Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belief. Show all posts

3 Oct 2019

Word of God | You Ought to Live for the Truth Since You Believe in God

Testimony, judgment, will, serve, In God We Trust,

   The common problem that exists in all people is that they understand the truth but fail to put it into practice. This is because, on the one hand, they are unwilling to pay the price, and on the other, because their discernment is too inadequate; they are unable to see many of the difficulties of everyday lives for what they are, and do not know how to practice properly. Because people’s experiences are too shallow, their caliber too poor, and the degree to which they understand the truth limited, they have no way of resolving the difficulties they encounter in their everyday lives. They believe in God in word only, and are incapable of bringing God into their everyday lives. That is to say, God is God, life is life, and it is as if people have no relationship with God in their lives. That is what everyone thinks. Believing in God thus, people will not, in reality, be gained and perfected by Him. In fact, it is not that the word of God has not found complete expression, but rather that people’s ability to receive His word is simply too inadequate. One could say that almost no one acts according to God’s original intentions; rather, their faith in God is according to their own intentions, the religious notions they held in the past, and their own way of doing things. Few are those who undergo a transformation following the acceptance of God’s word and begin to act in accordance with His will. Instead, they persist in their mistaken beliefs. When people begin to believe in God, they do so based on the conventional rules of religion, and they live and interact with others entirely on the basis of their own life philosophy. One could say that this is the case for nine out of every ten people. There are very few who formulate another plan and turn over a new leaf after beginning to believe in God. Humanity has failed to regard the word of God as truth, or, taking it as truth, to put it into practice.

21 Jul 2019

Hymn of God’s Words | God Is Seeking Your Heart and Your Spirit

God’s Words, belief, Almighty God,  spirit, Christian

  Hymn of God’s Words | God Is Seeking

Your Heart and Your Spirit

Mankind who left the life supply
from the Almighty
does not know why they exist,
and yet fears death.
There is no support and no help,
but mankind is still reluctant to
close their eyes,
braving it all, drags out
an ignoble existence in this world
in bodies
without the consciousness of souls.
You live with no hope.
He lives with no aim.
There's only the Holy One
in the legend,
there is only the Holy One
in the legend
who'll come to save
those who moan in suffering
and long desperately for His arrival.
In the people who are unconscious,
this belief can't be realized so far.
The people however still yearn for it,
yearn for it.

1 May 2019

Christian Song "God's Hopes for Mankind Have Not Changed"

Christian Worship Song "God's Hopes for Mankind Have Not Changed"

Ever since He created man in the beginning,
God has yearned for a group, a group of overcomers,
a group that will walk with Him and are able to understand,
comprehend and know His disposition.
Regardless of how long He still has to wait,
regardless of how hard the road ahead,
no matter how far off the objectives He yearns for,
God has not altered nor given up on His expectations for man.
This wish of God has never changed.
This wish of God remains the same.
This wish of God has never changed.
This wish of God, this wish of God will never fade.

19 Apr 2019

Best Song of Faith | "Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death"

From heaven to the earth, hiding in the flesh. Working among men, through winds and rains. Taking a rough path, open a new age. To redeem mankind, lay down Your life and shed blood. Wind and rain, so many years. Forsaken by every man. Humble and hidden, enduring all along. Humble and hidden, enduring all along.

Sacrifice for Your will; this is my wish. Though flesh's in trials, stronger is my will. Love You more intensely; bitterness most sweet. Eyes blurred by tears, but my life is so bright. Broken and smashed time after time, care about Your will even more. Faithful till death, through thick and thin. Faithful till death, thick and thin.

16 Apr 2019

Praise Dance | Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus "The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan"

I’ve returned to God’s family, excited and happy.
My hands hold my beloved, my heart belongs to Him.
Though I’ve passed through the Vale of Tears, I’ve seen God’s loveliness.
My love for God grows day by day, God is the source of my joy.
Bewitched by the beauty of God, my heart is attached to Him.
I can never love God enough, songs of praise well up in my heart.
Bewitched by the beauty of God, my heart is attached to Him.
I can never love God enough, songs of praise well up in my heart.

3 Apr 2019

English Christian Movie "On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross

Christian Film "On a Mission" | The Love of God Is With Me on the Way of the Cross

   Christian Chen Yixin has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been fortunate enough to welcome the Lord Jesus' return in the last days—Almighty God! She came to understand God's urgent will to save mankind from Almighty God's words as well as the mission and responsibility a created being should undertake, so she began sharing the gospel and bearing witness to God's work in the last days. While doing this she travels to many cities and provinces and suffers suppression and rejection from religious circles over and over as well as pursuit and persecution by the CCP government. She endures a lot of suffering. However, under the guidance of God's words, she remains on her mission, unafraid of danger, courageously going forward …

Recommend More:

Inspirational Christian Movie Online | ''Unchaining the Heart'' | The Secret to Setting Our Hearts Free 

11 Mar 2018

Gospel Movie "Song of Victory" (7) - God's Judgment in the Last Days Makes the Overcomers Complete

Gospel Movie "Song of Victory" (7) - God's Judgment in the Last Days Makes the Overcomers Complete

The brothers and sisters of the Church of Almighty God endure the severe obstruction and persecution from the Chinese Communist Party and the religious world. Why do they continue to refuse to surrender, continuing to preach the gospel and testify for God? How does Almighty God lead them to undergo God's judgment and tribulations to attain purification and become overcomers? Watch this video!

Investigating the Eastern Lightning

14 Feb 2018

The Testimony of a Christian | I Found the True Light

The Church of Almighty God | The Testimony of a Christian | I Found the True Light

  Qiuhe, Japan
  I was born in a Catholic family. Since I was little, I attended Mass at church with my grandparents. Due to the influence of my environment and my belief in God, I learned to chant many different scriptures and practice various rituals.
  In 2009, I arrived in Japan to study. One time, in a fellow student’s dorm room, I met by chance a Christian small group leader who had come to spread the gospel. I thought: Protestants and Catholics believe in the same God. They both believe in the Lord Jesus. As a result, I accepted the small group leader’s invitation to join him at the church. After listening to the pastors preach and hearing some brothers and sisters talk about the Bible, I had some understanding about the Lord Jesus’ life. This caused me to have more faith in the Lord. However, after a few months, the pastors and the preachers asked us to donate tithe every week. Also, each week, we were to hand out pamphlets to spread the gospel. Sometimes, we were so tired that we would snooze during Sunday service. We no longer had a normal routine in our life. At that time, some of us were both working and studying. Not only did we have to make money to pay for our studies, but we also needed money for our everyday expenses. Our lives were already quite difficult, but they still wanted us to give them our money and our energy. We were under a lot of stress and pain. Gradually, I discovered that the pastors and the preachers were not truly people that served the Lord. Normally, since they were those who shepherded the church, they should have been helping us grow in our spiritual lives. However, they did not care about our lives. They did not think at all about our practical problems. Instead, they wanted our energy and our money. Everything they did was to help expand their church and consolidate their status and their influence. At this time, we felt like we had been deceived. Consequently, a few of my brothers and I left the church.

6 Feb 2018

Salvation Can Only Come Through Belief in Almighty God.

grace,gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom

Salvation Can Only Come Through Belief in Almighty God.

Relevant Words of God:

  When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom. All those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led into the Age of Kingdom, and be able to personally accept the guidance of God. Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to take on the sins of man as the sin offering, but also required God to do greater work to completely rid man of his disposition, which has been corrupted by Satan. And so, after man was forgiven his sins, God has returned to flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment, and this work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.
  … when God becomes flesh this time, His work is to express His disposition, primarily through chastisement and judgment. Using this as the foundation, He brings more truth to man, shows more ways of practice, and so achieves His objective of conquering man and saving man from his corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom.
from Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh

3 Feb 2018

Human Rights Lawyer Carlos Iglesias: Repatriating Chinese Christians Is Putting Their Lives at Stake

Eastern Lightning Human Rights Lawyer Carlos Iglesias: Repatriating Chinese Christians Is Putting Their Lives at Stake

Since the Chinese Communist Party came into power, it has been oppressing religious beliefs and frantically arresting and persecuting Christians. In recent years, some Chinese Christians have been forced to flee overseas because of their faith. However, their asylum applications are denied in Western countries, especially some in Europe, as the authorities of these countries do not acknowledge the fact that these Christians have been subjected to persecution, and they are in danger of being deported back to China. Carlos Iglesias, a senior Spanish human rights lawyer, comments on the egregious human rights situation in China, as well as its status quo of religious persecution. Regarding the exiled Chinese Christians being denied political asylum, Mr. Iglesias appeals to the authorities of Western countries to act with caution, saying "when they grant or deny this asylum, what is at stake is that person's life."


Expression of Almighty God

Gospel Is Being Spread!

The Returned Lord JesusWords

How does the Church of Almighty God develop?

24 Jan 2018

God's will | What Do You Know of Faith?

Life,truth,believe,God’s family,God’s will

Eastern Lightning | God's will | What Do You Know of Faith?

In man exists only the uncertain word of faith, yet man knows not what constitutes faith, much less why he has faith. Man understands too little, and man himself is too lacking; his faith in Me is but mindless and ignorant. Though he knows not what faith is, nor why he has faith in Me, he continues to believe in Me obsessively. What I ask of man is not merely for him to obsessively call upon Me in this way or to believe in Me in a desultory fashion, for the work I do is so that man may see Me, and know Me, not so that man is impressed and looks at Me in a new light. I once manifested many signs and wonders and performed many miracles, and the Israelites of the time showed Me great admiration and greatly revered My exceptional ability to heal the sick and exorcise demons. At the time, the Jews thought My healing powers to be masterly, extraordinary—and because of My many deeds, they all venerated Me, and felt great admiration for all of My powers. Thus, all who saw Me perform miracles followed Me closely, such that thousands surrounded Me to watch Me heal the sick. I manifested so many signs and wonders, yet people merely looked upon Me as a masterly physician; so, too, did I speak many words of teaching to people at the time, yet they merely regarded Me as a teacher superior to his disciples. Even today, after men have seen the historical records of My work, their interpretation continues to be that I am a great physician who heals the sick and a teacher to the ignorant, and they have defined Me as the merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Those who interpret the scriptures may have surpassed My skills in healing, or may even be disciples who have now surpassed their teacher, yet such men of great renown, whose names are known around the world, consider Me so lowly to be a mere physician. My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom surpasses all the sons of Solomon, yet people merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man. How many believe in Me only so that I might heal them? How many believe in Me only so that I might use My powers to drive unclean spirits out from their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me greater material wealth? How many believe in Me just to spend this life in peace and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come? When I brought down My fury upon man and seized all the joy and peace he once possessed, man became doubtful. When I gave unto man the suffering of hell and reclaimed the blessings of heaven, man’s shame turned into anger. When man asked Me to heal him, I paid him no heed and felt abhorrence toward him; man departed from Me to instead seek the way of evil medicine and sorcery. When I took away all that man had demanded from Me, everyone disappeared without a trace. Thus, I say that man has faith in Me because I give too much grace, and there is far too much to gain. The Jews believed in Me for My grace and followed Me wherever I went. These ignorant men of limited knowledge and experience sought only to behold the signs and wonders I manifested. They regarded Me as the head of the house of the Jews who could perform the greatest miracles. And so when I exorcised demons from men, it caused much discussion among them: They said that I was Elijah, that I was Moses, that I was the most ancient of all prophets, that I was the greatest of all physicians. Apart from Myself saying that I am the life, the way, and the truth, none could know My being or My identity. Apart from Myself saying that heaven is the place where My Father lives, none knew that I am the Son of God, and also God Himself. Apart from Myself saying that I shall bring redemption to all mankind and ransom mankind, none knew that I am the Redeemer of mankind, and men only knew Me as a benevolent and compassionate man. And apart from Myself being able to explain all there is of Me, none knew Me, and none believed that I am the Son of the living God. Such is people’s faith in Me, and the way they try to fool Me. How could they bear witness to Me when they hold such views of Me?

17 Jan 2018

God's word | What Is Your Understanding of God?

Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue,believe,love

Eastern Lightning | God's word | What Is Your Understanding of God?

People have long believed in God, yet most of them have no understanding of what the word “God” means, and merely follow in bewilderment. They have no clue as to why exactly man should believe in God, or what God is. If people know only to believe in and follow God, but not what God is, and if they also do not know God, then is this not just a great big joke? Even though, having come this far, people have witnessed many heavenly mysteries, and have heard much profound knowledge never before understood by man, they are ignorant of many of the most elementary truths never before contemplated by man. Some might say, “We have believed in God for many years. How could we not know what God is? Does this question not belittle us?” In reality, however, though people follow Me today, they know nothing of any of the work of today, and fail to grasp even the most obvious and easiest of questions, let alone such highly complex ones as those about God. Know that the questions that you have no concern for, that you have not identified, are the ones that are most important for you to understand, for you know only to follow the crowd, paying no attention and giving no care to what you should be equipping yourself with. Do you truly know why you should have faith in God? Do you really know what God is? Do you truly know what man is? As a person who has faith in God, if you fail to understand these things, do you not lose the dignity of a believer of God? My work today is this: to have people understand their essence, understand all that I do, and know the true face of God. This is the closing act of My management plan, the last stage of My work. That is why I am telling you all of life’s mysteries in advance, so that you can accept them from Me. As this is the work of the final age, I must tell you all the truths of life that you have never been receptive to before, even though you are incapable of understanding or bearing them due to being simply too deficient and too ill-equipped. I shall conclude My work; I shall complete the work I am supposed to do, and shall tell you of all I have commissioned of you, lest you again stray and fall for the evil one’s schemes when darkness descends. There are many ways that you do not understand, many matters of which you have no knowledge. You are so ignorant; I know full well your stature and your shortcomings. Therefore, though there are many words you are incapable of understanding, I am still willing to tell you all these truths that you have never been receptive to before, because I keep worrying whether, in your current stature, you are able to stand firm in your testimony to Me. It is not that I think little of you; you are all beasts that have yet to undergo My formal training, and I absolutely cannot see how much glory is within you. Though I have expended much energy working on you, the positive elements in you seem practically nonexistent, and the negative elements can be counted on one’s fingers and serve only as testimonies that bring shame on Satan. Just about everything else in you is Satan’s poison. You look to Me like you are beyond salvation. Therefore, as matters stand, I look at your various demeanors, and I finally know your true stature. This is why I am always fretting over you: Left to live life on their own, would humans really be better off than or comparable to how they are today? Does your infantile stature not make you anxious? Can you truly be like the chosen people of Israel—loyal to Me, and to Me alone, at all times? What is revealed in you is not the mischievousness of children who have strayed from their parents, but the beastliness that bursts forth from animals that are out of reach of their masters’ whips. You should know your nature, which is also the weakness that you all share; it is an ailment common to you all. Thus, My only exhortation to you today is to stand firm in your testimony to Me. Do not, under any circumstances, allow the old ailment to flare up again. Bearing testimony is what’s most important—it is the heart of My work. You should accept My words just as Mary accepted Jehovah’s revelation that came to her in a dream: by believing, and then obeying. Only this qualifies as being chaste. For you are the ones who hear My words the most, the ones most blessed by Me. I have given you all My valuable possessions, I have bestowed everything upon you, yet you are of such vastly different status to the people of Israel; you are simply worlds apart. But compared to them, you have received so much more; while they desperately await My appearance, you pass pleasant days with Me, sharing My bounty. Given this difference, what gives you the right to squawk and squabble with Me and demand your share of My possessions? Have you not gained much? I give you so much, but what you give Me in return is just heartrending sadness and anxiety, irrepressible resentment and discontent. You are so repugnant—yet you are also pitiable, so I have no choice but to swallow all My resentment and voice My objections to you again and again. Over thousands of years of work, I have never remonstrated with mankind because I have discovered that, throughout humanity’s development, it is only the “hoaxes” among you that have become the most renowned, like precious inheritances left to you by famous ancestors of ancient times. How I hate those subhuman swine and dogs. You are too lacking in conscience! You are of too base a character! Your hearts are too hardened! If I had taken such words and work to the Israelites, I would have gained glory long ago. But among you this is unattainable; among you, there is only cruel neglect, your cold shoulder, and your excuses. You are too unfeeling, and utterly worthless!

12 Jan 2018

The significance of God’s judgment in the last days can be seen in the results achieved by God’s work of judgment in the last days.

The significance of God’s judgment in the last days can be seen in the results achieved by God’s work of judgment in the last days.

(1) God’s work of judgment in the last days is done to purify, save and perfect man, and to make a group of overcomers.
 Bible Verses for Reference:
 “Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come on all the world, to try them that dwell on the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown. Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name” (Rev 3:10-12).
 “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God” (Rev 14:4-5).
 Relevant Words of God:
 The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come. God brings all who have entered His kingdom, that is, all those who have been loyal to Him to the end, into the age of God Himself. However, until the coming of the age of God Himself, the work that God shall do is not to observe the deeds of man or to inquire into the life of man, but to judge his rebellion, for God shall purify all those who come before His throne. All those who have followed the footsteps of God to this day are those who have come before the throne of God, and this being so, every single person who accepts God’s work in its final phase is the object of God’s purification. In other words, everyone who accepts God’s work in its final phase is the object of God’s judgment.
from “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

11 Jan 2018

What is the consequence and the outcome of the religious world rejecting God’s work of judgment in the last days?

The Church of Almighty God | What is the consequence and the outcome of the religious world rejecting God’s work of judgment in the last days?

Relevant Words of God:
In each period of time, God will begin new work, and in each period, there will be a new beginning among man. If man only abides by the truths that “Jehovah is God” and “Jesus is Christ,” which are truths that only apply to a single age, then man will never keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit, and will forever be incapable of gaining the work of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of how God works, man follows without the slightest doubt, and he follows closely. In this way, how could man be eliminated by the Holy Spirit? Regardless of what God does, as long as man is certain that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, and cooperates in the work of the Holy Spirit without any misgivings, and tries to meet the requirements of God, then how could he be punished? The work of God has never ceased, His footsteps have never halted, and prior to the completion of His work of management, He has always been busy, and never stops. But man is different: Having gained but a modicum of the Holy Spirit’s work, he treats it as if it will never change; having gained a little knowledge, he does not go forth to follow the footsteps of God’s newer work; having seen but a bit of God’s work, he immediately prescribes God as a particular wooden figure, and believes that God will always remain in this form that he sees before him, that it was like this in the past and will always be thus in the future; having gained but a superficial knowledge, man is so proud that he forgets himself and begins to wantonly proclaim the disposition and being of God that simply do not exist; and having fastened upon one stage of the Holy Spirit’s work, no matter what kind of person it is that proclaims the new work of God, man does not accept it. These are people who cannot accept the new work of the Holy Spirit; they are too conservative, and incapable of accepting new things. Such people are those who believe in Godbut also reject God. Man believes that the Israelites were wrong to “only believe in Jehovah and not believe in Jesus,” yet the majority of people act out a role in which they “only believe in Jehovah and reject Jesus” and “long for the return of the Messiah, but oppose the Messiah who is called Jesus.” No wonder, then, that people still live under the domain of Satan after accepting one stage of the work of the Holy Spirit, and still do not receive God’s blessings. Is this not the result of man’s rebelliousness? Christians across the world who have not kept up with the new work of today all hold onto the belief that they are the lucky ones, that God will fulfill each of their wishes. Yet they cannot say for sure why God will take them up to the third heaven, nor are they certain about how Jesus will come to collect them riding upon a white cloud, much less can they say with absolute certainty whether Jesus will truly arrive upon a white cloud on the day that they imagine. They are all anxious, and at a loss; they themselves don’t even know whether God will take up each of them, the varied small handfuls of people, who hail from every denomination. The work that God does now, the present age, God’s will—they have no grasp of any of these, and can do nothing but count down the days on their fingers. Only those who follow the footsteps of the Lamb to the very end can gain the final blessing, whereas those “clever people,” who are unable to follow to the very end yet believe they have gained all, are incapable of witnessing the appearance of God. They all believe they are the smartest person on earth, and they cut short the continued development of God’s work for no reason at all, and seem to believe with absolute certainty that God will take them up to heaven, they who “have the utmost loyalty to God, follow God, and abide by the words of God.” Even though they have the “utmost loyalty” toward the words spoken by God, their words and actions still feel so disgusting because they oppose the work of the Holy Spirit, and commit deceit and evil. Those who do not follow to the very end, who do not keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit, and who only cleave to the old work have not only failed to achieve loyalty to God, but on the contrary, have become those who oppose God, have become those who are rejected by the new age, and who will be punished. Are there any more pitiable than them?
from “God’s Work and Man’s Practice” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

4 Jan 2018

#11CCP Intends Western Scholars to Justify Its Persecuting Religion. Backfired! - Massimo Introvigne

#11CCP Intends Western Scholars to Justify Its Persecuting Religion. Backfired! - Massimo Introvigne - Eastern Lightning

Since the CCP took power, it has spared no effort in brutally repressing and eradicating religious belief, and has been creating public scandals for this purpose. In recent years, the CCP has extended its evil hands toward foreign countries. In the red-titled document, The Key Work in 2017 of Henan Provincial 610 Office, which was issued on March 31, 2017, it reads, “Mobilize influential voices of American and Western experts, scholars, journalists, and patriotic emigrant leaders to generate favorable media comments overseas.” In June and September of 2017 respectively, the CCP had held two international anti-cult academic conferences successively in Henan and Hong Kong. Prof. Massimo Introvigne, an Italian sociologist, the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), who was invited to both conferences as a prominent expert, makes comment on how the CCP clamps down on religious belief under the pretext of banning cults as follows.


What Is Gospel?

About the Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God was founded by the returned Lord Jesus personally in the last days 

31 Dec 2017

#10 The CCP's False Report on an International Anti-cult Conference - Massimo Introvigne

The Church of Almighty God |  #10 The CCP's False Report on an International Anti-cult Conference - Massimo Introvigne

In 2017, from June 24 to 28, and from September 14 to 15, the Chinese Communist Party had held two international anti-cult academic conferences successively in Henan and Hong Kong. In a subsequent Chinese official report, it reads, “Experts express that from this research study, sufficient understanding has been gained on China’s religious and anti-cult policies, dispelling previous misunderstanding about the issues of cults in China. At the same time, the conditions of religious belief in China are observed to be favorable. The grassroots’ freedom of belief is well protected.” Prof. Massimo Introvigne, an Italian sociologist, the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), who was invited to both conferences, debunks the report as follows.


Gospel Is Being Spread!

Exploring the Eastern Lightning

The Returned Lord Jesus’ Words

5 Jun 2017

Eastern Lightning| Gospel Movie clip (4) - Break Free From the Bondage of the Religious Pharisees and Return to God

  The religious leaders know the Bible well and expound on the Bible. Does that represent their knowledge of and obedience to God? The Pharisees also knew the Bible well and expounded on the Bible, but why could they still oppose God? If we blindly worship and look up to people in our belief, hasn’t it become the shackles that bind and restrain us from welcoming the Lord’s return? Do you want to break the shackles and run? Please stay tuned for this clip.

4 Jun 2017

Eastern Lightning| Preface

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,wisdom,faith

       Everyone should examine anew his life of believing in God to see whether, in the pursuit of God, he has truly understood, truly comprehended, and truly come to know God, whether he truly knows what attitude God bears to the various types of human beings, and whether he truly understands what God is working upon him and how God defines his every act. This God, who is by your side, guiding the direction of your progress, ordaining your destiny, and supplying your needs—how much do you, in the final analysis, understand and how much do you really know about Him? Do you know what He works on you every single day? Do you know the principles and purposes on which He bases His every action? Do you know how He guides you? Do you know the means by which He supplies you? Do you know the methods with which He leads you? Do you know what He wishes to obtain from you and what He wishes to achieve in you? Do you know the attitude He takes to the multifarious ways in which you behave? Do you know whether you are a person beloved of Him? Do you know the origin of His joy, anger, sorrow, and delight, the thoughts and ideas behind them, and His essence? Do you know, ultimately, what kind of God is this God that you believe in? Are these and other questions of the sort something that you have never understood or thought about? In pursuing your belief in God, have you, through real appreciation and experience of God’s words, cleared up your misunderstandings about Him? Have you, after receiving God’s discipline and chastening, arrived at genuine submission and caring? Have you, in the midst of God’s chastisement and judgment, come to know the rebelliousness and satanic nature of man and gained a modicum of understanding about God’s holiness? Have you, under the guidance and enlightenment of God’s words, begun to have a new outlook of life? Have you, in the midst of the trial sent by God, felt His intolerance for man’s offenses as well as what He requires of you and how He is saving you? If you do not know what it is to misunderstand God, or how to clear up this misunderstanding, then one can say that you have never entered into true communion with God and have never understood God, or at least one can say you have never wished to understand Him. If you do not know what is God’s discipline and chastening, then you surely do not know what are submission and caring, or at least you have never truly submitted to or cared for God. If you have never experienced God’s chastisement and judgment, then you will surely not know what is His holiness, and you will be even less clear as to what man’s rebellion is. If you have never truly had a correct outlook on life, or a correct aim in life, but are still in a state of perplexity and indecision over your future path in life, even to the point of being hesitant to go forward, then it is certain that you have never truly received God’s enlightenment and guidance, and one can also say that you have never truly been supplied or replenished by God’s words. If you have not yet undergone God’s trial, then it goes without saying that you will certainly not know what is God’s intolerance for man’s offenses, nor would you understand what God ultimately requires of you, and even less what, ultimately, is His work of managing and saving man. No matter how many years a person has believed in God, if he has never experienced or perceived anything in God’s words, then assuredly he is not walking the path toward salvation, his faith in God is assuredly without actual content, his knowledge of God too is assuredly zero, and it goes without saying that he has no idea at all what it is to revere God.