lord who created them? These pitiful grandsons and granddaughters have generously “presented” to the evil one the glory, the image, as well as the testimony that I bestowed on Adam and Eve, as well as the life I bestowed on mankind and on which they depend in order to exist, and, without minding in the slightest the evil one’s presence, have given all My glory to it. Is this not the origin of the appellation of “scum”? How can such a mankind, such evil demons, such walking corpses, such figures of Satan, and such enemies of Mine be possessed of My glory? I will repossess My glory, repossess My testimony that exists among men, and all that once belonged to Me and that I gave to mankind long ago—I will completely conquer mankind. However, you should know, the humans I created were holy men who bore My image and My glory. They did not belong to Satan, nor were they subject to its trampling, but were purely a manifestation of Mine, free of the slightest trace of Satan’s poison. And so, I let humanity know that I want only that which is created by My hand, the holy ones that I love and that belong to no other entity. Furthermore, I will take pleasure in them and consider them as My glory. However, what I want is not the mankind that has been corrupted by Satan, that belongs to Satan today, and that is no longer My original creation. Because I intend to repossess My glory that exists in the human world, I will gain complete conquest over the remaining survivors among mankind, as proof of My glory in defeating Satan. I take only My testimony as a crystallization of My self, as the object of My enjoyment. This is My will.

15 Dec 2017

How can one know God’s disposition and essence?

How can one know God’s disposition and essence?

Relevant Words of God:
People often say that it is not an easy thing to know God. I, however, say that knowing God is not a difficult matter at all, for God frequently allows man to witness His deeds. God has never ceased His dialogue with mankind; He has never concealed Himself from man, nor has He hidden Himself. His thoughts, His ideas, His words and His deeds are all revealed to mankind. Therefore, so long as man wishes to know God, he can come to understand and know Him through all sorts of means and methods. The reason why man blindly thinks that God has intentionally avoided him, that God has intentionally hidden Himself from humanity, that God has no intention of allowing man to understand and know Him, is that he does not know who God is, nor does he wish to understand God; even more so, he is not concerned with the Creator’s thoughts, words or deeds…. Truthfully speaking, if one only uses their idle time to focus upon and understand the Creator’s words or deeds, and pay a little attention to the Creator’s thoughts and the voice of His heart, it will not be difficult for them to realize that the Creator’s thoughts, words and deeds are visible and transparent. Likewise, it will take little effort to realize that the Creator is among man at all times, that He is always in conversation with man and the entirety of creation, and that He is performing new deeds every day. His substance and disposition are expressed in His dialogue with man; His thoughts and ideas are revealed completely in His deeds; He accompanies and observes mankind at all times. He speaks quietly to mankind and all of creation with His silent words: I am in the heavens, and I am amongst My creation. I am keeping watch; I am waiting; I am at your side….
from “God Himself, the Unique II” in Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

4 Dec 2017

Live in the Light of God | A Cappella "It's Such a Joy to Be an Honest Person" (Gospel Music Video)

Eastern Lightning | Live in the Light of God | A Cappella "It's Such a Joy to Be an Honest Person" (Gospel Music Video)

Understanding the truth frees one’s spirit and makes one happy. (That’s true!)
I am filled with confidence in God’s word and harbor no doubts. (How could we have any doubts?)
I am without negativity, I do not retreat, and never despair. (Look!)
I uphold my duty with all my heart and mind, and I have no concerns for the flesh.
I’m not bad, either!
Though my caliber is low, I have an honest heart. (Really?)
I am utterly devoted in all things to satisfy God’s will. (Ah, that’s right!)
I practice the truth, obey God, and try to be an honest person. (Great!)
I’m open and upright, without deceit, living in the light.
Very good!
Honest people, come quickly, let’s talk heart to heart.
All God-loving people, come gather and join as good friends.
One, two, three, we’re all true friends.
All truth-loving people are brothers and sisters. (Family!)
O happy people, come sing and dance in praise of God.
Sing! Dance!
It’s such a joy to be an honest person!
It’s such a joy to be an honest person!
Being an honest person is truly joyful!

27 Nov 2017

Breaking Through the Fog to See the Light

Eastern Lightning- Breaking Through the Fog to See the Light
Max    United States
 In 1994, I was born in the United States. My parents are both Chinese. My mother was the classic example of a successful career woman. She is able to think for herself and is very competent. I love my mother very much. When I was in Grade 2, my parents brought me back to China to study so that I would be able to learn Chinese. It was also at that time that I started to get acquainted with the Lord Jesus. I remember one day in 2004, after I got home from school, there was a guest at our house. My mother introduced her and told me that she was a pastor from the United States. I was very happy because that was when I found out that my mother had believed in the Lord Jesus for some time. Before, she did not believe. Every Chinese New Year, she would burn incense and worship Buddha. However, after my mother started to believe in the Lord Jesus, I no longer had to smell the whiff of burnt Joss paper and incense. That day, the American pastor told me a story about the Lord Jesus. Soon after, I was brought to the bathroom and before I could react, “plop,” the pastor had dunked my head into the bathtub and after a moment, pulled my head out. All I heard was my mother and the pastor telling me, “Welcome to the embrace of the Lord Jesus. We are all lost sheep.” In this way, I started a new life journey before I knew it. However, because the Lord was with me, my heart was very happy. Afterward, each Sunday, I would go to church to worship and listen to the pastor talk about Bible stories and read from the scriptures. I was very happy all along. My heart was steadfast and I felt that believing in the Lord Jesus was truly a good thing.