Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts

10 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Nineteenth Utterance

It is mankind’s proper occupation to take My words as the basis for his survival. Man must establish his individual portion in each and every part of My words; not to do so would be asking for trouble, seeking his own destruction. Humanity does not know Me, and because of this, instead of bringing his own life to Me to offer in exchange, all he does is parade in front of Me with the trash in his hands, trying thereby to give Me satisfaction. But, far from being satisfied by things as they are, I keep on making demands of humanity. I love man’s tribute, but hate his extortions. All men have hearts filled with greed; it is as if the human heart is in thrall to the devil, and man is unable to break free and offer his heart up to Me. When I speak, man listens to My voice in rapt attention; but when I stop speaking, he starts again on his own “enterprise” and ceases entirely to heed My words, as if My words were an adjunct to his “enterprise.” I have never been lax with humanity, and yet I have also been long-suffering and magnanimous with humanity. And so, because of My leniency, human beings have all grown overweening, incapable of self-knowledge and self-reflection, and they take advantage of My forbearance to deceive Me. Not a single one among them sincerely cares for Me, and not a single one truly treasures Me as an object dear to his heart; only when they have idle moments to spare do they give Me their perfunctory regard. The effort I have expended on man is already beyond measure. I have wrought on man an unprecedented kind of work, and apart from this, I have given him an additional burden, in order that, out of what I have and what I am, man might gain in knowledge and undergo a change. I do this not to make man into a mere consumer, but to make him into a producer capable of inflicting defeat on Satan. Though I may not demand anything of man, nonetheless I do have standards for the demands I make, for there is a purpose in what I do, as well as principles in accordance with which I act: I do not, as man imagines, play around haphazardly, nor do I, in willful capriciousness, fashion the heavens and earth and the myriad things of creation. In My working, man should be able to see something, gain something. He should not squander away the springtime of his “youth,” or treat his own life like a garment on which dust is carelessly allowed to gather; rather, he should stand strict guard over himself, taking from My bounty to provide for his own enjoyment, until, for My sake, he cannot turn back toward Satan, and for My sake he mounts an attack against Satan. Isn’t what I ask of man as simple as this?

9 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Eighteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,life

In a flash of lightning, every animal is revealed in its true form. So too, illuminated by My light, human beings have regained the sanctity they once possessed. Oh, that the corrupt world of the past has at last toppled over into the filthy water and, sinking below the surface, dissolved into mud! Oh, that all the humanity I created has at last come back to life again in the light, found the foundation for existence, and ceased to struggle in the mud! Oh, the myriad things of creation that I hold in My hands! How can they not, through My words, be renewed? How can they not, in the light, give play to their functions? Earth is no longer still and silent, heaven no longer desolate and sad. Heaven and earth, no longer separated by a void, are united as one, never to be sundered again. On this jubilant occasion, at this moment of exultation, My righteousness and My holiness have gone abroad throughout the universe, and all mankind extols them without surcease. The cities of heaven are laughing with joy, and the kingdoms of earth are dancing with joy. Who at this moment is not rejoicing? And who at this moment is not weeping? Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth, and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, and secreted in their hearts is a sweetness that knows no bounds. Man does not quarrel with man, nor do men come to blows with one another. Are there any who, in My light, do not live peacefully with others? Are there any who, in My days, disgrace My name? All human beings direct their reverential gaze toward Me, and in their hearts they secretly cry out to Me. I have searched humanity’s every action: Among the human beings who have been cleansed, there are none that are disobedient to Me, none that pass judgment on Me. All humanity is suffused with My disposition. Everyone is coming to know Me, is drawing closer to Me, and is adoring Me. I stand fast in the spirit of man, am exalted to the highest pinnacle in man’s eyes, and flow through the blood in his veins. The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts fills every place on the face of the earth, the air is brisk and fresh, dense fogs no longer blanket the ground, and the sun shines resplendent.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "Believing in God Should Focus on Actual Practice, Not Religious Rituals"

Almighty God says, ''Some men have a penchant for drawing attention to themselves. In the presence of his brothers and sisters, he says he is indebted to God, but behind their backs, he does not practice the truth and does entirely otherwise. Is this not as those religious Pharisees? A man who truly loves God and has the truth is one who is loyal to God, but does not outwardly reveal so. He is willing to practice the truth when matters arise and does not speak or act in a manner going against his conscience. He demonstrates wisdom when matters arise and is principled in his deeds, no matter the circumstances. A man such as this is one who truly serves.

8 Jul 2017

Christian Song | "God Is Abundantly Merciful and Profoundly Wrathful" | Eastern Lightning

Christian Song | "God Is Abundantly Merciful and Profoundly Wrathful" | Eastern Lightning

It is so real and it's so true God's mercy and God's tolerance exist, but when He unleashes His wrath, His holiness and righteousness also show man the side of God that brooks no offense.

When man can fully follow and obey the commands of God and acts in accordance to the requirements of God, God is abundant and plentiful in His mercy toward man; when man has been filled with corruption, filled with hatred and enmity for Him, God will show profound anger. And to what extent His anger will be (anger will be)? His wrath will keep on (wrath will keep on) till He sees no more (He sees no more), no more man's evil deeds and resistance (and resistance), till they are no longer before His eyes (His eyes). And to what extent His anger will be (anger will be)? His wrath will keep on (wrath will keep on) till He sees no more (sees no more), no more man's evil deeds and resistance (and resistance), till they are no longer before His eyes (His eyes). Only (only) at that time (at that time) will God's anger disappear (God’s anger disappear).

Eastern Lightning| The Seventeenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,light,way
My voice rings out like thunder, illuminating all four quadrants and the whole earth, and in the midst of thunder and lightning, humanity is struck down. No man has ever stayed firm in the midst of thunder and lightning: Most men are terrified out of their wits at the coming of My light and know not what to do. When a faint glimmer of light begins to show in the East, many people, moved by this tenuous luminescence, are instantaneously roused from their illusions. Yet no one has ever realized that the day has come when My light descends upon the earth. The great majority of men are dumbstruck by the sudden advent of the light; some of them, with a gaze of curious fascination, observe the light’s movements and from what direction it is approaching; or some stand at the ready as they face the light, that they might more clearly understand the source whence the light comes. Be this as it may, has anyone ever discovered how precious is the light of today? Has anyone ever awakened to the strangeness of the light? The great majority of men are merely bewildered; they are wounded in the eyes and cast down into the mud by the light. One could say that, under this nebulous light, the earth lies blanketed under chaos, making an unbearably sorry sight that, examined closely, assails one with an overwhelming melancholy. From this one gathers that, when the light is at its strongest, the state of the earth will be such that it cannot allow mankind to stand up before Me. Humanity lies in the radiance of the light; again, humanity lies in the salvation of the light but at the same time also under the wounds inflicted by the light: Is there anyone who does not lie under the light’s killing blows? Is there anyone who can escape the burning of the light? I have walked all over the face of the earth, strewing with My hands the seeds of My Spirit, so that all humanity upon the earth will on this account be moved by Me. From heaven’s highest height, I look down upon the whole earth, watching the grotesque and fantastic phenomena of the creatures on earth. The surface of the ocean seems to be suffering the shock of an earthquake: Seabirds fly this way and that, looking for fish to swallow up. Meanwhile, this is completely unknown at the bottom of the sea, which the surface conditions are utterly unable to rouse into consciousness, because the ocean’s bottom is as serene as the third heaven: Here living things great and small coexist in harmony, never once engaging in “conflicts of mouth and tongue.” Among the myriad bizarre and whimsical phenomena, humanity is the one that finds it most difficult to please Me. This is because the position I have given man is too high, and so his ambition is too great, and in his eyes there is always a measure of rebelliousness. Within My discipline of man, within My judgment of him, there has been much that is painstaking, much that is compassionate, but of these things mankind has not the least inkling. I have never treated any human being harshly: I have only, when mankind has been disobedient, administered suitable corrections, and only, when mankind has been weak, proffered suitable help. But, when humanity keeps aloof from Me and moreover makes use of Satan’s deceitful stratagems to rebel against Me, I will forthwith exterminate mankind, leaving men no chance to make a grand display of their skills in front of Me, so that they will no longer be able to swagger about with pomp and circumstance, bullying others, upon the face of the earth.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "You Ought to Live for the Truth Since You Believe in God" | Eastern Lightning

  Almighty God says, "believing in God is not so simple as man may say. As God sees it, if you only have knowledge but do not have His word as life; if you are limited only to your own knowledge but cannot practice the truth or live out the word of God, then this is proof still that you have no heart of love for God, and shows that your heart belongs not to God. Coming to know God by believing in Him; this is the final goal and that which man shall seek. You must devote effort to living out the words of God so that they may be realized in your practice. If you have only doctrinal knowledge, then your faith in God will come to naught. Only if you then also practice and live out His word can your faith be considered complete and in accord with God’s will. "

7 Jul 2017

God's untterance | The Sixteenth Utterance

gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue

Eastern Lightning | God's untterance | The Sixteenth Utterance

There is so much that I wish to say to man, so many things that I must tell him. But man’s abilities of acceptance are too lacking: He is incapable of fully grasping My words according to that which I provide, and only understands one aspect but remains ignorant of the other. Yet I do not put man to death because of his powerlessness, nor am I aggrieved by his weakness. I merely do My work, and speak as I have always done, even though man does not understand My will; when the day comes, people will know Me in the depths of their hearts, and will remember Me in their thoughts. When I depart from this earth will exactly be when I ascend to the throne in man’s heart, which is to say, it will be when all men know Me. So, too, will it be when My sons and people rule over the earth. Those who know Me will assuredly become the pillars of My kingdom, and none but they will be qualified to rule and wield power in My kingdom. All those who know Me are possessed of My being, and able to live out Me among all men. I care not to what extent man knows Me: No one can hinder My work in any way, and man can offer Me no assistance and do nothing for Me. Man can only follow My guidance in My light, and seek My will in this light. Today, people have become qualified, and believe they can strut about in front of Me, and laugh and joke with Me without the slightest inhibition, and address Me as an equal. Still man does not know Me, still he believes that in essence we are about the same, that we are both of flesh and blood, and both dwell in the human world. His reverence for Me is too meager; he reveres Me when he is before Me, but is incapable of serving Me before the Spirit. It is as if, for man, the Spirit does not exist at all. As a result, no man has ever known the Spirit; in My incarnation, people see only a body of flesh and blood, and do not perceive the Spirit of God. Can My will really be accomplished in such a way? People are experts at deceiving Me; they seem to have been specially trained by Satan in order to fool Me. Yet I am untroubled by Satan. I will still use My wisdom to conquer the whole of mankind and to defeat the corrupter of all mankind, in order that My kingdom may be established on earth.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "Knowing God's Work Today" | The Church of Almighty God

  Almighty God says, "The work done by God during this age is chiefly the provision of the words for the life of man, the disclosure of the substance of the nature of man and the corrupt disposition of man, the elimination of religious conceptions, feudal thinking, outdated thinking, as well as the knowledge and culture of man. This must all be laid bare and cleansed away through the words of God. In the last days, God uses words, and not signs and wonders, to make man perfect. He uses His words to expose man, to judge man, to chastise man, and to make man perfect, so that in the words of God, man comes to see the wisdom and loveliness of God, and comes to understand the disposition of God, so that through the words of God, man beholds the deeds of God."

6 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Fifteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,judgment
Man is a creature without self-knowledge. Yet, unable to know himself, he nevertheless knows everyone else like the palm of his hand, as though all others have first passed his “inspection” and received his approval before they say or do anything, and hence as though he has taken the full measure of all others down to their psychological state. Human beings are all like this. Man has entered into the Age of Kingdom today, but his nature remains unchanged. He still does as I do in front of Me, but behind My back he starts getting up to his own unique “business.” Once that’s over and he comes before Me again, however, he is like a different person, seeming audaciously calm, features composed, pulse steady. Is this not precisely what makes man so despicable? How many people wear two completely different faces, one in front of Me and another one behind My back? How many of them are like newborn lambs before Me but behind Me turn into ravening tigers, and then become like little birds flitting merrily about in the hills? How many show purpose and resolve in front of Me? How many come before Me, seeking My words with thirst and longing but, behind My back, grow sick of them and renounce them, as though My words were an encumbrance? So many times, seeing the human race corrupted by My enemy, I have given up placing My hopes in mankind. So many times, seeing man come before Me in tears to sue for pardon, but on account of his lack of self-respect, his stubborn incorrigibility, I have closed My eyes to his action in anger, even when his heart is genuine and his intentions sincere. So many times, I see man capable of having faith to cooperate with Me, and how, before Me, he seems to be lying in My embrace, tasting the warmth of My embrace. So many times, seeing the innocence, liveliness, and loveliness of My chosen people, in My heart I have always taken pleasure on account of these things. Human beings know not how to enjoy their predestined blessing in My hands, because they do not know what is ultimately meant by either blessing or suffering. For this reason, mankind is far from sincere in their quest for Me. If there were no such thing as tomorrow, which of you, standing before Me, would be as white as the driven snow, as unspotted as pure jade? Surely your love for Me is not something that can be exchanged for a delicious meal, or a classy suit of clothes, or high office with handsome emoluments? Or can it be exchanged for the love that others bear you? Surely, undergoing trial will not drive man to abandon his love for Me? Surely, suffering and tribulation will not cause him to complain against what I have arranged? No man has ever truly appreciated the sword in My mouth: He knows only its surface meaning without truly grasping the inner. If human beings were genuinely able to see the sharpness of My sword, they would go scurrying like rats into their holes. Because of their numbness, human beings understand nothing of the true meaning of My words, and so they have no clue as to how formidable My words are, or just how much of their nature is revealed, and how much of their corruption has received judgment, within those words. For this reason, based on their half-baked ideas about My words, most people have taken up a lukewarm and noncommittal attitude.

Eastern Lightning| Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "How to Know Reality"

  Almighty God says, "If people are to know God, they must first know that God is the real God, and must know God’s words, God’s real appearance in the flesh, and God’s real work. Only after knowing that all of God’s work is real will you be able to actually cooperate with God, and only through this path will you be able to achieve the growth of your life. All those who have no knowledge of reality have no means of experiencing God’s words, they are ensnared in their conceptions, they live in their imagination, and thus they have no knowledge of God’s words. The greater your knowledge of reality, the closer you are to God, and the more intimate you are with Him; the more you seek vagueness and abstraction, and doctrine, the further you will stray from God, and so the more you will feel that experiencing God’s words is strenuous and difficult, and that you are incapable of entry. If you wish to enter the reality of God’s words, and onto the right track of your spiritual life, you must first know reality and separate yourself from vague and supernatural things—which is to say, first you must understand how the Holy Spirit actually enlightens and guides you from within. In this way, if you can truly grasp the Holy Spirit’s real work within you, you will have entered onto the right track of being made perfect by God."

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived"

  Almighty God says, "The arrival of the Millennial Kingdom on earth is the arrival of God’s words on earth. New Jerusalem’s descent from heaven is the arrival of God’s words to live among man, to accompany man’s every action, and all his inmost thoughts. This is also the fact that God will accomplish, and the wonderful scene of the Millennial Kingdom. This is the plan set by God: His words will appear on earth for a thousand years, and they will manifest all of His deeds, and complete all of His work on earth, after which this stage of mankind shall come to an end."

5 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "How to Serve in Harmony With God's Will"

  Almighty God says, "If you wish to serve God’s will, you must first understand what kind of people are beloved by God, what kind of people are loathed by God, what kind of people are made perfect by God, and what kind of people are qualified to serve God. This is the very least that you ought to be equipped with. Moreover, you should know the aims of God’s work, and the work that God shall do in the here and now. After understanding this, and through the guidance of God’s words, you will first enter, and first receive God’s commission. When you actually experience based upon God’s words, and when you truly know God’s work, you will be qualified to serve God. And it is when you serve Him that God enlightens your spiritual eyes, and allows you to have a greater understanding of His work and see it more clearly. When you enter this reality, your experiences will be more profound and real, and all those who have had such experiences will be able to walk among the churches and provide to their brothers and sisters, each side drawing on the strengths of the other to make up for their own deficiencies, and gaining a richer knowledge in their spirits. Only after achieving this effect will you be able to serve God’s will and be made perfect by God in the course of your service."

Eastern Lightning| The Fourteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,grace,truth
Throughout the ages, no human has entered the kingdom and thus none has enjoyed the grace of the Age of Kingdom, none has seen the King of the kingdom. Though under the illumination of My Spirit many people have prophesied the kingdom’s beauty, they know but its exterior, not its significance within. Today, as the kingdom comes into formal existence on earth, most of humanity still knows not just what is to be accomplished, what realm man is ultimately to be brought to, during the Age of Kingdom. About this, I’m afraid all men are in a state of confusion. Because the day of the kingdom’s complete realization has not fully come, all men are befuddled, unable to see it clearly. My work in divinity begins formally with the Age of Kingdom. It is with the formal start of the Age of Kingdom that My disposition begins to progressively manifest itself to man. Thus at this moment the holy trumpet formally begins to sound and proclaim to all. When I formally take My power and reign as King in the kingdom, all My people shall over time be made complete by Me. When all the nations of the world are disrupted, that is precisely when My kingdom will be established and shaped and also when I will be transfigured and turn to the entire universe. At that time, all people shall see My glorious face, see My true countenance. From the creation of the world to the present, humanity has been corrupted by Satan to the extent that exists today. With man’s corruption, I have become more and more concealed from humans and increasingly unfathomable to them. Man has never seen My true face, never directly interacted with Me. Only in hearsay and myth has there been a “Me” of man’s imagination. I therefore accord with human imagination, that is, with human conceptions, to tackle the “Me” in men’s minds, that I might change the state of “Me” that they have harbored for myriad years. This is My work principle. Not a single person has been able to know it through and through. Although men have prostrated themselves to Me and come before Me to worship Me, I do not enjoy such acts of men because in their hearts they hold not My image, but an image exterior to Me. Therefore, their mind lacking My disposition, they know nothing about My true face. Therefore, when they believe they have resisted Me or offended My administrative decrees, I yet turn a blind eye. And therefore, in their memories, I am a God who shows mercy on men rather than chastises them, or I am God Himself who does not mean what He says. These are all imaginations born of human thought and not in accordance with the facts.

4 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "Those Who Believe in God Should Submit to Him"

  Almighty God says, "The key to submission to God is the capacity to receive the newest light, accept it and put into practice; that is true submission. If one does not have such will to thirst for God, one cannot attain submission to God in his heart; instead one will resist God due to his satisfaction with his current status. One cannot submit to God because one is preoccupied by what one originally has, which has molded various conceptions within, leading to different imaginations of God. These have become images of God in human mind. Therefore, one believes in one’s own conceptions, one’s own imagined standard. If you measure the God who performs actual work today with your own imaginary God, then your faith comes from Satan; such faith is colored by your personal preference, and God does not want such faith. One who believes in God in this manner will not receive commendation from God, no matter how senior he is, how much he has spent, even if he has exerted his entire life to do God’s work, to the point of martyrdom. God only gives him a little grace for his temporary enjoyment. Such people simply cannot practice the truth and the Holy Spirit will not work in them; God will eliminate such people one by one. No matter whether one is old or young, if one believes in and yet will not submit to God, or has a wrong motive, then he is a person who resists and causes disruption. Doubtlessly such people are targets of elimination. For those who do not submit to God at all, but only acknowledge the name of God and feel a bit the kindness and loveliness of God, yet who cannot follow the footsteps of the Holy Spirit nor submit to the present work and word of the Holy Spirit, they live in God’s grace but cannot be gained and perfected by God. God’s perfection of man is through man’s submission, through man’s eating and drinking and enjoying the word of God, and through painful refinements in his life. Only through such faith can one be transformed in his disposition, and gain true knowledge of God. One is not satisfied with just living in the grace of God, but takes the initiative to thirst after and seek the truth, working toward being gained by God; this is conscious submission, which is the faith God truly wants."

Eastern Lightning| The Thirteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, light, life
Hidden within the proclamations of My voice are a number of My intentions. But man knows and understands nothing of these, and keeps receiving My words from the outside and following them from the outside, without being able to realize My heart or intuit My will from within My words. Even if I have made My words clear, has anyone understood? From Zion I came into mankind. Because I have put on the humanity of an ordinary man and clothed Myself in the skin of a man, men merely come to know My appearance from the outside, but they do not know the life that lies within Me, nor do they recognize the God of the Spirit, and only know the man of flesh. Could it be that the real God Himself is unworthy of your trying to know Him? Could it be that the real God Himself is unworthy of your making an effort to try to “dissect” Him? I detest the corruption of the whole human race, but I feel compassion for their weakness. I am also dealing with the old nature of the whole human race. As one of My people in China, are you not also a part of the human race? Among all My people, and among all My sons, that is, among the ones that I have chosen out of the whole human race, you belong to the lowest group. For this reason, I have expended the largest amount of energy on you, the greatest amount of effort. Do you still not cherish the blessed life that you enjoy today? Are you still hardening your hearts to rebel against Me and set upon your own designs? Were it not that I still have pity and love for you, the whole of humanity would long ago have fallen captive to Satan and turned into “delectable morsels” in its mouth. Today, in the midst of all humanity, those who genuinely expend themselves for Me and who genuinely love Me are still rare enough to be counted on the fingers of one hand. Could it be that today the title of[a] “My people” has already become your personal property? Has your conscience simply grown ice-cold? Are you truly worthy to become the people that I require? Thinking back on the past, and looking again at today, which of you has satisfied My heart? Which of you has shown genuine solicitude for My intentions? Had I not prompted you, you would still not have awakened, but would have remained as if in a frozen state, and again, as if in a state of hibernation.

3 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twelfth Utterance

When lightning issues forth from the East—which is also precisely the moment that I begin to speak—at the moment the lightning comes forth, the whole empyrean is illuminated, and all the stars begin to transform. It seems as though the entire human race is subjected to a proper cleaning and sorting out. Under the glow of this shaft of light from the East, all of mankind is revealed in their original form, eyes dazzled, stymied in confusion; still less are they able to conceal their ugly features. Again, they are like unto animals fleeing from My light for refuge in mountain caves; yet, not one among them can be effaced from within My light. All human beings lie in the grip of terror and alarm, all are waiting, all are watching; with the advent of My light, all rejoice at the day they were born, and likewise all are cursing the day they were born. Conflicting emotions are impossible to articulate; tears of self-castigation form rivers, and are borne away on the sweeping torrent, gone without trace in a twinkling. Once again, My day is pressing close upon the human race, once again arousing the human race, giving humanity a point from which to make a new beginning. My heart beats and, following the rhythms of My heartbeat, the mountains leap for joy, the waters dance with joy, and the waves, keeping time, beat upon the rocky reefs. It is difficult to express what is in My heart. I want all unclean things to burn up into ashes under My gaze, I want all the sons of disobedience to disappear from before My eyes, never more to linger on in existence. Not only have I made a new beginning in the dwelling place of the great red dragon, I have also embarked on new work in the universe. Soon the kingdoms of the earth will become My kingdom; soon the kingdoms of the earth will forever cease to exist because of My kingdom, because I have already achieved victory, because I have returned triumphant. The great red dragon has exhausted every conceivable means to disrupt My plan, hoping to erase My work on the earth, but can I grow disheartened on account of its deceitful stratagems? Can I be frightened into losing confidence by its threats? There has never been a single being in either heaven or earth that I do not hold in the palm of My hand; how much the more is this true of the great red dragon, this device that serves as a foil to Me? Is it not also an object to be manipulated with My hands?

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "Corrupt Man Cannot Represent God"

  Almighty God says, "All the actions and deeds of Satan are shown through man. Now all the actions and deeds of man are an expression of Satan and hence cannot represent God. Man is the embodiment of Satan, and the disposition of man does not represent the disposition of God. Some men are of a good character; God may do some work through it and their work is governed by the Holy Spirit, yet their disposition cannot represent God."

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "End Religious Service"

  Almighty God says, "As of today, God will formally perfect those who have no religious notions, who are ready to set aside their old selves, and who simply obey God, and perfect those who long for the word of God. These people should stand up and serve God. In God there is endless abundance and fathomless wisdom. His amazing work and precious words are there for more people to enjoy. As it stands, these new things cannot be accepted by those with religious notions, those who assume seniority, and those who will not put their old selves aside. The Holy Spirit has no chance to perfect those people. If a person does not have the will to obey, and does not thirst for the word of God, then they will be unable to receive the new things. They will just become more and more rebellious, more and more crafty, and end up on the wrong track. In God’s work now, He will raise up more people who truly love Him and who can accept the new light. And He will completely cut down the religious officials who flaunt their seniority. He does not want a single person who resists change."

2 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold"

  Almighty God says, "In times past, many pursued with their ambition and notions and for the sake of their hopes. These matters will not be discussed now. The key is to find a way of practice that will enable each of you to maintain a normal condition before God and to gradually break free of the shackles of Satan’s influence, so that you may be gained by God, and live out on earth what God asks of you. Only this can fulfill the desire of God."

The Church of Almighty God| The Eleventh Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,judgment,kingdom,

  Every person in mankind should accept the observation of My Spirit, should closely scrutinize their every word and action, and, moreover, should look upon My wondrous deeds. How do you feel at the time of the kingdom’s arrival on earth? When My sons and people stream to My throne, I formally commence judgment before the great white throne. Which is to say, when I begin My work on earth in person, and when the era of judgment nears its end, I start to direct My words to the entire universe, and release the voice of My Spirit to the entire universe. Through My words, I will wash clean all the people and things among all that is in heaven and on earth, so that the land is no longer filthy and licentious, but is a holy kingdom. I will renew all things, so that they will be provided for My use, so that they will no longer bear the earthy breath, and no longer be stained with the flavor of the ground. On earth, man has groped for the goal and origins of My words, and has observed My deeds, yet no one has ever truly known the origins of My words, and no one has ever truly beheld the wondrousness in My deeds. It is only today, when I personally come among man and speak My words, that man has a little knowledge of Me, removing the place for “Me” in their thoughts, instead creating a place for the practical God in their consciousness. Man has conceptions and is full of curiosity; who would not want to see God? Who would not wish to encounter God? Yet the only thing that occupies a definite place in man’s heart is the God that man feels is vague and abstract. Who would realize this if I did not tell them plainly? Who would truly believe that I indeed exist? Surely without a hint of doubt? There is a vast difference between the “Me” in man’s heart and the “Me” of reality, and no one is capable of drawing comparisons between them. If I did not become flesh, man would never know Me, and even if he came to know Me, wouldn’t such knowledge still be a conception? Each day I walk among the unceasing flow of people, and each day I operate within every person. When man truly sees Me, he will be able to know Me in My words, and will grasp the means by which I speak as well as My intentions.