Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts

2 Sept 2017

Eastern Lightning | Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God’s Words, Eastern Lightning,grace,kingdom

Eastern Lightning | Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

Gao Jun    Hebei Province
My name is Gao Jun. I’m 52 years old. I’ve followed Almighty God for fourteen years. Before I believed in God, I did business in the world and was often busy giving dinners or sending gifts and socializing. Every day I went in and out of places of entertainment such as the KTVs and the gambling houses…. My wife quarreled with me constantly because of that, and finally she was so angry that she would divorce me and left home. However, I had sunk in the mire and was unable to extricate myself at that time. I tried hard to maintain my family but couldn’t make it, feeling it very miserable and tiring to live. In June, 1999, Almighty God’s salvation came upon us. Through the fellowship of the brothers and sisters and the revelation of God’s word, my wife got to know the root of the world’s darkness and mankind’s corruption, and then she showed understanding for my situation and fellowshipped with me with an open heart. Led by God’s word, I saw that I indulged in the sinful dye vat and was loathed and hated by God, and even more saw that I completely had no human likeness in my doings. I felt regretful and guilty, so I made a resolution to start a new life before God. From then on, my wife and I prayed and read God’s word every day, and we often had meetings and fellowshipped with the brothers and sisters together. The conflict between us and our distress disappeared unconsciously. Our life was full of peace and joy. I deeply knew that it was Almighty God who saved our family from the verge of breaking and brought us a new life. In gratitude, I made a resolution inwardly: I’ll consecrate my whole being to repay God’s grace. From then on, I began to perform duty and preach the gospel actively, so that more people could receive the salvation brought by God in the end time. However, the CCP government didn’t allow people to worship God and walk the right way….

28 Aug 2017

Eastern Lightning | Kingdom Praise Musical Drama—Every Nation Worships the Practical God

Eastern Lightning-Movies,Utterances of Almighty God,Books of the Church of Almighty God,Praise,
Eastern Lightning | Kingdom Praise Musical Drama—Every Nation Worships the Practical God

Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news “God has returned” and “God has uttered new words”, they are surprised and excited. They think: “God has returned? He has already appeared?!” With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God’s new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Bible of the Age of Kingdom, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?

26 Aug 2017

Eastern Lightning | Kingdom Praise Musical Drama—Every Nation Worships the Practical God

Eastern Lightning | Kingdom Praise Musical Drama—Every Nation Worships the Practical God
Eastern Lightning | Kingdom Praise Musical Drama—Every Nation Worships the Practical God   Under a starry, quiet and peaceful night sky, a group of Christians earnestly awaiting the return of the Savior sing and dance to cheerful music. When they hear the joyful news “God has returned” and “God has uttered new words”, they are surprised and excited. They think: “God has returned? He has already appeared?!” With curiosity and uncertainty, one after another, they step into the journey of seeking God’s new words. In their arduous seeking, some people are questioning while others simply accept it. Some people look on without comment, while others make suggestions and search for answers in the Bible—they look but in the end it is fruitless…. Just when they become discouraged, a witness brings them a copy of the Age of the Kingdom Bible, and they are deeply attracted to the words in the book. What kind of book is this really? Have they actually found the new words that God has uttered in that book? Have they welcomed the appearance of God?

20 Aug 2017

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

Eastern Lightning | The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe 

Almighty God says, "Only when the light of the East gradually turns white will the darkness across the earth begin to turn to light, and only then will man discover that I have long ago gone from Israel and am rising anew in the East. Having once descended into Israel and later departed from it, I cannot again be born into Israel, because My work leads all of the universe and, what is more, the lightning flashes straight from East to West. For this reason I have descended in the East and brought Canaan to the people of the East. I wish to bring people from all over the earth to the land of Canaan, and so I continue to issue forth utterances in the land of Canaan to control the entire universe. At this time, there is no light in all the earth apart from Canaan, and all men are imperiled by hunger and cold. I gave My glory to Israel and then took it away, and afterward I brought the Israelites to the East, and all of humanity to the East. I have brought them all to the light so that they may be reunited with it, and be in association with it, and no longer have to search for it."


The Returned Lord Jesus’ Words

How does the Church of Almighty God develop?

2 Aug 2017

Eastern Lightning | Preface

The year 1991 is of great and far-reaching significance to the whole mankind who are deeply corrupted. In that year, all those who devoutly believed in the Lord and thirsted for the truth finally welcomed the appearing of the Savior Jesus. He is Almighty God who is incarnated in the end time. Almighty God’s coming countered everyone’s notions, because he didn’t descend in Israel on the white cloud or publicly appear to all nations and all peoples. Instead, he descended in China—the strong bastion of atheism in a hidden way and started the work of “judgment beginning with the family of God” in the dwelling place of the great red dragon. China is the darkest and most corrupt country in the world which resists God most severely, and it is exactly the dwelling place of the great red dragon and various evil spirits. Therefore, through uttering his voice and speaking in this place, God judges, chastises, purifies, and saves those who are deeply blinded and corrupted by the great red dragon, and gains a group of overcomers in the East of the world, who become the evidence of God’s overcoming satan. This can even more manifest God’s wisdom and almightiness. Just as Almighty God says, “As God has prophesied in many places that he will gain a group of overcomers in the land of Sinim, that is, gain the overcomers in the East of the world, without a doubt the place God stays when he is incarnated the second time is the land of Sinim, just the dwelling place of the great red dragon, where he will gain the offspring of the great red dragon so that it will be thoroughly defeated and put to shame. God will arouse these people in deep misery and thoroughly awaken them, so that they will come out of the dense fog and reject the great red dragon, wake up from their dream and know the essence of the great red dragon and turn their heart completely to God, rise up in the oppression of the forces of darkness and stand in the East of the world, and become the evidence of God’s triumphing. Only thus will God have gained glory.” (from The Word Appears in the Flesh) Because of the end-time Christ’s work and word, all God’s chosen people in China who were deeply blinded by the great red dragon under its dark rule were conquered by Almighty God’s word. They broke away from the bondage and control of the great red dragon, came before God’s throne, and accepted the watering, supply, pruning, dealing, judgment, chastisement, and all kinds of trials and refinings of Almighty God’s word. In the end, they stood testimony in all sorts of hunting and persecution from the regime of the great red dragon. Therefore, they have become the specimens and models that God makes in China through his end-time work, and they are the powerful evidence of God’s overcoming satan’s evil forces.

31 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Hymn of God's Word "Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom"

Christ of the Last Days Has Brought the Age of Kingdom

When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace, ending the Age of Law. God once more became flesh during the last days. He brought the Age of Kingdom, ending the Age of Grace. All who accept God's second incarnation shall be led into the Age of Kingdom and receive His guidance. Jesus labored among man to redeem mankind, offering Himself as sacrifice for man's sins. Yet man's corrupt disposition remains.

To save man from Satan's corrupt influence, it's not enough for Jesus to be sin offering. It needs God to do a greater work to rid man of his disposition tainted by Satan. All who accept God's second incarnation shall be led into the Age of Kingdom and receive His guidance. Jesus labored among man to redeem mankind, offering Himself as sacrifice for man's sins. Yet man's corrupt disposition remains.

22 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning | Praise song | "Almighty God, You Are So Glorious" (Music Video)

Almighty God, You Are So Glorious

The last Christ, Almighty God, You are the Redeemer come again.
You speak to the people, using the truth to judge and purify them. 
Your words bear authority and power, purifying people’s corrupt disposition. 
Your words reveal omnipotence, and even more God’s righteousness.
God’s word judges the old world, judges nations, judges peoples.
God’s words achieve all; God has already thoroughly defeated Satan. 
Praise God, praise God. Oh Almighty God, You are so glorious! 
Your miraculous deeds! All nations and all peoples jump for joy. 

20 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-ninth Utterance

On the day that all things were resurrected, I came among man, and I have spent wonderful days and nights with him. Only at this point does man sense a little of My approachability, and as his interaction with Me becomes more frequent, he sees some of what I have and am—and as a result, he gains some knowledge of Me. Among all people, I raise My head and watch, and they all see Me. Yet when disaster befalls the world, they immediately grow anxious, and My image vanishes from their hearts; panic-stricken by the arrival of the disaster, they pay no regard to My exhortations. Many years have I passed among man, yet he has always remained unaware, and has never known Me. Today I tell to him with My own mouth, and make all people come before Me to receive something from Me, but still they keep their distance from Me, and so they do not know Me. When My footsteps tread across the ends of the universe, man will begin to reflect upon himself, and all people will come to Me and bow down before Me and worship Me. This will be the day of My glorification, the day of My return, and also the day of My departure. Now, I have begun My work among all mankind, have formally embarked, throughout the entire universe, upon the finale of My management plan. From this moment onward, any who are not cautious are liable to be plunged amid merciless chastisement at any moment. This is not because I am heartless, but is a step of My management plan; all must proceed according to the steps of My plan, and no man can change this. When I formally begin My work, all people move as I move, such that people throughout the universe occupy themselves in step with Me, there is “jubilation” across the universe, and man is spurred onward by Me. In consequence, the great red dragon itself is whipped into a state of frenzy and bewilderment by Me, and serves My work, and, despite being unwilling, is unable to follow its own desires, leaving it no choice but to “submit to My control.” In all of My plans, the great red dragon is My foil, My enemy, and also My “servant”; as such, I have never relaxed My “requirements” of it. Therefore, the final stage of the work of My incarnation is completed in its “household.” In this way, the great red dragon is more able to do service for Me properly, through which I will conquer it and complete My plan. As I work, all angels embark upon the “decisive battle” with Me and resolve to fulfill My wishes in the final stage, so that the people on earth yield before Me like the angels, and have no desire to oppose Me, and do nothing that rebels against Me. These are the dynamics of My work throughout the universe.

17 Jul 2017

Almighty God| The Twenty-sixth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,way
Who has abided in My home? Who has stood up for My sake? Who has suffered in My behalf? Who has pledged his word before Me? Who has followed Me to the present and yet has not become indifferent? Why are all human beings cold and unfeeling? Why has mankind abandoned Me? Why has humanity grown weary of Me? Why is there no warmth in the human world? While in Zion, I have tasted the warmth that is in heaven, and while in Zion I have enjoyed the blessing that is in heaven. Again, I have lived in mankind’s midst, I have tasted the bitterness in the human world, I have seen with My own eyes all the different states that exist amongst men. Unawares, man has changed along with My changes, and only in this way has he arrived at the present day. I do not require that man be able to do anything for My sake, nor do I require that he make any increase on My account. I only want him to be able to accord with My plan, neither disobeying Me nor becoming a mark of shame to Me, and to bear resounding witness unto Me. Among men, there have been those who have borne Me good witness and glorified My name, but how can man’s practices, man’s conduct possibly satisfy My heart? How can he possibly meet with My desire or fulfill My will? Of the mountains and waters on the earth, and the flowers, grasses, and trees on the earth, not one but shows the work of My hands, not one but exists for My name. Yet why cannot man attain to the standards of what I demand? Could this be due to his abject lowliness? Could it be due to My elevation of him? Could it be that I am too cruel to him? Why is man always fearful of My demands? Today, among the multitudes in the kingdom, why is it that you only listen to My voice but do not wish to see My face? Why do you only look at My words without trying to match them to My Spirit? Why do you keep Me apart in heaven above and on the earth below? Could it be that I, when I am on earth, am not the same I that I am in heaven? Could it be that I, when I am in heaven, cannot come down onto the earth? Could it be that I, when I am on earth, am unworthy to be borne up to heaven? It is as though I, when I am on earth, am a lowly creature, as though I, when I am in heaven, am an exalted being, and as though there lies between heaven and earth an unbridgeable chasm. But in the world of men they seem to know nothing of the origins of these things, but all along have been going contrary to Me, as though My words have only sound and no meaning. All men spend effort on My words, undertaking investigations of their own into My outward semblance, but they all meet with failure, without any results to show, but instead are struck down by My words and dare not get up again.

16 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-fifth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,wishes,life
Times passes, and in the blink of an eye today has arrived. Under the guidance of My Spirit, all people live amid My light, and no longer does anyone think of the past or pay heed to yesterday. Who has not ever lived in the present day? Who has not spent wonderful days and months in the kingdom? Who has not lived beneath the sun? Though the kingdom has descended among man, no one has truly experienced its warmth; man only regards it from the outside, uncomprehending of its substance. During the time that My kingdom is formed, who does not rejoice because of it? Can the countries on earth really escape? Is the great red dragon really able to escape thanks to its cunning? My administrative decrees are announced throughout the universe, they institute My authority among all people, and come into effect across the cosmos; nevertheless, man has never truly known this. When My administrative decrees are revealed to the universe is also when My work on earth is about to be completed. When I rule and wield power among all men and when I am recognized as the one God Himself, My kingdom will fully descend to earth. Today, all people have a new beginning upon a new path. They have begun a new life, yet no one has ever truly experienced a life on earth akin to heaven. Do you truly live amid My light? Do you truly live among My words? Who does not give thought to their own prospects? Who is not distressed by their own fate? Who does not struggle amid the sea of affliction? Who does not wish to free themselves? Are the blessings of the kingdom in exchange for man’s hard work on earth? Could all of man’s desires be fulfilled just as he wishes? I once presented the beautiful sight of the kingdom before man, yet he merely stared at it with greedy eyes and there were none who truly aspired to enter it. I once “reported” the true situation on earth to man, but he did no more than listen, and did not face the words that came from My mouth with his heart; I once told man of the circumstances in heaven, yet he treated My words as wonderful tales, and did not truly accept that which My mouth described. Today, scenes of the kingdom flash among man, but has anyone ever “crossed peak and vale” in search of it? Without My urging, man would still not have awoken from his dreams. Is really he so enthralled by his life on earth? Are there really no high standards in his heart?

14 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-third Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,love,kingdom
As My voice sounds out, as My eyes shoot forth fire, I am watching over the whole earth, I am observing the entire universe. All humanity are praying to Me, turning their gaze up to Me, beseeching Me to cease My anger, and swearing to rebel against Me no more. But this is no longer the past; it is now. Who can turn back My will? Surely not the invocation within men’s hearts, nor the words in their mouths? Who has been able to survive until the present, if not because of Me? Who survives except by the words in My mouth? Who does not lie under My watchful eye? As I carry out My new work on the whole earth, who has ever been able to escape from it? Could it be that the mountains are able to evade it by means of their height? Could it be that the waters, by their multitudinous vastness, are able to fend it off? In My plan, I have never lightly let any thing go, and so there has never been any person, or any thing, that has eluded the grasp of My hands. Today, My holy name is extolled throughout humanity, and again, words of protest rise up against Me throughout humanity, and legends about My being on earth are rife throughout humanity. I do not tolerate men making their judgments about Me, nor do I tolerate their dividing up My body, still less do I tolerate their vituperations against Me. Because he has never truly known Me, man has always resisted and deceived Me, failing to cherish My Spirit or to treasure My words. For his every deed and action, and for the attitude he bears toward Me, I give man the “reward” that is his due. And so, men all act with an eye to their “reward,” and not a single one has ever done any work involving self-sacrifice. Human beings are unwilling to render selfless dedication, but rather delight in rewards that can be got for nothing. Though Peter consecrated himself before Me, it was not for the sake of tomorrow’s reward, but for the sake of the knowledge of today. Humanity has never entered into a genuine connection with Me, but time and time again has dealt with Me in a superficial manner, thinking thereby effortlessly to win My approval. I have looked deep into man’s heart, so I have unearthed in its innermost recesses “a mine of many riches,” something of which even man himself is not yet aware but that I have discovered anew. And so, only when they have seen the “material evidence,” only then do human beings cease their sanctimonious self-abasement and, with palms outstretched, admit to their own unclean state. Among men, there is much more that is new and fresh waiting for Me to “extract” for the enjoyment of all humanity. Far from stopping My work on account of man’s incapacitation, I carry on mending and maintaining him in accordance with My original plan. Man is like a fruit tree: Without trimming and pruning, the tree will fail to bear fruit and, in the end, all one sees are withered branches and fallen leaves, with no fruit dropping onto the ground.

13 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twenty-second Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,life

Man lives amid the light, yet he is unaware of the preciousness of the light. He is ignorant of the substance of the light, and of the source of the light, and, moreover, of to whom it belongs. When I conferred the light among man, I immediately examine the conditions among man: Because of the light, all people are changing, and growing, and have left the darkness. I look upon every corner of the universe, and see that the mountains are engulfed in fog, that the waters have frozen amid the cold, and that, because of the coming of the light, people look to the East in order that they might discover something more precious—yet man remains incapable of discerning a clear direction among the mist. Because the whole world is blanketed by fog, when I look on from among the clouds, My existence is never discovered by man; man is searching on earth for something, he seems to be foraging, he intends, it seems, to await My arrival—yet he does not know My day, and can only often look to the glimmer of light in the East. Among all peoples, I seek those who are truly after My own heart. I walk among all peoples, and live among all peoples, but man is safe and sound on earth, and so there are none who are truly after My own heart. People do not know how to care for My will, they cannot see My actions, and they cannot move among the light and be shined upon by the light. Although man ever treasures My words, he is incapable of seeing through the deceitful schemes of Satan; because man’s stature is too small, he is unable to do as his heart wishes. Man has never loved Me sincerely. When I exalt him, he feels himself unworthy, but this does not make him try to satisfy Me. He merely holds the station I have given him in his hands and scrutinizes it; insensible to My loveliness, he instead persists in engorging himself on the blessings of his station. Is this not the deficiency of man? When the mountains move, could they make a detour for the sake of your station? When the waters flow, could they cease before your station? Could the heavens and the earth be reversed by your station? I was once merciful toward man, over and over again—yet no one cherishes or treasures this, they merely listened to it as a story, or read it as a novel. Do My words really not touch the heart of man? Do My utterances really have no effect? Could it be that no one believes in My existence? Man does not love himself; instead, he unites with Satan to attack Me, and uses Satan as an “asset” by which to serve Me. I will penetrate all the deceitful schemes of Satan, and stop the people from earth accepting the deceptions of Satan, so that they do not oppose Me because of Satan’s existence.

11 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Twentieth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,light,kingdom

The riches of My household are without number and unfathomable, yet man has never come to Me to enjoy them. He is incapable of enjoying them on his own, nor of protecting himself using his own efforts; instead, he has always placed his trust in others. Of all those I look upon, no one has ever sought Me deliberately and directly. They all come before Me at the urging of others, following the majority, and they are unwilling to pay the price or spend the time to enrich their lives. Hence, among man, no one has ever lived in reality, and all people live lives that are without meaning. Because of the long-established ways and customs of man, the bodies of all people are suffused with the odor of earthly soil. As a result, man has grown callous; insensible to the world’s desolation, he instead busies himself with the work of enjoying himself on this frozen earth. Man’s life has not the slightest warmth, and is devoid of any human flavor or light—yet he has ever inured himself to it, abiding a lifetime bereft of worth in which he rushes about without achieving anything. In the blink of an eye, the day of death draws near, and man dies a bitter death. In this world, he has never accomplished anything, or gained anything—he only hurriedly arrives, and hurriedly departs. None of those in My eyes have ever brought anything, or taken anything away, and so man feels that the world is unfair. Yet none are willing to hurry away. They merely await the day when My promise from heaven will suddenly come among man, allowing them, at the time when they have gone astray, to once more behold the way of eternal life. Thus, man fixates upon My every deed and action to see whether I have really kept My promise to him. When he is in the midst of affliction, or in extreme pain, or beset by trials and about to fall, man curses the day of his birth so that he may sooner escape his troubles and move to another ideal place. But when the trials have passed, man is filled with joy. He celebrates the day of his birth on earth and asks that I bless his day of birth; at this time, man no longer mentions the oaths of the past, deeply fearful that death will come upon him a second time. When My hands raise up the world, people dance with joy, they are no longer sorrowful, and they all depend on Me. When I cover My face with My hands, and press people beneath the ground, they immediately feel short of breath, and are barely able to survive. They all cry out to Me, terrified that I will destroy them, for they all wish to behold the day when I am glorified. Man takes My day as the principal of his existence, and it is only because people long for the day when My glory will arrive that mankind has survived until today. The blessing decreed by My mouth is that those who are born during the last days are fortunate enough to behold all of My glory.

The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | "The Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word"

Almighty God says, "God created the world with the word, leads men throughout the universe with the word, conquers and saves them with the word. Finally, He shall use the word to bring the entire world of old to an end. Only then is the management plan wholly complete. Throughout the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to do His work and achieve the results of His work; He does not work wonders or perform miracles; He merely does His work through the word. Because of the word, man is nourished and supplied; because of the word, man gains knowledge and true experience. Man in the Age of Word has truly received exceptional blessings. Man suffers no pain of the flesh and simply enjoys the bountiful supply of the word of God; they need not seek or journey forth, and at ease they see the appearance of God, hear Him speak personally, receive His supply, and see Him personally do His work. Man in ages past was unable to enjoy such things, and these are blessings that they could never receive."

10 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Nineteenth Utterance

It is mankind’s proper occupation to take My words as the basis for his survival. Man must establish his individual portion in each and every part of My words; not to do so would be asking for trouble, seeking his own destruction. Humanity does not know Me, and because of this, instead of bringing his own life to Me to offer in exchange, all he does is parade in front of Me with the trash in his hands, trying thereby to give Me satisfaction. But, far from being satisfied by things as they are, I keep on making demands of humanity. I love man’s tribute, but hate his extortions. All men have hearts filled with greed; it is as if the human heart is in thrall to the devil, and man is unable to break free and offer his heart up to Me. When I speak, man listens to My voice in rapt attention; but when I stop speaking, he starts again on his own “enterprise” and ceases entirely to heed My words, as if My words were an adjunct to his “enterprise.” I have never been lax with humanity, and yet I have also been long-suffering and magnanimous with humanity. And so, because of My leniency, human beings have all grown overweening, incapable of self-knowledge and self-reflection, and they take advantage of My forbearance to deceive Me. Not a single one among them sincerely cares for Me, and not a single one truly treasures Me as an object dear to his heart; only when they have idle moments to spare do they give Me their perfunctory regard. The effort I have expended on man is already beyond measure. I have wrought on man an unprecedented kind of work, and apart from this, I have given him an additional burden, in order that, out of what I have and what I am, man might gain in knowledge and undergo a change. I do this not to make man into a mere consumer, but to make him into a producer capable of inflicting defeat on Satan. Though I may not demand anything of man, nonetheless I do have standards for the demands I make, for there is a purpose in what I do, as well as principles in accordance with which I act: I do not, as man imagines, play around haphazardly, nor do I, in willful capriciousness, fashion the heavens and earth and the myriad things of creation. In My working, man should be able to see something, gain something. He should not squander away the springtime of his “youth,” or treat his own life like a garment on which dust is carelessly allowed to gather; rather, he should stand strict guard over himself, taking from My bounty to provide for his own enjoyment, until, for My sake, he cannot turn back toward Satan, and for My sake he mounts an attack against Satan. Isn’t what I ask of man as simple as this?

9 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Eighteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,life

In a flash of lightning, every animal is revealed in its true form. So too, illuminated by My light, human beings have regained the sanctity they once possessed. Oh, that the corrupt world of the past has at last toppled over into the filthy water and, sinking below the surface, dissolved into mud! Oh, that all the humanity I created has at last come back to life again in the light, found the foundation for existence, and ceased to struggle in the mud! Oh, the myriad things of creation that I hold in My hands! How can they not, through My words, be renewed? How can they not, in the light, give play to their functions? Earth is no longer still and silent, heaven no longer desolate and sad. Heaven and earth, no longer separated by a void, are united as one, never to be sundered again. On this jubilant occasion, at this moment of exultation, My righteousness and My holiness have gone abroad throughout the universe, and all mankind extols them without surcease. The cities of heaven are laughing with joy, and the kingdoms of earth are dancing with joy. Who at this moment is not rejoicing? And who at this moment is not weeping? Earth in its primordial state belongs to heaven, and heaven is united with earth. Man is the cord uniting heaven and earth, and thanks to his sanctity, thanks to his renewal, heaven is no longer concealed from earth, and earth is no longer silent toward heaven. The faces of humanity are wreathed in smiles of gratification, and secreted in their hearts is a sweetness that knows no bounds. Man does not quarrel with man, nor do men come to blows with one another. Are there any who, in My light, do not live peacefully with others? Are there any who, in My days, disgrace My name? All human beings direct their reverential gaze toward Me, and in their hearts they secretly cry out to Me. I have searched humanity’s every action: Among the human beings who have been cleansed, there are none that are disobedient to Me, none that pass judgment on Me. All humanity is suffused with My disposition. Everyone is coming to know Me, is drawing closer to Me, and is adoring Me. I stand fast in the spirit of man, am exalted to the highest pinnacle in man’s eyes, and flow through the blood in his veins. The joyous exaltation in men’s hearts fills every place on the face of the earth, the air is brisk and fresh, dense fogs no longer blanket the ground, and the sun shines resplendent.

7 Jul 2017

God's untterance | The Sixteenth Utterance

gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom,Rescue

Eastern Lightning | God's untterance | The Sixteenth Utterance

There is so much that I wish to say to man, so many things that I must tell him. But man’s abilities of acceptance are too lacking: He is incapable of fully grasping My words according to that which I provide, and only understands one aspect but remains ignorant of the other. Yet I do not put man to death because of his powerlessness, nor am I aggrieved by his weakness. I merely do My work, and speak as I have always done, even though man does not understand My will; when the day comes, people will know Me in the depths of their hearts, and will remember Me in their thoughts. When I depart from this earth will exactly be when I ascend to the throne in man’s heart, which is to say, it will be when all men know Me. So, too, will it be when My sons and people rule over the earth. Those who know Me will assuredly become the pillars of My kingdom, and none but they will be qualified to rule and wield power in My kingdom. All those who know Me are possessed of My being, and able to live out Me among all men. I care not to what extent man knows Me: No one can hinder My work in any way, and man can offer Me no assistance and do nothing for Me. Man can only follow My guidance in My light, and seek My will in this light. Today, people have become qualified, and believe they can strut about in front of Me, and laugh and joke with Me without the slightest inhibition, and address Me as an equal. Still man does not know Me, still he believes that in essence we are about the same, that we are both of flesh and blood, and both dwell in the human world. His reverence for Me is too meager; he reveres Me when he is before Me, but is incapable of serving Me before the Spirit. It is as if, for man, the Spirit does not exist at all. As a result, no man has ever known the Spirit; in My incarnation, people see only a body of flesh and blood, and do not perceive the Spirit of God. Can My will really be accomplished in such a way? People are experts at deceiving Me; they seem to have been specially trained by Satan in order to fool Me. Yet I am untroubled by Satan. I will still use My wisdom to conquer the whole of mankind and to defeat the corrupter of all mankind, in order that My kingdom may be established on earth.

6 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Fifteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,kingdom,judgment
Man is a creature without self-knowledge. Yet, unable to know himself, he nevertheless knows everyone else like the palm of his hand, as though all others have first passed his “inspection” and received his approval before they say or do anything, and hence as though he has taken the full measure of all others down to their psychological state. Human beings are all like this. Man has entered into the Age of Kingdom today, but his nature remains unchanged. He still does as I do in front of Me, but behind My back he starts getting up to his own unique “business.” Once that’s over and he comes before Me again, however, he is like a different person, seeming audaciously calm, features composed, pulse steady. Is this not precisely what makes man so despicable? How many people wear two completely different faces, one in front of Me and another one behind My back? How many of them are like newborn lambs before Me but behind Me turn into ravening tigers, and then become like little birds flitting merrily about in the hills? How many show purpose and resolve in front of Me? How many come before Me, seeking My words with thirst and longing but, behind My back, grow sick of them and renounce them, as though My words were an encumbrance? So many times, seeing the human race corrupted by My enemy, I have given up placing My hopes in mankind. So many times, seeing man come before Me in tears to sue for pardon, but on account of his lack of self-respect, his stubborn incorrigibility, I have closed My eyes to his action in anger, even when his heart is genuine and his intentions sincere. So many times, I see man capable of having faith to cooperate with Me, and how, before Me, he seems to be lying in My embrace, tasting the warmth of My embrace. So many times, seeing the innocence, liveliness, and loveliness of My chosen people, in My heart I have always taken pleasure on account of these things. Human beings know not how to enjoy their predestined blessing in My hands, because they do not know what is ultimately meant by either blessing or suffering. For this reason, mankind is far from sincere in their quest for Me. If there were no such thing as tomorrow, which of you, standing before Me, would be as white as the driven snow, as unspotted as pure jade? Surely your love for Me is not something that can be exchanged for a delicious meal, or a classy suit of clothes, or high office with handsome emoluments? Or can it be exchanged for the love that others bear you? Surely, undergoing trial will not drive man to abandon his love for Me? Surely, suffering and tribulation will not cause him to complain against what I have arranged? No man has ever truly appreciated the sword in My mouth: He knows only its surface meaning without truly grasping the inner. If human beings were genuinely able to see the sharpness of My sword, they would go scurrying like rats into their holes. Because of their numbness, human beings understand nothing of the true meaning of My words, and so they have no clue as to how formidable My words are, or just how much of their nature is revealed, and how much of their corruption has received judgment, within those words. For this reason, based on their half-baked ideas about My words, most people have taken up a lukewarm and noncommittal attitude.

5 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Fourteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,grace,truth
Throughout the ages, no human has entered the kingdom and thus none has enjoyed the grace of the Age of Kingdom, none has seen the King of the kingdom. Though under the illumination of My Spirit many people have prophesied the kingdom’s beauty, they know but its exterior, not its significance within. Today, as the kingdom comes into formal existence on earth, most of humanity still knows not just what is to be accomplished, what realm man is ultimately to be brought to, during the Age of Kingdom. About this, I’m afraid all men are in a state of confusion. Because the day of the kingdom’s complete realization has not fully come, all men are befuddled, unable to see it clearly. My work in divinity begins formally with the Age of Kingdom. It is with the formal start of the Age of Kingdom that My disposition begins to progressively manifest itself to man. Thus at this moment the holy trumpet formally begins to sound and proclaim to all. When I formally take My power and reign as King in the kingdom, all My people shall over time be made complete by Me. When all the nations of the world are disrupted, that is precisely when My kingdom will be established and shaped and also when I will be transfigured and turn to the entire universe. At that time, all people shall see My glorious face, see My true countenance. From the creation of the world to the present, humanity has been corrupted by Satan to the extent that exists today. With man’s corruption, I have become more and more concealed from humans and increasingly unfathomable to them. Man has never seen My true face, never directly interacted with Me. Only in hearsay and myth has there been a “Me” of man’s imagination. I therefore accord with human imagination, that is, with human conceptions, to tackle the “Me” in men’s minds, that I might change the state of “Me” that they have harbored for myriad years. This is My work principle. Not a single person has been able to know it through and through. Although men have prostrated themselves to Me and come before Me to worship Me, I do not enjoy such acts of men because in their hearts they hold not My image, but an image exterior to Me. Therefore, their mind lacking My disposition, they know nothing about My true face. Therefore, when they believe they have resisted Me or offended My administrative decrees, I yet turn a blind eye. And therefore, in their memories, I am a God who shows mercy on men rather than chastises them, or I am God Himself who does not mean what He says. These are all imaginations born of human thought and not in accordance with the facts.

4 Jul 2017

Eastern Lightning| The Thirteenth Utterance

Almighty God, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, light, life
Hidden within the proclamations of My voice are a number of My intentions. But man knows and understands nothing of these, and keeps receiving My words from the outside and following them from the outside, without being able to realize My heart or intuit My will from within My words. Even if I have made My words clear, has anyone understood? From Zion I came into mankind. Because I have put on the humanity of an ordinary man and clothed Myself in the skin of a man, men merely come to know My appearance from the outside, but they do not know the life that lies within Me, nor do they recognize the God of the Spirit, and only know the man of flesh. Could it be that the real God Himself is unworthy of your trying to know Him? Could it be that the real God Himself is unworthy of your making an effort to try to “dissect” Him? I detest the corruption of the whole human race, but I feel compassion for their weakness. I am also dealing with the old nature of the whole human race. As one of My people in China, are you not also a part of the human race? Among all My people, and among all My sons, that is, among the ones that I have chosen out of the whole human race, you belong to the lowest group. For this reason, I have expended the largest amount of energy on you, the greatest amount of effort. Do you still not cherish the blessed life that you enjoy today? Are you still hardening your hearts to rebel against Me and set upon your own designs? Were it not that I still have pity and love for you, the whole of humanity would long ago have fallen captive to Satan and turned into “delectable morsels” in its mouth. Today, in the midst of all humanity, those who genuinely expend themselves for Me and who genuinely love Me are still rare enough to be counted on the fingers of one hand. Could it be that today the title of[a] “My people” has already become your personal property? Has your conscience simply grown ice-cold? Are you truly worthy to become the people that I require? Thinking back on the past, and looking again at today, which of you has satisfied My heart? Which of you has shown genuine solicitude for My intentions? Had I not prompted you, you would still not have awakened, but would have remained as if in a frozen state, and again, as if in a state of hibernation.