Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label Almighty God's work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God's work. Show all posts

7 Nov 2017

The Principles of Obeying God’s Administrative Decrees and Commandments


The Church of Almighty God -The Principles of Obeying God’s Administrative Decrees and Commandments

  1. One must understand the essence and true meaning of God’s administrative decrees and commandments, understand God’s intention, and have fear of God so as not to offend God’s disposition.
  2. One must seek the truth in God’s administrative decrees and commandments to understand God’s disposition and achieve true compliance with God’s administrative decrees and commandments.
  3. One must master his own weaknesses and Achilles’ heel to develop the practical principles, know how to keep God’s administrative decrees and commandments and not offend God.
  4. One must absolutely obey God’s administrative decrees and commandments, which is the duty man must do, and he must endeavor to keep them even if he does not understand them.
Relevant Words of God:
  The key to keeping the commandments is having an understanding of the practical God. Once you have an understanding of the practical God, you will be able to keep the commandments. Keeping the commandments includes two components: One is maintaining steadfast belief in[a] the essence of His Spirit and being able to accept the examination of the Spirit in front of Him. Another is being able to have a genuine understanding of the incarnate flesh, and achieving genuine obedience.
from “People Who Can Be Absolutely Obedient Toward God’s Practicality Are Those Who Truly Love God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

6 Nov 2017

I Experienced God’s Salvation

 God’s Words,Salvation,Eastern Lightning,grace,Lord Jesus

The Church of Almighty God-I Experienced God’s Salvation

Cheng Hao    Yongzhou City, Hunan Province
  By the grace of God, my wife and I were promoted to the second-line gospel team to fulfill our duties. A little while ago, my wife was promoted to team director, while I, as a result of my own arrogance and wanton behavior, lost the work of the Holy Spirit and was sent home to reflect on my actions. Given that my wife and I began fulfilling our duties at the same time, it was a hard pill to swallow seeing her promoted while I was dismissed from my duties. Tears came to my eyes as I thought: “It’s over for me. God is separating out each after his kind and, given that I’ve been dismissed, this is certainly that I’ve been revealed and eliminated. Oh! Who would have thought that after all these years, my life as a believer would end in such utter failure. All I can do now is wait for my punishment.” Then I headed home with a heavy heart. From then on I became mired in defeat and full of misunderstanding and blame for God. I was hopelessly sunk in darkness.

Only by Experiencing Refinement Can Man Truly Love God

Expression of Almighty God,testimony,Church,life,Love God

Utterances of Almighty God-Only by Experiencing Refinement Can Man Truly Love God

  How should man love God during refinement? Having experienced refinement, during refinement people are able to truly praise God and to see just how much they are lacking. The greater your refinement, the more you are able to renounce the flesh; the greater their refinement, the more people’s love for God. This is what you should understand. Why must people be refined? What effect does it aim to achieve? What is the significance of God’s work of refinement in man? If you truly seek God, then having experienced His refinement to a certain point you will feel that it is so good, and that it is of the utmost necessity. How should man love God during refinement? By using the resolve to love God to accept His refinement: During refinement you are tormented inside, as if a knife were being twisted in your heart, yet you are willing to satisfy God using your heart, which loves Him, and you are unwilling to care for the flesh. This is what is meant by practicing the love of God. You hurt inside, and your suffering has reached a certain point, yet you are still willing to come before God and pray, saying: “O God! I cannot leave You. Although there is darkness within me, I wish to satisfy You; You know my heart, and I would that You invest more of Your love within me.” This is practice during refinement. If you use the love of God as the foundation, refinement can bring you closer to God and make you more intimate with God. Since you believe in God, you must hand over your heart before God. If you offer up and lay your heart before God, then during refinement it will be impossible for you to deny God, or leave God. In this way your relationship with God will become ever closer, and ever more normal, and your communion with God will become ever more frequent. If you always practice in this way, then you will spend more time in God’s light, and more time under the guidance of His words, there will also be more and more changes in your disposition, and your knowledge will increase day by day. When the day comes and God’s trials suddenly befall you, you will not only be able to stand by God’s side, but will also be able to bear testimony to God. At that time, you will be like Job, and Peter. Having borne testimony to God you will truly love Him, and will gladly lay down your life for Him; you will be God’s witness, and one who is beloved by God. Love that has experienced refinement is strong, and not weak. Regardless of when or how God subjects you to His trials, you are able to care not whether you live or die, to gladly cast aside everything for God, and to happily endure anything for God—and thus your love will be pure, and your faith real. Only then will you be someone who is truly loved by God, and who has truly been made perfect by God.

5 Nov 2017

"The City Will be Overthrown" (1) - The Religious World Has Degenerated Into the City of Babylon

The Church of Almighty God -"The City Will be Overthrown" (1) - The Religious World Has Degenerated Into the City of Babylon

  The leaders of the religious world stray from the Lord's way and follow worldly trends, they also cooperate with the ruling power's wild defiance and condemnation of the Eastern Lightning, and they have already begun to walk the path of opposition to God. The religious world has degenerated into the city of Babylon. The Bible says, "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said to them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:12-13). "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies" (Revelation 18:2-3).

4 Nov 2017

Almighty God’s Words-Only Those Who Know God Can Bear Testimony to God

Expression of Almighty God,believe,Testimony,Jesus,life

Almighty God’s Words-Only Those Who Know God Can Bear Testimony to God

  It is Heaven’s law and earth’s principle to believe in God and know God, and today—during an age when God incarnate personally does His work—is a particularly good time to know God. Satisfying God is achieved upon the foundation of understanding God’s will, and to understand God’s will, it is necessary to know God. This knowledge of God is the vision that a believer must have; it is the basis of man’s belief in God. If man does not have this knowledge, then his belief in God is vague, and lies in empty theory. Though it is the resolution of people like this to follow God, they obtain nothing. All those who obtain nothing in this stream are the ones who will be eliminated, and they are the people who are merely doing the bare minimum. Whichever step of God’s work you experience, you should be accompanied by a mighty vision. Without such a vision, it would be difficult for you to accept each step of new work, for man is incapable of imagining the new work of God, it is beyond man’s conception. And so without a shepherd to tend to man, without a shepherd to fellowship about the visions, man is incapable of accepting this new work. If man cannot receive the visions, then he cannot receive the new work of God, and if man cannot obey God’s new work, then man is incapable of understanding God’s will, and so his knowledge of God amounts to nothing. Before man carries out the words of God, he must know the words of God, that is, understand God’s will; only in this way can God’s words be carried out accurately and according to God’s heart. This must be possessed by everyone who seeks the truth, and is the process that must be experienced by everyone who tries to know God. The process of knowing the words of God is the process of knowing God, and also the process of knowing the work of God. And so, knowing the visions not only refers to knowing the humanity of God incarnate, but also includes knowing the words and work of God. From the words of God people come to understand God’s will, and from the work of God they come to know God’s disposition and what God is. Belief in God is the first step to knowing God. The process of advancing from the initial belief in God to the most profound belief in God is the process of knowing God, and the process of experiencing the work of God. If you only believe in God for the sake of believing in God, and do not believe in God in order to know God, then there is no reality to your belief, and it cannot become pure—of this there is no doubt. If, during the process by which he experiences God, man gradually comes to know God, then his disposition will gradually change, and his belief will become increasingly true. In this way, when man achieves success in belief in God, he will completely gain God. God went to such great lengths to become flesh for the second time and personally do His work so that man would be able to know Him, and would be able to see Him. Knowing God[a] is the final effect to be achieved at the end of God’s work; it is God’s final requirement of mankind. He does this for the sake of His final testimony, and so that man may finally and completely turn to Him. Man can only love God by knowing God, and to love God he must know God. No matter how he seeks, or what he seeks to gain, he must be able to achieve the knowledge of God. Only in this way can man satisfy God’s heart. Only by knowing God can man truly believe in God, and only by knowing God can he truly revere and obey God. Those who do not know God shall never truly obey and revere God. Knowing God includes knowing God’s disposition, understanding God’s will, and knowing what God is. Yet whichever aspect of knowing God it is, each requires man to pay a price, and requires the will to obey, without which no one would be able to follow to the end. The work of God is too incompatible with the conceptions of man, God’s disposition and what God is are too difficult for man to know, and all that God says and does is too incomprehensible to man; if man wishes to follow God, but is unwilling to obey God, then man will gain nothing. From the creation of the world until today, God has done much work that is incomprehensible to man and which man has found hard to accept, and God has said much that makes the conceptions of man difficult to heal. Yet He has never ceased His work because man has too many difficulties; He has carried on working and speaking, and even though great numbers of “warriors” have fallen by the wayside, He is still doing His work, and continues to choose group after group of people who are willing to obey His new work. He does not pity those fallen “heroes,” but instead treasures those who accept His new work and words. But to what end does He work in this way, step-by-step? Why is He always eliminating and choosing people? Why does He always employ such method? The aim of His work is for man to know Him, and thus be gained by Him. The principle of His work is to work on those who are able to obey the work He does today, and not to work on those who obey His past work, but oppose His work of today. This is the very reason why He has eliminated so many people.

3 Nov 2017

The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction

God’s will  grace,gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit

The Church of Almighty God app leads you to follow the Lamb's footsteps. Investigate God's work of the last days, and you will see the appearance of God.

The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction
The Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus—Christ of the last days. The church is comprised of all those who accept Almighty God’s work of the last days and are conquered and saved by God’s word. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally, and is also personally led and shepherded by Him, and it was by no means set up by any man. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. Once you read Almighty God’s word, you will see God has appeared already.
For the convenience of people from all walks of life who long for God’s appearance to investigate God’s work in the last days, the Church of Almighty God has launched its first mobile application, which integrates the function of e-book, music, and video playing. It includes millions of words expressed by Almighty God, Christ of the last days, as well as original hymns and various gospel movies and videos made by the Church of Almighty God. We welcome those from all walks of life who investigate the true way to use it.

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (III)

Almighty God’s Words,Christ,Almighty God's work,Jesus,judgment

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (III)

  “The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come. God brings all who have entered His kingdom, that is, all those who have been loyal to Him to the end, into the age of God Himself. However, before the coming of the age of God Himself, the work that God desires to do is not to observe the deeds of man or to inquire about the lives of man, but to judge his rebellion, for God shall purify all those who come before His throne. All those who have followed the footsteps of God to this day are those who have come before the throne of God, hence all who accept the last of God’s work are those to be purified by God. In other words, all those who accept the last of God’s work are those who will be judged by God.
  As previously spoken of, judgment would begin with the house of God. This ‘judgment’ refers to the judgment God does today on those who come before His throne in the last days. Perhaps there are those who believe in such supernatural imaginings as that when the last days have arrived, God will erect a big table in the heavens, upon which a white tablecloth will be spread, then God will sit upon a great throne and all men will kneel on the ground. God shall then reveal all sins laid against each man to determine whether he shall ascend to heaven or be sent down to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. No matter what the imaginings of man, the substance of God’s work cannot be altered. The imaginings of man are nothing but the constructs of man’s thoughts and come from the brain of man, summed up and pieced together from what man has seen and heard. Therefore I say, however brilliant the images conceived, they are still no more than a drawing and no substitute for the plan of God’s work. After all, man has been corrupted by Satan, so how can he then fathom the thoughts of God? Man conceives the work of judgment by God to be particularly fantastic. Man believes that since it is God Himself doing the work of judgment, then it must be of the most tremendous scale and incomprehensible to mortals; it must resound through the heavens and shake the earth, otherwise how can it be the work of judgment by God? Man believes that as this is the work of judgment, then God must be particularly imposing and majestic as He works, and those being judged must be howling with tears and on their knees begging for mercy. The scene must be a grand sight and very rousing…. Every man conceives God’s work of judgment to be legendary. Do you know, however, that long after God has begun the work of judgment among men, you are still nestled in sleep? Do you know, at the time that you believe God’s work of judgment has officially begun, it shall already be the time when God changes heaven and earth? At that time, perhaps you will have only just understood the meaning of life, but the merciless work of punishment of God shall bring you, still slumbering, into hell. Only then will you suddenly realize that God’s work of judgment has already concluded.

1 Nov 2017

The Lord Jesus Has Come Back | Gospel Movie "The Mystery of Godliness"

The Church of Almighty God-Gospel Movie "The Mystery of Godliness"

Lin Bo'en was an elder at a house church in China. During all his years as a believer, he felt honored to suffer for the Lord, and valued the knowledge and attainment of the Lord Jesus Christ above anything else in the world. One fateful day, he went out to preach and heard some shocking news: The Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, and He is Christ of the last days—Almighty God! Lin Bo'en was puzzled. When the Lord returns, He is supposed to descend with the clouds, so why would He incarnate Himself and do His work in secret? What mysteries were hidden behind God's incarnation? If the Lord has truly returned, why haven't we been raptured? … An intense debate unfolds between Lin Bo'en and his co-workers and the preachers from the Church of Almighty God … Will they finally be able to understand that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, the appearance of God in the flesh?

29 Oct 2017

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (I)

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth” (I)

  “The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come. God brings all who have entered His kingdom, that is, all those who have been loyal to Him to the end, into the age of God Himself. However, before the coming of the age of God Himself, the work that God desires to do is not to observe the deeds of man or to inquire about the lives of man, but to judge his rebellion, for God shall purify all those who come before His throne. All those who have followed the footsteps of God to this day are those who have come before the throne of God, hence all who accept the last of God’s work are those to be purified by God. In other words, all those who accept the last of God’s work are those who will be judged by God.
  As previously spoken of, judgment would begin with the house of God. This “judgment” refers to the judgment God does today on those who come before His throne in the last days. Perhaps there are those who believe in such supernatural imaginings as that when the last days have arrived, God will erect a big table in the heavens, upon which a white tablecloth will be spread, then God will sit upon a great throne and all men will kneel on the ground. God shall then reveal all sins laid against each man to determine whether he shall ascend to heaven or be sent down to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. No matter what the imaginings of man, the substance of God’s work cannot be altered. The imaginings of man are nothing but the constructs of man’s thoughts and come from the brain of man, summed up and pieced together from what man has seen and heard. Therefore I say, however brilliant the images conceived, they are still no more than a drawing and no substitute for the plan of God’s work. After all, man has been corrupted by Satan, so how can he then fathom the thoughts of God? Man conceives the work of judgment by God to be particularly fantastic. Man believes that since it is God Himself doing the work of judgment, then it must be of the most tremendous scale and incomprehensible to mortals; it must resound through the heavens and shake the earth, otherwise how can it be the work of judgment by God? Man believes that as this is the work of judgment, then God must be particularly imposing and majestic as He works, and those being judged must be howling with tears and on their knees begging for mercy. The scene must be a grand sight and very rousing…. Every man conceives God’s work of judgment to be legendary. Do you know, however, that long after God has begun the work of judgment among men, you are still nestled in sleep? Do you know, at the time that you believe God’s work of judgment has officially begun, it shall already be the time when God changes heaven and earth? At that time, perhaps you will have only just understood the meaning of life, but the merciless work of punishment of God shall bring you, still slumbering, into hell. Only then will you suddenly realize that God’s work of judgment has already concluded.

26 Oct 2017

A Hymn of God's Word "He Who Has True Faith Receives God's Blessings" | The Church of Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Word "He Who Has True Faith Receives God's Blessings" | The Church of Almighty God

When Moses struck the rock and water sprang forth,
a gift from Jehovah, it was by faith.
When David played music to praise Jehovah,
his heart full of joy, it was by faith.
When Job lost his flocks and all his possessions,
and was covered in boils, it was by faith.
And when he could still hear Jehovah’s voice,
and still perceive His glory, it was by faith.
It was by faith, by faith. It was by faith and nothing else just simply faith!
It was by faith, by faith. It was by faith and nothing else just simply faith!
When Peter followed Jesus and gave glorious testimony
while nailed to a cross, it was by faith.
When John saw the glorious image of the Son of man
and visions of the last days, it was by his faith.

Only by Experiencing Painful Trials Can You Know the Loveliness of God

Utterances of Almighty God,church,life,Lord Jesus,truth,Christ

The Church of Almighty God | Only by Experiencing Painful Trials Can You Know the Loveliness of God

  Just how much do you love God today? And just how much do you know of all that God has done in you? These are the things you should learn. When God arrives on earth, all that He has done in man and allowed man to see are so that man will love Him and truly know Him. That man is able to suffer for God and has been able to come this far is, in one regard, because of the love of God, and in another regard, is because of God’s salvation; moreover, it is because of the work of judgment and chastisement that God has carried out in man. If you are without the judgment, chastisement, and trials of God, and if God has not made you suffer, then, to be honest, you do not truly love God. The greater God’s work in man, and the greater man’s suffering, the more it is able to show just how meaningful God’s work is, and the more that man’s heart is able to truly love God. How do you learn how to love God? Without torment and refinement, without painful trials—and if, furthermore, all that God gave man were grace, love, and mercy—would you be able to attain the true love of God? On one hand, during God’s trials man comes to know his deficiencies, and sees that he is insignificant, contemptible, and lowly, that he has nothing, and is nothing; on the other hand, during His trials God creates different environments for man that make man more able to experience the loveliness of God. Although the pain is great, and sometimes insurmountable—and it even reaches the level of crushing grief—having experienced it, man sees how lovely is God’s work in him, and only upon this foundation is there born in man the true love of God. Today man sees that with the grace, love, and mercy of God alone, he is incapable of truly knowing himself, much less is he able to know the essence of man. Only through both the refinement and judgment of God, only during such refinement can you know your deficiencies, and know that you have nothing. Thus, man’s love of God is built upon the foundation of the refinement and judgment of God. If you only enjoy the grace of God, with a peaceful family life or material blessings, then you have not gained God, and your belief in God has failed. God has already carried out one stage of the work of grace in the flesh, and has already bestowed material blessings upon man—but man cannot be made perfect with grace, love, and mercy alone. In man’s experiences he encounters some of God’s love, and sees the love and mercy of God, yet having experienced for a period of time, he sees that God’s grace and His love and mercy are incapable of making man perfect, and incapable of revealing that which is corrupt within man, nor are they able to rid man of his corrupt disposition, or make perfect his love and faith. God’s work of grace was the work of one period, and man cannot rely on enjoying the grace of God in order to know God.

24 Oct 2017

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God” (II)

The Church of Almighty God | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God” (II)

Let’s start our meeting. Let’s first read a passage of God’s word, “In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God.”
  “Why do you believe in God? Most people are confounded by this question. They always have two entirely different viewpoints about the practical God and the God in heaven, which shows that they believe in God not in order to obey, but to receive certain benefits, or to escape the suffering of disaster. Only then are they somewhat obedient, but their obedience is conditional, it is for the sake of their own personal prospects, and forced upon them. So: why do you believe in God? If it is solely for the sake of your prospects, and your fate, then you’d best not believe. Belief such as this is self-deception, self-reassurance, and self-appreciation. If your faith is not built upon the foundation of obedience to God, then you will ultimately be punished as a result of opposing God. All those who do not seek obedience to God in their faith oppose God. God asks that people seek the truth, that they thirst for God’s words, and eat and drink God’s words, and put them into practice, so that they may achieve obedience to God. If your motivations are truly thus, then God will surely raise you up, and will surely be gracious toward you. No one can doubt this, and no one can change it. If your motivations are not for the sake of obedience to God, and you have other aims, then all that you say and do—your prayers before God, and even your every action—will be in opposition to God. You may be soft-spoken and mild-mannered, your every action and expression may look right, you may appear to be one who obeys, but when it comes to your motivations and your views about faith in God, everything you do is in opposition to God, and evil. People who appear as obedient as sheep, but whose hearts harbor evil intentions, are wolves in sheep’s clothing, they directly offend God, and God will not spare a single one of them. The Holy Spirit will reveal every one of them, so all can see that every one of those who are hypocritical will be surely detested and rejected by the Holy Spirit. Don’t worry: God will deal with and resolve each of them in turn.

19 Oct 2017

The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction

gospel,Bible,Holy Spirit,kingdom,believe

The Church of Almighty God app leads you to follow the Lamb's footsteps. Investigate God's work of the last days, and you will see the appearance of God.

The Church of Almighty God Android App Introduction
The Eastern Lightning, the Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus—Christ of the last days. The church is comprised of all those who accept Almighty God’s work of the last days and are conquered and saved by God’s word. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally, and is also personally led and shepherded by Him, and it was by no means set up by any man. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God’s sheep hear God’s voice. Once you read Almighty God’s word, you will see God has appeared already.
For the convenience of people from all walks of life who long for God’s appearance to investigate God’s work in the last days, the Church of Almighty God has launched its first mobile application, which integrates the function of e-book, music, and video playing. It includes millions of words expressed by Almighty God, Christ of the last days, as well as original hymns and various gospel movies and videos made by the Church of Almighty God. We welcome those from all walks of life who investigate the true way to use it.

Almighty God’s Words | Chapter 3. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II

Utterances of Almighty God,God’s work,Church,Christ,truth
Almighty God’s Words | Chapter 3. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II
  During our last meeting, we communicated about a very important topic. What was it? Do you remember? (In our last meeting we talked about God’s work, God’s disposition, and God Himself.) Yes; this is the topic we fellowshiped. Let Me reiterate: The topic we communicated about last time is “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself.” You haven’t forgotten, right? Is this topic important to you or not? (It’s important.) Why do you say it’s important? Which part is really important to you—God’s work? God’s disposition? Or God Himself? (They are all important.) They are all important. So, after our fellowship last time, which of these three parts are you most interested in? God’s work, God’s disposition, or God Himself—which would you most like to hear about? This is quite difficult to answer, isn’t it? (Yes, it is.) I know it’s hard for you; in your hearts, you might all be thinking that God’s disposition can be seen everywhere in His work, and that God’s disposition can be revealed at any time, any place, within His work. You believe that God’s disposition actually represents God Himself, and they are inseparable. Isn’t that what you think? (Yes.)