Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Almighty God’s Words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God’s Words. Show all posts

14 Oct 2017

The Hymn of God’s Word “The Purpose of God’s Management Work” | The Church of Almighty God

God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age. Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase. While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs, or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.
It’s to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and expose Satan’s hideous depravity, teach created beings to tell good from evil, and know the Ruler of all things is God Himself, see clearly that Satan is man’s enemy, that it’s the evil one, a reprobate, so man can tell good from evil, truth from lies, holiness from filth, and great from base. The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat, to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks, thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain. Make ignorant mankind bear witness to Him: It is not “God” who brought upon man corruption, and only God Himself, Master of creation, can bestow things to enjoy and bring man salvation. This is so they can come to know that God is the Ruler of all things, that Satan is merely a creation of His, which later chose to turn on Him.

12 Oct 2017

Expression of Almighty God | God Perfects Those After His Own Heart

Expression of Almighty God,The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,truth,Jesus
Expression of Almighty God | God Perfects Those After His Own Heart
  God now wants to gain a group of people—they are those who strive to cooperate with Him, who can obey His work, who believe the words God speaks are true, and who can put God’s requirements into practice. They are those who have true understanding in their hearts. They are the ones who can be perfected, and they will inevitably walk the path of perfection. Those without a clear understanding of God’s work, who do not eat and drink of God’s words, who pay no attention to His words, and who are without any love for God in their hearts—people like this cannot be perfected. Those who doubt God in the flesh, who remain uncertain about Him, who are never serious about His words, and who always deceive Him, they resist God and are of Satan—there is no way to perfect such people.

7 Oct 2017

Eastern Lightning-Books| Chapter 2. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God’s Words, Eastern Lightning,Jehovah,Bible

Eastern Lightning-Books| Chapter 2. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I

  First of all, there are Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, and if we want to talk about some characters, then we first need to start with these two. Who comes second? (Noah.) Noah, the second ancestor of mankind. You see that, right? And third? (Abraham.) You all know the story of Abraham, don’t you? (Yes.) Maybe some know about it and maybe some others aren’t quite sure, having only heard about it before. And the fourth character? Who was involved in the destruction of Sodom? (Lot.) But Lot isn’t mentioned here. Who is mentioned? (Abraham.) Abraham, that’s right. There is another point: It mainly mentions that which was spoken by Jehovah God. Have you seen this? (Yes.) Look closely. Who is the fifth character? (Job.) Does God mention the story of Job much during this stage of His work? (Yes.) So do you care much about this story? (Yes.) While you care about it, have you read in detail the story of Job in the Bible? What did Job say and what things did he do? Has anyone here read the Book of Job? (Yes.) What’s the most number of times any of you have read it? Do you read it often? (I read it once or twice during the Age of Grace.) And you didn’t read it again after that, right? (No.) That’s such a shame! Let Me tell you: Job is mentioned a lot during this stage of work, and yet all these times he is mentioned have not attracted your attention. This proves one fact that you have no interest in being good people or in being people who fear God and shun evil. This is because you simply don’t care about the story of Job mentioned by God, nor do you read it. You just know the general outline of it, you get the people around you to explain it and then your involvement ends there. What exactly do you pay attention to then? You even don’t care about or try to understand such an important character mentioned by God, so tell Me, what attitude do you have toward God’s words? Isn’t this a sad thing? It proves that most of you are impractical people who do not seek the truth. If you seek the truth, then as soon as God mentions this person and as soon as He brings up this kind of story—something you can reach and touch—then you would straight away go and read it and understand it, read it over and over, and then think of a way you can follow Job’s example, sparing no effort to achieve whatever you can. But you here today surprise Me by saying that most of you haven’t read it before, and this is a serious problem.

Eastern Lightning | Andriod App

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God’s Words, Eastern Lightning,life,Christ

Eastern Lightning | Andriod App

Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.


6 Oct 2017

Eastern Lightning | Praise Song "Oh God! I Truly Don't Deserve Your Love"

Eastern Lightning |  Praise Song "Oh God! I Truly Don't Deserve Your Love"   
  So many tears I’ve shed for myself, so much pain I endured for myself. So many long roads I’ve walked for myself, so many times I figured gains and losses. So many times when my desires were dashed, I thought of leaving God, but His love always keeps me close, holding my hand tight like a lock of love, leading me away from negativity one step at a time. And so often I’d think of leaving God, but His love always keeps me close. His words split my heart like a two-edged sharp sword, leaving me nowhere to hide with my shame.

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Proper Relationship With God” (II)

The Church of Almighty God, Expression of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Lord Jesus,life

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “It Is Very Important to Establish a Proper Relationship With God” (II)
  Let’s start our meeting. Let’s first read a passage of God’s word, “It Is Very Important to Establish a Proper Relationship With God.
  “People believe in God, love God, and satisfy God by touching the Spirit of God with their heart, thereby obtaining the satisfaction of God; and when engaging with God’s words with their heart, they are therefore moved by the Spirit of God. If you wish to achieve a proper spiritual life and establish a proper relationship with God, you must first give your heart to God, and quiet your heart before God. Only after you have poured your whole heart into God can you gradually have a proper spiritual life. If, in their belief in God, people do not give their heart to God, if their heart is not in God, and they do not treat God’s burden as their own, then everything they do is cheating God, and is the actions of religious people, unable to receive God’s praise. God cannot get anything from this kind of person; this kind of person can only serve as a foil to God’s work, like a decoration in the house of God, filling the seats and taking up space, and is a good-for-nothing—God does not use this kind of person. In such a person, not only is there no opportunity for the work of the Holy Spirit, much less is there any value of perfection; this type of person is the real “walking dead”—they have no components that can be used by the Holy Spirit—they have all been appropriated by Satan, corrupted to the extreme by Satan, who are the object of God’s elimination. Currently the Holy Spirit is not only using people by putting their virtues into play, but also perfecting and changing their shortcomings. If your heart can be poured into God, and keep quiet before God, then you will have the chance, the qualifications, to be used by the Holy Spirit, to receive the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit, and you will even more so have the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to make up for your shortcomings. When you give your heart to God, you can enter more deeply on the positive side, and be on a higher plane of understanding; on the negative side, you will have more understanding of your own faults and shortcomings, you will be more eager to seek to satisfy God’s will, and in a non-passive state, you will actively enter, and this will mean that you are a correct person. On the premise that your heart is calm before God, the key of whether or not you receive praise from the Holy Spirit, whether or not you please God, is whether you can actively enter. When the Holy Spirit enlightens a person, uses a person, it never makes him negative, and always makes him positive and eager to progress. Even though he has weaknesses, he is able to not live according to them, he is able to refrain from delaying his life growth, and he is able to continue to seek to satisfy God’s will. This is a standard which sufficiently proves that a person has obtained the presence of the Holy Spirit. If a person is always negative, and even after being enlightened to know himself, is still negative and passive, unable to stand up and act in concert with God, then this type of person just receives the grace of God, but the Holy Spirit is not with him. When a person is negative, this means that his heart has not turned to God, his spirit has not been touched by God’s Spirit, and this should be recognized by all.

5 Oct 2017

Eastern Lightning | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen's Story" (3) - Renounce Good and Embrace Evil

Eastern Lightning | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen's Story" (3) - Abandoning the Good and Following the Wicked
In this world of sinister hearts where money is king, what choices did the simply pure and good Xiaozhen make, for life and for survival …
Xiaozhen used to be a pure, kind-hearted Christian, who always treated her friends sincerely. However, when it was to their benefit, her former friends became her enemies. After suffering this tragedy, Xiaozhen was forced to abandon her true heart and her former principles. She began to betray her own good conscience and good spirit, and wallowed in the mire of the evil world. … As she fell from grace and walked a path of depravity, she was trampled by the world and became riddled with scars and bruises. She had reached a dead end, and at her point of despair when she had given up all hope, Almighty God's sincere call finally awakened Xiaozhen's heart and spirit …

Eastern Lightning | A Hymn of God's Words "Only God Incarnate Can Thoroughly Save Mankind"

Eastern Lightning | A Hymn of God's Words "Only God Incarnate Can Thoroughly Save Mankind"
When God incarnate comes to do His work on earth, man's faulty notion of Him will forever be laid bare, because the normality and reality of God incarnate is the opposite of man's vague, mythical idea of Him. It's only through this contrast that man's old concept of God is revealed. Only God can do this work. No matter how rich man's words, they cannot articulate the normality, nor the reality of God Himself. When God becomes the flesh and works among mankind, they will see Him more clearly and know Him more practically. When God becomes the flesh and works among mankind, they can be saved from the influence of Satan. Only God incarnate can thoroughly save mankind.

Eastern Lightning | I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All

Eastern Lightning | I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All
Xianshang    Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province
A little while ago, every time I heard that the district preachers were coming to our church, I would feel a bit ill at ease. I didn’t reveal my feelings outwardly, but my heart was full of secret opposition. I thought: “It would be best if you all didn’t come. If you do come, at least don’t work in the church with me. Otherwise, I’ll be restricted and unable to commune.” Later, the situation got so bad that I actually hated their coming. Even as such, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me and certainly didn’t try to know myself in the context of this situation.

4 Oct 2017

Eastern Lightning | A Hymn of God's Words "Pure Love Without Blemish"

A Hymn of God's Words "Pure Love Without Blemish" | The Church of Almighty God
Love is a pure emotion, pure without a blemish. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. Love doesn't set conditions or barriers or distance. Use your heart, use your heart to love and feel and care. If you love you don't deceive, grumble, turn your back, look to get something in return. If you love you'd sacrifice, accept hardship and be one with God in harmony.

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction

The Church of Almighty God, Utterances of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,truth,life

The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “God Perfects Those After His Heart”

The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God’s Words, Eastern Lightning,Lord Jesus,Christ

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “God Perfects Those After His Heart”
Let’s first read the first half of the passage of God’s word, “God Perfects Those After His Heart.
  “The group of people God wants to gain now are those who strive to cooperate with God, who can obey His work, and who believe the words God speaks are true, who can put God’s requirements into practice. They are those who have true understanding in their hearts. It is they who can be perfected, and they who will inevitably walk the path of perfection. Those without a clear understanding of God’s work, those who do not eat and drink of God’s word, those who pay no attention to God’s word, and those without any love for God in their hearts—people like this cannot be perfected. Those who doubt the incarnate God, those who remain uncertain about Him, those who are never serious about God’s word, and those who always deceive God, these people resist God and are of Satan—there is no way to perfect such people.
  If you wish to be perfected, you must first be favored by God, because God perfects those He favors, who are those after His heart. If you wish to be after God’s heart, your heart must be obedient to God in all His work, you must strive to pursue the truth, and you must accept God’s observation in all things. Has all you do undergone God’s observation? Is your intent correct? If your intent is correct, God will approve of you; if your intent is wrong, this proves that what your heart loves is not God, it is the flesh and Satan. Therefore you must accept God’s observation in all things through prayer. When you pray, although My person is not there, the Holy Spirit is with you, and when you pray to this person, you also pray to the Spirit of God. Why do you believe in this flesh? Because He has the Spirit of God. Would you trust in this person without the Spirit of God? When you believe in this person, you believe in the Spirit of God. When you fear this person, you fear the Spirit of God. Faith in God’s Spirit is faith in this person, faith in this person is also faith in the Spirit of God. When you pray, you feel the Spirit of God with you, God is before you, therefore you pray to God’s Spirit. Today, most people are too afraid to bring their actions before God, and while you may deceive God’s flesh, you cannot deceive God’s Spirit. All that cannot withstand God’s observation is not in accord with truth and should be cast aside, or you sin against God. So, no matter whether it’s when you pray, when you speak and fellowship with your brothers and sisters, or when you perform your duty and do your business, you must lay your heart before God. When you fulfill your function, God is with you, and so long as your intent is correct and is for the work of God’s house, God will accept all you do, so you should earnestly devote yourself to fulfilling your function. When you pray, if you have love for God in your heart, and if you seek God’s care, protection, and observation, if these are your intent, your prayers will be effective. As you pray at meetings, so should you open your heart and pray to God, tell God what is in your heart, and without speaking falsehoods, then your prayers will be effective. If you earnestly love God in your heart, then make an oath to God: “God, who is in the heavens and earth and all things, I swear to You: May Your Spirit examine all I do and protect and care for me at all times. It makes it possible for all I do to stand in Your presence. Should my heart ever cease to love You or betray You, give me Your severest chastisement and curse. Pardon me in neither this world nor the next!” Do you dare make such an oath? If you do not, this proves you are cowardly, and that you still love yourself. Do you have this resolve? If this is truly your resolve, you must make this oath. If you have the resolve to make such an oath, God will satisfy your resolve. When you swear to God, God listens. God determines whether you are sinful or righteous by your prayer and your practice. This now is the process of perfecting you, and if you truly have faith in God’s perfection of you, you will bring all you do before God and accept God’s observation, and if you do something outrageous or betray God, God will “perfect” you according to your oath, and then no matter what happens to you, be it perdition or chastisement, it is your own problem. You made the oath, so you should carry it out. If you make an oath, but don’t carry it out, you will perish. When you make the oath, God will perfect you according to your oath. Some are afraid after they pray, and say, “Oh no, my chance at debauchery is gone, my chance to do wicked things is gone, my chance to indulge my worldly greed is gone!” These people still love the world and sin, and they are certain to perish.

3 Oct 2017

Eastern Lightning-Books-Chapter 2. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I(part1)

The Church of Almighty God, Utterances of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Christ,truth
Eastern Lightning-Books-Chapter 2. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself I (part1)

What topic will we fellowship today? We will fellowship a very important topic, a topic that we have fellowshiped ever since God began His work. It is a topic that is very important to every single person, and is also an issue that everyone must come into contact with, and will come into contact with, during the course of their belief in God. It is a very important issue and it is both unavoidable and inseparable from man. Speaking of importance, what is the most important thing to every single believer? Some will say that the most important thing is understanding God’s will; some will say that the most important thing is eating and drinking more of the words of God; some will say that the most important thing is to know yourselves; some will say that the most important thing is to know how to be saved by God, how to follow God and how to be able to satisfy God’s will. But we will set these topics aside for today. What will we talk about? The topic we will talk about concerns God. Isn’t this a topic of paramount importance to everyone? (Yes.) What things does a topic about God involve? Of course, this topic is assuredly inseparable from God’s disposition, God’s essence and God’s work, so today let’s talk about “God’s Work, God’s Disposition and God Himself.”

Eastern Lightning | The Victorious Testimony of a Christian | Christian Movie Trailer "In the Deep of Winter"

Eastern Lightning | The Victorious Testimony of a Christian

Her name is Xiao Li. She has believed in God for more than a decade. In the winter of 2012, she was arrested by the Chinese Communist police at a congregation. During interrogation, the police repeatedly coaxed, threatened, battered and tortured her in their attempts to seduce her to betray God by disclosing the whereabouts of the leaders and money of the church. Particularly in one frozen night when the temperature was twenty degrees below zero, she was forcibly stripped naked, drenched with icy water, electrically shocked on her genital, and force-fed mustard water by the police…. She had suffered brutal torture and unimaginable humiliation. During the interrogation, she felt hurt and humiliated. She desperately prayed to God time after time. The word of God gave her timely enlightenment and guidance. With the faith and strength she received from God's word, she overcame the savage torture and demonic ravage and gave wonderfully resounding witness. Like a winter plum blossom, she exhibited resilient vitality by proudly blooming amid severe adversity, emanating delightful redolence

2 Oct 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "Two Thousand Years of Longing" | Eastern Lightning

A Hymn of God's Words "Two Thousand Years of Longing" | Eastern Lightning


That God has become flesh shakes the religious world, upsets the religious order, and stirs up the souls of all who long for God's appearance. Who does not marvel at this? Who does not long to see God? God has spent years among man, but man is simply unaware of this. Today, God Himself has appeared to renew His old love with man.

Eastern Lightning | "The City Will be Overthrown" (3) - What Is the Substance of the Pharisees' Opposition to God?

The Church of Almighty God | "The City Will be Overthrown" (3) - What Is the Substance of the Pharisees' Opposition to God?

For two thousand years, although all believers have known the fact that the Pharisees defied the Lord Jesus, no one in the whole religious world knows exactly what the root cause and essence of the Pharisees' defiance of God is. Only with the coming of Almighty God in the last days can the truth of this question be revealed. Almighty God says, "These Pharisees in substance were stubborn, arrogant, and did not obey the truth. The principle of their belief in God is: No matter how profound Your preaching, no matter how high Your authority, You are not Christ unless You are called the Messiah. Are these views not preposterous and ridiculous?" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

30 Sept 2017

Eastern Lightning | A Hymn of God's Words "The Significance of God's Two Incarnations"

Eastern Lightning | A Hymn of God's Words "The Significance of God's Two Incarnations"


God began His work of salvation in the Age of Grace, after the end of the Age of Law. The first incarnation redeemed man from sin through the flesh of Jesus Christ. He saved man from the cross, but man's satanic dispositions lingered on. In the last of days, God judges to purify mankind. It's only when this is done will He end His work of salvation and enter into rest.

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”

The Church of Almighty God, Utterances of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning,Jesus,Church
Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”

Let’s read a piece of God’s word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”:
“The work of the Holy Spirit changes from day to day, rising higher with each step; the revelation of tomorrow becomes even higher than today’s, step by step climbing ever higher. Such is the work by which God perfects man. If man cannot keep pace, then he may be forsaken at any time. If man does not have an obedient heart, then he cannot follow to the end. The old age has passed; now is a new age. And in a new age, new work must be done. Particularly in the final age where man will be perfected, God will perform new work ever more quickly. Therefore, without obedience in his heart, man will find it difficult to follow the footsteps of God. God abides not by the rules, nor does He treat any stage of His work as unchanging. Rather, the work done by God is ever newer and ever higher. His work becomes more and more practical with each step, more and more in line with the actual needs of man. Only after man experiences this kind of work can he attain the final transformation of his disposition. Man’s knowledge of life grows ever higher, therefore the work of God likewise becomes ever higher. Only in this way can man reach perfection and be fit for God’s use. On one hand, God works this way to counter and reverse the notions of man, while on the other, to lead man into a higher and more realistic state, into the highest realm of belief in God, so that in the end, the will of God is done. All those of a disobedient nature and with a heart of resistance shall be forsaken in this fast and powerful work; only those who have an obedient heart and are willing to be humbled will progress to the end of the road. In such work, all of you should learn how to submit and to put aside your notions. Every step should be taken with caution. If you are careless, you will surely become one of those loathed and rejected by the Holy Spirit and one who disrupts the work of God. Prior to undergoing this stage of work, man’s rules and laws of old were so innumerable that they got carried away, and as a result, they became conceited and forgot their place. These are all obstacles in the way of man accepting the new work of God and are hostile to man coming to know God. It is dangerous for man to have neither obedience in his heart nor a yearning for the truth. If you obey only the work and words that are simple, and are unable to accept any of a deeper intensity, then you are one who keeps to old ways and cannot keep pace with the work of the Holy Spirit. The work done by God differs across periods of time. If you show great obedience in one phase, yet in the next phase show less or none at all, then God shall desert you. If you keep pace with God as He ascends this step, then you must continue to keep pace when He ascends the next. Only such men are obedient to the Holy Spirit. Since you believe in God, you must remain constant in your obedience. You cannot simply obey when you please and disobey when you do not. Such manner of obedience is not approved by God. If you cannot keep pace with the new work I fellowship and continue to hold on to the former sayings, then how can there be growth in your life? In God’s work, He supplies you through His word. When you obey and accept His word, then the Holy Spirit shall surely work in you. The Holy Spirit works exactly in the way I speak. Do as I have said, and the Holy Spirit will promptly work in you. I release a new light for you to see and bring you into the present light. When you walk into this light, the Holy Spirit will immediately work in you. Some may be recalcitrant and say, ‘I simply will not do as you say.’ Then I tell you that now this is the end of the road. You have withered away and have no more life. Therefore, in experiencing the transformation of your disposition, it is most crucial to keep pace with the present light. The Holy Spirit not only works in certain men who are used by God, but even more in the church. He could be working in anyone. He may work in you now, and after you have experienced it, He may work in someone else next. Follow closely; the more you follow the present light, the more your life can grow. Follow those whom the Holy Spirit works in, whatever kind of man he may be. Take in his experiences through your own, and you will receive even higher things. In so doing you will see growth more quickly. This is the path of perfection for man and a way through which life grows. The path to perfection is reached through your obedience to the work of the Holy Spirit. You do not know through what kind of person God will work to perfect you, nor through what person, occurrence, or thing He will bring you profit and enable you to gain some insight. If you are able to walk onto this right track, this shows that there is great hope for you to be perfected by God. If you are unable to do so, this shows that your future is bleakness and one of darkness. When you walk upon the right track, you will be given revelation in all things. No matter what the Holy Spirit may reveal to others, if you continue on in your experience on the basis of their knowledge, then it shall become your life, and you shall be able to supply others because of this experience. Those who supply others by parroting words are those without experience; you must learn to find, through the enlightenment and illumination of others, a way of practice before speaking of your own actual experience and knowledge. This will be of greater benefit to your own life. You should experience in this way, obeying all that comes from God. You should seek the mind of God in all things and learn lessons in all things, creating growth in your life. Such practice affords the fastest growth.