Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Lightning. Show all posts

18 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "The Difference Between the Ministry of the Incarnate God and the Duty of Man"

  Almighty God says, "Whether the incarnate God speaks, works, or manifests wonders, He is doing great work within His management, and such work cannot be done by man in His stead. The work of man is only to do his duty as a created being in a given stage of God’s work of management. Without such management, that is, if the ministry of God incarnate is lost, so too is the duty of a created being. God’s work in carrying out His ministry is to manage man, whereas man doing his duty is the performance of his own obligations to meet the demands of the Creator and can in no way be considered to be carrying out one’s ministry. To the inherent essence of God, that is, Spirit, the work of God is His management, but to God incarnate wearing the external form of a created being, His work is the carrying out of His ministry. Whatever work He does is to carry out His ministry, and man can only do his best within His scope of management and under His leadership."

Eastern Lightning| The Way to Kingdom of Heaven | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"

  Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible. She thought that those who departed from the Bible could not be called followers of the Lord. She also believed that she needed only to adhere to the Bible to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord descends with the clouds. So when a bunch of people began to testify to Almighty God's work of the last days, Fu Jinhua believed in the misconceptions of the religious pastors and elders, and never sought to investigate things any further. One day, Fu Jinhua visited Sister He, a fellow member of the church. Sister He spoke about her own confusion: "The prophecies about the Lord's return have basically all come true, and the Lord is supposed to have come back already. So why haven't we beheld the Lord descending with the clouds yet?" Her co-worker Fang Jianjie also mentioned: The four blood moons have appeared, which means that great disasters will soon befall us. According to the prophecies from the books of the prophets and the Book of Revelation, the Church of Philadelphia will be raptured before the great disasters, and God will nourish His servants and handmaids with His Spirit to make complete a group of overcomers before the disasters. If we are not raptured before the disasters, we will most likely perish among these great disasters. But now, "the Eastern Lightning" has testified that the Lord Jesus has already returned, expressed the truth, and made complete a group of overcomers. Does this fulfill the prophecies from the Bible? Is the Eastern Lightning the manifestation of the Lord and His work? After listening to her co-workers, Fu Jinhua fell into deep reflection and began to reassess these matters …

17 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God" | Eastern Lightning

  Almighty God says, "Knowing the work of God is no simple matter: You should have standards and an objective in your pursuit, you should know how to seek the true way, and how to measure whether or not it is the true way, and whether or not it is the work of God. What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you. Distinguishing between the true way and the false way requires several aspects of basic knowledge, the most fundamental of which is to tell whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit."

Almighty God| The Twenty-sixth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,way
Who has abided in My home? Who has stood up for My sake? Who has suffered in My behalf? Who has pledged his word before Me? Who has followed Me to the present and yet has not become indifferent? Why are all human beings cold and unfeeling? Why has mankind abandoned Me? Why has humanity grown weary of Me? Why is there no warmth in the human world? While in Zion, I have tasted the warmth that is in heaven, and while in Zion I have enjoyed the blessing that is in heaven. Again, I have lived in mankind’s midst, I have tasted the bitterness in the human world, I have seen with My own eyes all the different states that exist amongst men. Unawares, man has changed along with My changes, and only in this way has he arrived at the present day. I do not require that man be able to do anything for My sake, nor do I require that he make any increase on My account. I only want him to be able to accord with My plan, neither disobeying Me nor becoming a mark of shame to Me, and to bear resounding witness unto Me. Among men, there have been those who have borne Me good witness and glorified My name, but how can man’s practices, man’s conduct possibly satisfy My heart? How can he possibly meet with My desire or fulfill My will? Of the mountains and waters on the earth, and the flowers, grasses, and trees on the earth, not one but shows the work of My hands, not one but exists for My name. Yet why cannot man attain to the standards of what I demand? Could this be due to his abject lowliness? Could it be due to My elevation of him? Could it be that I am too cruel to him? Why is man always fearful of My demands? Today, among the multitudes in the kingdom, why is it that you only listen to My voice but do not wish to see My face? Why do you only look at My words without trying to match them to My Spirit? Why do you keep Me apart in heaven above and on the earth below? Could it be that I, when I am on earth, am not the same I that I am in heaven? Could it be that I, when I am in heaven, cannot come down onto the earth? Could it be that I, when I am on earth, am unworthy to be borne up to heaven? It is as though I, when I am on earth, am a lowly creature, as though I, when I am in heaven, am an exalted being, and as though there lies between heaven and earth an unbridgeable chasm. But in the world of men they seem to know nothing of the origins of these things, but all along have been going contrary to Me, as though My words have only sound and no meaning. All men spend effort on My words, undertaking investigations of their own into My outward semblance, but they all meet with failure, without any results to show, but instead are struck down by My words and dare not get up again.

Eastern-Lightning| Almighty God's Word "Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life" | The Church of Almighty God

    Almighty God says, "Those who have been perfected are not just able to achieve obedience after being conquered, but they are also able to have knowledge and change their disposition. They know God, experience the path of loving God, and are filled with the truth. They know how to experience God’s work, are able to suffer for God, and have their own wills. The perfected are those who have an actual understanding of the truth thanks to having experienced the truth. The conquered are those who know of the truth but have not accepted the real meaning of the truth. After being conquered, they obey, but their obedience is all the result of the judgment they received. They have absolutely no understanding of the real meaning of many truths. They acknowledge the truth verbally, but they have not entered the truth; they comprehend the truth, but they have not experienced the truth. The work being done to those being perfected includes chastisements and judgments, along with the provision of life. A person who values entering the truth is a person to be perfected. The difference between those to be perfected and the conquered lies in whether they enter the truth. Those who comprehend the truth, have entered the truth, and are living the truth are the perfected; those who do not comprehend the truth, do not enter the truth, that is, those who are not living the truth, are people who cannot be perfected. If such people are able to now obey completely, then they are conquered. If the conquered do not seek the truth—if they follow but do not live the truth, if they catch sight of and hear of the truth but do not value living the truth—they cannot be perfected. Those to be perfected practice the truth according to the path of perfection, that is, they practice the truth founded on the path of perfection. Through this, they fulfill God’s will, and they are perfected. Anyone who follows to the end before the conquering work concludes is a conquered one, but he cannot be said to be a perfected one. The perfected refers to those who, after the conquering work ends, are able to pursue the truth and be gained by God. It refers to those who, after the conquering work ends, stand firm in tribulation and live out the truth."

16 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day (Part Two)

  Almighty God says, "All of His work is the most actual work. He carries out His work according to the development of the times, and He carries out His most actual work according to the changes of things. For Him, carrying out work is akin to administering medicine to an illness; He observes while doing His work; He works according to His observations. In every stage of His work, He is capable of expressing His ample wisdom and expressing His ample ability; He reveals His ample wisdom and ample authority according to the work of that particular age and allows any of those people brought back by Him during those ages to see His entire disposition. He supplies people’s needs and carries out the work He should do according to the work that must be done in each age; He supplies people’s needs according to the degree to which Satan has corrupted them."

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-fifth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,wishes,life
Times passes, and in the blink of an eye today has arrived. Under the guidance of My Spirit, all people live amid My light, and no longer does anyone think of the past or pay heed to yesterday. Who has not ever lived in the present day? Who has not spent wonderful days and months in the kingdom? Who has not lived beneath the sun? Though the kingdom has descended among man, no one has truly experienced its warmth; man only regards it from the outside, uncomprehending of its substance. During the time that My kingdom is formed, who does not rejoice because of it? Can the countries on earth really escape? Is the great red dragon really able to escape thanks to its cunning? My administrative decrees are announced throughout the universe, they institute My authority among all people, and come into effect across the cosmos; nevertheless, man has never truly known this. When My administrative decrees are revealed to the universe is also when My work on earth is about to be completed. When I rule and wield power among all men and when I am recognized as the one God Himself, My kingdom will fully descend to earth. Today, all people have a new beginning upon a new path. They have begun a new life, yet no one has ever truly experienced a life on earth akin to heaven. Do you truly live amid My light? Do you truly live among My words? Who does not give thought to their own prospects? Who is not distressed by their own fate? Who does not struggle amid the sea of affliction? Who does not wish to free themselves? Are the blessings of the kingdom in exchange for man’s hard work on earth? Could all of man’s desires be fulfilled just as he wishes? I once presented the beautiful sight of the kingdom before man, yet he merely stared at it with greedy eyes and there were none who truly aspired to enter it. I once “reported” the true situation on earth to man, but he did no more than listen, and did not face the words that came from My mouth with his heart; I once told man of the circumstances in heaven, yet he treated My words as wonderful tales, and did not truly accept that which My mouth described. Today, scenes of the kingdom flash among man, but has anyone ever “crossed peak and vale” in search of it? Without My urging, man would still not have awoken from his dreams. Is really he so enthralled by his life on earth? Are there really no high standards in his heart?

15 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "The Work in the Age of Law"

  Almighty God says, "During the Age of Law, Jehovah laid down many commandments for Moses to pass on to the Israelites who followed him out of Egypt. Jehovah gave these commandments to the Israelites, which were unrelated to the Egyptians, and they were meant to restrain the Israelites, and were His requirements for them. Whether one observed the Sabbath, whether one respected one’s parents, whether one worshiped idols, and so forth, these were the principles by which one was judged sinful or righteous. Whether one was struck by Jehovah’s fire, or stoned to death, or received Jehovah’s blessing, was determined according to whether one obeyed these commandments. Those who did not observe the Sabbath were stoned to death. Those priests who did not observe the Sabbath were smitten by Jehovah’s fire. Those who did not respect their parents were also stoned to death. This was all commended by Jehovah. Jehovah established His commandments and laws so that as He led their lives, the people would listen to and obey His word and not rebel against Him. He used these laws to control the newborn human race, to lay the foundation for His work to come. And so, because of the work that Jehovah did, the first age was called the Age of Law."

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-fourth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,testimony,life
My chastisement comes upon all people, yet it also remains distant from all people. Each life of every person is filled with love and hate toward Me, and no one has ever known Me—and so man’s attitude toward Me blows hot and cold, and is incapable of being normal. Yet I have always cared for and protected man, and it is only because of his dull-wittedness that he is incapable of seeing all of My deeds and understanding My eager intentions. I am the leading One among all countries, and the Most High among all people; it is simply that man does not know Me. For many years I have lived among man and experienced life in the world of man, yet he has always ignored Me and treated Me like a being from outer space. In consequence, because of differences in disposition and language, people treat Me like a stranger in the street. My clothing, it seems, is also too idiosyncratic, as a result of which man lacks the confidence to approach Me. Only then do I feel the desolation of life among man, and only then do I sense the injustice of the world of man. I walk among passers-by, observing all of their faces. It is as if they live in the midst of an illness, which fills their faces with melancholy, and among chastisement, which prevents their release. Man shackles himself, and abases himself. Most people create a false impression of themselves before Me so that I might applaud them, most people deliberately make themselves appear pitiable before Me so that they might gain My help. Behind My back, people all deceive Me and disobey Me. Am I not right? Is this not man’s survival strategy? Who has ever lived out Me in their lives? Who has ever exalted Me among others? Who has ever been bound before the Spirit? Who has ever stood firm in their testimony to Me before Satan? Who has ever added the truthfulness to their “loyalty” to Me? Who has ever been eliminated by the great red dragon because of Me? People have cast their lot in with Satan, they are experts at defying Me, they are the inventors of opposition to Me, and they are graduates in paltering with Me. For the sake of his own destiny, man searches here and there on earth; when I beckon him, he remains insensible to My preciousness and continues to have “faith” in his reliance upon himself, unwilling to be a “burden” on others. Man’s aspirations are precious, yet never have anyone’s aspirations achieved full marks: They all crumble before Me, toppling without sound.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man"

  Almighty God says, "You must know that when My work is expanding, I will scatter you, and I will strike you just as Jehovah struck the tribes of Israel. All this will be done so that My gospel may be enlarged over all the earth, so that My work may spread to the Gentile nations. Thus, My name will be magnified by adults and children alike and My holy name will be exalted by the mouths of people from all tribes and nations. In the final era, I will have My name magnified among the Gentile nations, make My deeds seen by the Gentiles so they will call Me the Almighty, and cause My words to soon come to pass. I will make all people know that I am not only the God of the Israelites, but the God of all Gentile nations, even of the nations I have cursed. I will let all people see that I am the God of all creation. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work to be fulfilled in the last days.

14 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "What Do You Know of Faith?"

Almighty God says, "My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom greater than that of all those sons of Solomon, yet men merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man! How many believe in Me only so I would heal them? How many believe in Me only so I would use My powers to drive unclean spirits out of their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me more material wealth, and how many believe in Me just to spend this life in safety and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me only to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come? "

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-third Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,love,kingdom
As My voice sounds out, as My eyes shoot forth fire, I am watching over the whole earth, I am observing the entire universe. All humanity are praying to Me, turning their gaze up to Me, beseeching Me to cease My anger, and swearing to rebel against Me no more. But this is no longer the past; it is now. Who can turn back My will? Surely not the invocation within men’s hearts, nor the words in their mouths? Who has been able to survive until the present, if not because of Me? Who survives except by the words in My mouth? Who does not lie under My watchful eye? As I carry out My new work on the whole earth, who has ever been able to escape from it? Could it be that the mountains are able to evade it by means of their height? Could it be that the waters, by their multitudinous vastness, are able to fend it off? In My plan, I have never lightly let any thing go, and so there has never been any person, or any thing, that has eluded the grasp of My hands. Today, My holy name is extolled throughout humanity, and again, words of protest rise up against Me throughout humanity, and legends about My being on earth are rife throughout humanity. I do not tolerate men making their judgments about Me, nor do I tolerate their dividing up My body, still less do I tolerate their vituperations against Me. Because he has never truly known Me, man has always resisted and deceived Me, failing to cherish My Spirit or to treasure My words. For his every deed and action, and for the attitude he bears toward Me, I give man the “reward” that is his due. And so, men all act with an eye to their “reward,” and not a single one has ever done any work involving self-sacrifice. Human beings are unwilling to render selfless dedication, but rather delight in rewards that can be got for nothing. Though Peter consecrated himself before Me, it was not for the sake of tomorrow’s reward, but for the sake of the knowledge of today. Humanity has never entered into a genuine connection with Me, but time and time again has dealt with Me in a superficial manner, thinking thereby effortlessly to win My approval. I have looked deep into man’s heart, so I have unearthed in its innermost recesses “a mine of many riches,” something of which even man himself is not yet aware but that I have discovered anew. And so, only when they have seen the “material evidence,” only then do human beings cease their sanctimonious self-abasement and, with palms outstretched, admit to their own unclean state. Among men, there is much more that is new and fresh waiting for Me to “extract” for the enjoyment of all humanity. Far from stopping My work on account of man’s incapacitation, I carry on mending and maintaining him in accordance with My original plan. Man is like a fruit tree: Without trimming and pruning, the tree will fail to bear fruit and, in the end, all one sees are withered branches and fallen leaves, with no fruit dropping onto the ground.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "What a Real Man Means" | Eastern Lightning

  Almighty God says, "However you should know, the humans I created were holy men with My image and My glory. They were not originally of Satan, nor subjected to its trampling, but purely My manifestation, free of the slightest trace of its poison. Thus, I let everyone know that I only want that which was created by My hand, My beloved pure ones that never belonged to any other entity. Furthermore, I will take pleasure in them and see them as My glory. However, what I want is not the mankind corrupted by Satan, belonging to Satan today, which is no longer My original creation. Because I want to repossess My glory in the human world, I will gain complete conquest over the remaining survivors of mankind, as the proof of My glory in My victory over Satan. I only take My testimony as My crystallization, as the object of My enjoyment. Such is My intention."

13 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-second Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,life

Man lives amid the light, yet he is unaware of the preciousness of the light. He is ignorant of the substance of the light, and of the source of the light, and, moreover, of to whom it belongs. When I conferred the light among man, I immediately examine the conditions among man: Because of the light, all people are changing, and growing, and have left the darkness. I look upon every corner of the universe, and see that the mountains are engulfed in fog, that the waters have frozen amid the cold, and that, because of the coming of the light, people look to the East in order that they might discover something more precious—yet man remains incapable of discerning a clear direction among the mist. Because the whole world is blanketed by fog, when I look on from among the clouds, My existence is never discovered by man; man is searching on earth for something, he seems to be foraging, he intends, it seems, to await My arrival—yet he does not know My day, and can only often look to the glimmer of light in the East. Among all peoples, I seek those who are truly after My own heart. I walk among all peoples, and live among all peoples, but man is safe and sound on earth, and so there are none who are truly after My own heart. People do not know how to care for My will, they cannot see My actions, and they cannot move among the light and be shined upon by the light. Although man ever treasures My words, he is incapable of seeing through the deceitful schemes of Satan; because man’s stature is too small, he is unable to do as his heart wishes. Man has never loved Me sincerely. When I exalt him, he feels himself unworthy, but this does not make him try to satisfy Me. He merely holds the station I have given him in his hands and scrutinizes it; insensible to My loveliness, he instead persists in engorging himself on the blessings of his station. Is this not the deficiency of man? When the mountains move, could they make a detour for the sake of your station? When the waters flow, could they cease before your station? Could the heavens and the earth be reversed by your station? I was once merciful toward man, over and over again—yet no one cherishes or treasures this, they merely listened to it as a story, or read it as a novel. Do My words really not touch the heart of man? Do My utterances really have no effect? Could it be that no one believes in My existence? Man does not love himself; instead, he unites with Satan to attack Me, and uses Satan as an “asset” by which to serve Me. I will penetrate all the deceitful schemes of Satan, and stop the people from earth accepting the deceptions of Satan, so that they do not oppose Me because of Satan’s existence.

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "How Should You Attend to Your Future Mission"

  Almighty God says, "These fragile spirits who have never been granted rest are truly suffering such misfortune. They have long been sealed off by the ruthless ropes and the history that is frozen in place. Who has ever heard the sound of their wailing? Who has ever seen their miserable visage? Have you ever thought how grieved and anxious God’s heart is? How can He bear to see the innocent mankind He created with His own hands suffering such torment? After all, mankind are the unfortunates that have been poisoned. Though they have survived to this day, who would have thought that they have long been poisoned by the evil one? Have you forgotten that you are one of the victims? Out of your love for God, are you not willing to strive to save those who have survived? Are you not willing to use all your effort to repay the God who loves mankind like His own flesh and blood? How do you interpret being used by God to live your extraordinary life? Do you really have the resolution and confidence to live out a meaningful life of a pious, God-serving person?"

12 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-first Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,light,truth
Man falls in the midst of My light, and stands fast because of My salvation. When I bring salvation to the entire universe, man tries to find ways to enter among the flow of My restoration, yet there are many who are washed away without trace by this torrent of restoration; there are many who are drowned and engulfed by the torrential waters; and there are many, too, who stand fast amid the torrent, who have never lost their sense of direction, and who have thus followed the torrent until today. I advance in step with man, yet he has still never known Me; he knows only clothes that I wear on the outside, and is ignorant of the riches hidden within Me. Though I provide to man and give to him each day, he is incapable of true acceptance, is unable to receive all the riches given by Me. Nothing of man’s corruption escapes My notice; to Me, his inner world is like the bright moon on the water. I am not playing around with man, nor going through the motions with him; it is just that man is unable to take responsibility for himself, and thus the whole of mankind has always been depraved, and even today remains incapable of extricating itself from such depravity. Poor, pitiable mankind! Why is it that man loves Me, but is unable to follow the intentions of My Spirit? Have I really not revealed Myself to mankind? Has mankind really never seen My face? Could it be that I have shown too little mercy toward mankind? O the rebels of all mankind! They must be destroyed beneath My feet, they must vanish amid My chastisement, and they must, on the day on which My great enterprise is completed, be cast out from among mankind, so that the whole of mankind knows their ugly face. That man rarely sees My face or hears My voice is because the whole world is too turbid, and its clamor is too great, and thus man is too lazy to search for My face and try to understand My heart. Is this not the cause of man’s corruption? Is this not why man is in need? The whole of mankind has always been among My provision; if it were not so, if I were not merciful, who would have survived until today? The riches in Me are without equal, yet all disaster is also held within My hands—and who is able to escape from disaster whenever they please? Do the prayers of man allow him to do so? Or the tears in man’s heart? Man has never truly prayed to Me, and so among the whole of mankind no one has ever lived their entire life amid the light of truth, and people only live amid the fitful appearance of the light. It is this that has led to mankind’s need today.

Eastern Lightning| Almighty God's Word "All Who Do Not Know God Are Those Who Oppose God" | Eastern Lightning

  Almighty God says, "Those who I say are in opposition to God are those who do not know God, those who acknowledge God with empty words yet do not know Him, those who follow God yet do not obey Him, and those who revel in the grace of God yet cannot stand witness to Him. Without an understanding of the purpose of God’s work and the work of God in man, man cannot be in accord with the heart of God, and cannot stand witness to God. The reason that man opposes God stems, on the one hand, from the corrupt disposition of man, and on the other hand, from ignorance of God and lack of understanding of the principles of God’s work and His will toward man. These two aspects merge into a history of man’s resistance to God."

11 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twentieth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,light,kingdom

The riches of My household are without number and unfathomable, yet man has never come to Me to enjoy them. He is incapable of enjoying them on his own, nor of protecting himself using his own efforts; instead, he has always placed his trust in others. Of all those I look upon, no one has ever sought Me deliberately and directly. They all come before Me at the urging of others, following the majority, and they are unwilling to pay the price or spend the time to enrich their lives. Hence, among man, no one has ever lived in reality, and all people live lives that are without meaning. Because of the long-established ways and customs of man, the bodies of all people are suffused with the odor of earthly soil. As a result, man has grown callous; insensible to the world’s desolation, he instead busies himself with the work of enjoying himself on this frozen earth. Man’s life has not the slightest warmth, and is devoid of any human flavor or light—yet he has ever inured himself to it, abiding a lifetime bereft of worth in which he rushes about without achieving anything. In the blink of an eye, the day of death draws near, and man dies a bitter death. In this world, he has never accomplished anything, or gained anything—he only hurriedly arrives, and hurriedly departs. None of those in My eyes have ever brought anything, or taken anything away, and so man feels that the world is unfair. Yet none are willing to hurry away. They merely await the day when My promise from heaven will suddenly come among man, allowing them, at the time when they have gone astray, to once more behold the way of eternal life. Thus, man fixates upon My every deed and action to see whether I have really kept My promise to him. When he is in the midst of affliction, or in extreme pain, or beset by trials and about to fall, man curses the day of his birth so that he may sooner escape his troubles and move to another ideal place. But when the trials have passed, man is filled with joy. He celebrates the day of his birth on earth and asks that I bless his day of birth; at this time, man no longer mentions the oaths of the past, deeply fearful that death will come upon him a second time. When My hands raise up the world, people dance with joy, they are no longer sorrowful, and they all depend on Me. When I cover My face with My hands, and press people beneath the ground, they immediately feel short of breath, and are barely able to survive. They all cry out to Me, terrified that I will destroy them, for they all wish to behold the day when I am glorified. Man takes My day as the principal of his existence, and it is only because people long for the day when My glory will arrive that mankind has survived until today. The blessing decreed by My mouth is that those who are born during the last days are fortunate enough to behold all of My glory.

The Expression of Christ of the Last Days | God's Word "Have You Come Alive?" | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Music | Chorus "The One from Everlasting to Everlasting Holds Sovereignty over Everything"

Almighty God says, "The living are saved by God, they have been judged and chastised by God, they are willing to devote themselves and are happy to lay down their lives to God, and they would gladly dedicate their whole lives to God. Only when the living bear testimony to God can Satan be shamed, only the living can spread the gospel work of God, only the living are after God’s heart, and only the living are real people."

10 Jul 2017

Almighty God's Word "Those Who Obey God With a True Heart Shall Surely Be Gained by God"

Almighty God's Word "Those Who Obey God With a True Heart Shall Surely Be Gained by God"

Almighty God says, "Obedience to God and submission to the work of God are one and the same. Those who submit only to God but not to the work of God cannot be deemed to be obedient, and surely neither can those who do not truly submit and are outwardly sycophantic. Those who truly submit to God are all able to gain from the work and achieve understanding of the disposition and work of God. Only such men truly submit to God. Such men are able to gain new knowledge from new work and experience new changes from the same. Only such men have the approval of God; only this kind of man is one perfected and has undergone a transformation of his disposition. Those approved by God are those who gladly submit to God, as well as to His word and work. Only this kind of man is in the right; only this kind of man truly desires and seeks God. "