Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


27 Oct 2018

Questions and Answers on God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days(1)

Question 1: You say that God becomes flesh in the last days to do the work of judgment. Does this have any basis in the Bible, or fulfill any biblical prophecies? Without a biblical basis, we shouldn’t be so quick to believe it.
the church,God’s work,God’s will,truth,salvation
Answer: Any major incidents of God’s work are prophesied in the Bible, and there are quite a few prophecies relating to the second coming of the Lord Jesus and God’s work of judgment in the last days. But what we should understand is that prophecies only tell people what will happen. They are reminders for people to be watchful and to seek and investigate carefully in the last days, so they won’t be abandoned or eliminated by God. That’s all the prophecies can do. The prophecies can’t help us know God’s work, nor understand the truth, or help us obey God, or increase our love for God. So, our best course is to directly investigate the words expressed by Almighty God, and the work done by Him, and from these determine whether they are truly God’s voice and expression. That is the most important, and wisest, course of action. This is much more realistic and useful than searching for a basis in biblical prophecies. We all know that when the Lord Jesus came to do work, the apostles and believers who followed Him only recognized gradually, through His work and words, that the Lord Jesus was Christ, the Messiah prophesied to come. The chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees who knew the laws and studied the Bible knew very well that the Lord Jesus’ words were the truth, had authority, and had power, but because they hated the truth, they not only refused to follow the Lord Jesus, they used the letters and rules in the Bible to oppose and condemn the Lord Jesus, and finally nailed Him to the cross. This shows us that the Bible can’t lead or guide us to accept the return of the Lord. For those of us who await the Lord’s return, the Bible only serves as corroboration. The clever virgins don’t welcome the Groom using the Bible. When they hear the Groom’s voice, they ascertain it is God’s voice and go to meet the Lord. Those who rely on biblical prophecy, rather than seeking God’s voice, and who reject and condemn Almighty God’s work in the last days— they are the most foolish virgins, those who God will abandon and eliminate.

26 Oct 2018

Finally I Can Love God

believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life

God, Your love is true and pure.
Your heart is honest and kind.
You gave us Your all to pay the costs
for the sake of saving us.
I love and rely on You.
I tremble in Your presence.
I went through trials with You.
I don't want You to leave my side.
With guidance from You,
I can live in the light.
I'll do anything I can.
I'll learn to love You.
Together with You,
I've come to know Your heart.
Finally I can love You, God.
Finally I am able.
Finally I can know Your heart
and love You, God.

25 Oct 2018

A Letter From a Recovered Cancer Patient to Her Sister

Little Sister:
Hello! I got your letter a few days ago and it made me really happy. We haven’t been in contact for a long time, so now that I know you’re all well and that you’re living the proper church life, my mind can rest easy. You asked why I hadn’t been in touch with you for such a long time; you must surely have been worried that something had happened to me, right? Actually, I’ve been going through a trial of illness during this time, and the doctor gave me a death sentence. But I miraculously survived under the guidance of God’s words, and now I’m completely fine. You probably want to know how God guided me through this trial of illness, don’t you? Let me take you through everything that’s happened.

Bible,hymns,Lord Jesus,worship,Holy Spirit

24 Oct 2018

Be Dauntless on the Path of Loving God

Bible,hymns,Lord Jesus,worship,Holy Spirit

The bumpy path makes my love purer.
God's words of judgment
are always with me.
His righteousness burns me like a fire,
and now I see how corrupt
I've become.

God's judgment drives out
my rebellion.
Suffering has taught me how to obey.
My love for God
brings me closer to Him,
and to bear witness to Him
is my wish.
I see now that judgment
is God's blessing.
To gain truth,
we must suffer much pain.
The lazy, the timid,
and the cowardly
can never bear witness for Him.
I wish to suffer more to satisfy God.
Persecution strengthens my love
for Him.
Be of one mind with God,
expend it all for Him.
Love Him, follow His will,
strive to reach what He asks.
With all my will and faith
multiplied a hundred-fold,
I march toward real human life.
Success beckons me on. Oh~

23 Oct 2018

Questions and Answers on the Inside Story of the Bible (7)

Question 7: I have studied the Bible for more than 20 years. I discovered that the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors during different times, but the content of what they wrote had no errors whatsoever. This shows that God is the true author of the Bible and that the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit.
believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life
Answer: The Bible was written by more than 40 authors and that there were no errors. Are there really no errors? Let’s communicate on this issue specifically. Actually, Almighty God—Christ of the last days—has already opened up these mysteries for us. Almighty God says, “The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham, the son of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin—which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham, that He was not the son of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! In this way, you know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit” (“Concerning the Bible (3)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Through God’s word we understand that the genealogy by Matthew was not God’s idea. How could God have a genealogy? Matthew knew that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and yet he gave Him a genealogy saying that Jesus was the son of David and the son of Joseph. Isn’t this denying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus and Joseph are not related. Matthew’s words are contradictory. Clearly, this genealogy did not come from the Holy Spirit and was man’s idea. Then how do you explain John 8:58: “Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am”? From here we can see that the genealogy of the Lord Jesus was man’s idea. It was written by Matthew around AD 50, and was not written at the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit.

22 Oct 2018

Praise and Worship Song 2018 | Praise God for His Great Grace | "God's Humbleness Is So Lovable"

God humbles Himself and does His work
on the filthy and corrupt man to make them perfect.
God becomes man.
He shepherds and attends to them, comes to the great red dragon’s heart
to save and to conquer those corrupt,
doing the task of changing and making them new.
He humbles Himself to be man and endures the hardship it brings.
It’s the supreme Spirit’s great humiliation.
God, great and lofty. Man, mean and lowly.
Yet God speaks, provides, lives among them.
He is so humble, so lovable.

21 Oct 2018

Rising Up Through Dark Oppression

Mo Zhijian Guangdong Province
believe in God,God’s word,judgment,the truth,life
I was born in a poor, remote mountain area where we have burned incense and worshiped Buddha for many generations. There are Buddhist temples all over the land where all the families would go to burn incense; no one had ever believed in God. In 1995, my wife and I were in another part of the country where we believed in the Lord Jesus; after we returned we began sharing the gospel and the number of people who accepted it slowly grew to over 100 people. Because more and more people were believing in God, it alarmed the local government. One day in 1997, the police summoned me to go to the local police station, where the chief of the County Public Security Bureau, the chief of the National Security Bureau, the chief of the Bureau of Religion and the head of the police station as well as a few police officers were waiting for me. The chief of the Public Security Bureau asked me: “Why do you believe in God? Who do you have contact with? Where did the Bibles come from? Why don’t you go to the church for gatherings?” I said: “People were created by God, all the sunlight, air, and water are created by God; it is the law of heaven and earth that people believe in God and worship Him. The national constitution also expressly stipulates that citizens have freedom of religion; why don’t you permit us to freely believe in God?” The chief of the Bureau of Religion said: “There are limits to religious freedom, just like a little bird inside a cage; even though its wings and feet are not bound, it can only move within the cage.” When I heard him speak these fallacies, I became indignant and angrily said: “Then the national government is lying to its people!” When they heard me say this, they knew that they were wrong and didn’t have anything to say, so they just let me go home. At that time, I wasn’t aware of the substance of the CCP government’s persecution of believers until 1999 when I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Through reading God’s words and experiencing even more cruel persecution from the CCP government was I able to see clearly that the CCP was the embodiment of Satan the evil spirit; it was the enemy of God as spoken of in the Bible: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9).

20 Oct 2018

Come Before God Often

gospel,God’s love,word of God,the last days,Christ

Take the chance when you have time,
sit in silence before God.
Read His word, know His truths,
right the transgressions in you.
Trials come, take them on;
and you'll have strength.
Tell Him what things you lack,
share His truth always.
Elated is your soul
when you worship Him.
Come often before God, resist no more.
Your care of flesh, it hurts Him so.
Read His word, understand His truth.
Come often before God.
Come often before God.
So live as sanctified man!
No matter what test
or judgment comes,
we will work to appease Him.
Come often before God.
Come often before God
and live His truth.