Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


3 Sept 2018

The Requirements Those Who Serve God Must Meet and How to Serve in Accordance With God’s Will

Holy Spirit,testimony,Jesus,Christ,God's word,
The Requirements Those Who Serve God Must Meet
What must those who serve God possess so that their service of God is in accordance with God’s requirements? Let’s take a look at what the words of God say. In “How to Serve in Harmony With God’s Will,” God says, “Everyone who has resolved to can serve God—but it must be that only those who give every care to God’s will and understand God’s will are qualified and entitled to serve God.” All those who have resolve can serve God. The meaning of this is that God allows all those who are willing to expend for Him and cast everything aside to serve Him. However, to truly conform to the criteria, one must be considerate of God’s intentions and understand God’s intentions. Only then would one be qualified and entitled to serve God. This is a condition that absolutely must be met. Perhaps there are some people who understand and others that do not when it comes to being considerate of God’s intentions. Accurately speaking, to be considerate of God’s intentions means understanding what God intends to do in His chosen people. It means to understand what God intends to accomplish in His chosen people and what results He intends to achieve in them. If someone understands this matter, it means they have an understanding of God’s work, they know how God saves mankind and they know how to help God’s chosen people understand and enter all the truths and words that God expresses. This kind of person understands God’s intentions and they also know what God is most anxious about. This person knows what God most wants to do at this moment. This person also knows what kind of people God needs to cooperate with Him and how to do work that would achieve the desired results. Only those who feel God’s eager intentions, know what God intends to accomplish in His chosen people and know what kind of people God needs to cooperate with Him are genuinely considerate of God’s intentions. Since those who are considerate of God’s intentions understand God’s intentions, they know how to lead God’s chosen people to enter into God’s words, understand the truth and step onto the right track of faith so that they can attain salvation. That is why their leadership, their fellowship and their sermons are capable of guiding God’s chosen people into God’s word—it is effective. As such, their service is capable of fulfilling God’s intentions. Learning to be considerate of God’s intentions must be built upon a foundation of understanding God’s work. To understand God’s work, of course this person must first have a genuine experience of it. First, he must obtain the Holy Spirit’s work and have an understanding of God’s word and the truth that God expresses. Only then can this person be able to understand and be considerate of God’s intentions. That is why, in God’s work, those who are genuinely considerate of God’s intentions and who truly understand God’s intentions are in the minority. These are all people who pursue the truth and who have the Holy Spirit’s work. That is why they are able to achieve these results. Within the church, we can see there are many people that are passionate and who are willing to fulfill their duties and serve God. However, since their understanding of the truth of God’s word is inadequate, they are unable to understand God’s intentions. They do not understand God’s intentions and they do not know what aspects of truths God’s chosen people should enter into. They also do not know what God intends to complete in man and what fruits He wants to achieve in man. They do not understand these matters. These are people that do not understand God’s intentions. Those who do not understand God’s intentions, regardless of how passionate and faithful they are, they will only be able to fulfill a few duties. They are incapable of serving God. Those who serve God must understand the truth and they must be considerate of God’s intentions. This is a condition that one who serves God must meet. Another selection of God’s word mentions that the people who serve God must be God’s intimates and bosom friends. We should be able to understand just who God’s close friends are. We should know what kind of people can become God’s close friends. This is a crucial subject. When it comes to our interactions with other people, even though we know a lot of friends, there are very few who are close friends. What makes a close friend? A close friend is one who knows your heart. What is the meaning of “knowing your heart?” This means that you and this person in question have the same heart. This person knows what is going on inside your heart. He knows what your heart is after and knows your earnest intentions. This person knows what your heart is anxious about and they know why your heart is worried or in pain. Such a person is your intimate. If you are to be one of God’s close friends, you need to know God’s heart. If we are to know God’s heart, how would we go about doing so? Many people fulfill their duties outside their home. They can see that the work that God does is not easy. It is not easy for God to obtain people. Each stage of God’s work of saving mankind is considerably difficult because the corruption of mankind is particularly deep. Since mankind’s corruption is very deep, man’s resistance, misunderstanding, judgment and complaints when it comes to God are numerous. No matter what God does, it is difficult for man’s heart to accept. That is why, out of the entire corrupt human race, there are only but a few who truly know God’s heart, God’s pain and God’s distress. Therefore, it can be said that there are a very few people that are of the same mind with God. As humans, when we suffer, what is it that we most need at that moment? We all know that what we most need is to be comforted. Now, when God suffers, what does He most need? He also needs to be comforted. Man can comfort man by saying a few caring and intimate words. However, when it comes to man comforting God’s suffering heart, it is insufficient for us to say a few sentences. This would not resolve the matter. Instead, we must do a few concrete things. What kind of concrete things must we do? We must best fulfill our duties to satisfy God. In order to satisfy God, we must stand resolutely and bear witness. We must pursue the truth and achieve an understanding of God. If we do these things, then we will be able to truly comfort God’s heart. If we do not have some actual living out or testimonies to comfort God’s heart and instead we only praise God and give thanks to God with our lips, this is truly insufficient. All those who are able to really bear witness to satisfy God are God’s close and intimate friends. Thus, all those who pursue the truth, who fulfill their duties for God with devotion, and who can stand firm in their testimony when facing all kinds of trials, are people who are truly able to satisfy God’s intentions and comfort God. God also chooses these people to serve Him. God will call those who are devoted, obedient and bear witness to Him to serve Him. The Holy Spirit will touch these people’s hearts and move them to serve God. Since these people are qualified to serve God, the Holy Spirit specifically chooses these kinds of people to serve God. After someone has entered onto the right track of faith and has some actual understanding of God, they will be able to start to understand a bit of the truth and they will be able to talk a bit about some real and practical experiences. After someone has achieved this kind of spiritual stature, God’s chosen people will be able to benefit from this person’s work and they will be able to enter life in a practical manner. That is why those who have the reality of the truth, their sermons, their communications, their provision and the way they help and sustain people are all done with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and leadership. This kind of person will be able to serve God. This kind of person is qualified to serve God. While serving God, if this kind of person has a genuine understanding of God, then they will have a heart that reveres God. If a person has a heart that reveres God, then they will be qualified to serve God. Therefore, those who serve God are also those who genuinely obey the work of God. They are also those who have a true experience of the words that God expresses and who enter the reality of the truth. Since these are people that pursue the truth, they are people who have the Holy Spirit’s work. After they have attained the Holy Spirit’s work, they are able to gradually understand God’s intentions. They have a genuine understanding of God’s disposition and they have a heart that reveres God. This is why these kinds of people are those that the Holy Spirit targets for perfection. They are people that the Holy Spirit guides.

2 Sept 2018

The Church of Almighty God Featured at Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Side Event

On July 23-27 of 2018, the first-ever ministerial focusing on religious freedom was held by the U.S. State Department in Washington D.C. Ministries from over 40 countries and representatives with various religious groups and NGOs from over 80 countries were participating. In addition to the formal meetings, several side events were also listed on the agenda. On July 23, at the Russell Senate Office Building, the opening event was co-organized by Mr. Greg Mitchell, the Co-Chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable (IRF) in Washington D.C. and Bitter Winter, an online daily magazine. Discussions in this side event focused on the religious persecution in China. The persecution of The Church of Almighty God held attention of the participants in particular. Some experts and scholars made appeals to the democracies for granting fundamental asylum to the diaspora of Christians. They also urged that the international community unite together to advance the religious freedom in China.


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Are Almighty God and the Lord Jesus One God?

1 Sept 2018


08/31/2018 BY ADMIN


Executing a secret plan that Bitter Winter revealed one month ago, the CCP brings to Korea relatives of asylum seekers of The Church of Almighty God and organizes false “spontaneous demonstrations” with the help of pro-Chinese anti-cult activists.

On August 4, 2018, Bitter Winter published a secret document by the Chinese Communist Party calling for harassment in South Korea of the asylum seekers of The Church of Almighty God (CAG), a Chinese Christian new religious movement heavily persecuted in China. The CCP called for the recruitment of the relatives of the asylum seekers who still live in China, if necessary through threats and coercion, who would then call for the “return home” of the refugees (who obviously would not return “home” but, once in China, will be arrested and will thus “return” to jail). The plan also sought the cooperation of pro-Chinese activists in South Korea and anti-cultists hostile to the CAG.

31 Aug 2018

Changes in Disposition Are Inseparable From the Work of the Holy Spirit

testimony,Jesus,Christ,God's word,hymn

The Holy Spirit's work and presence
decide whether you seek sincerely,
not the judgments of others,
nor their opinions neither.
But more than this,
what decides your sincerity is,
over time,
whether the Holy Spirit's work
changes you and
makes you know God.
With the Holy Spirit's work,
your disposition will change,
your view on faith will grow pure.
Change means
the Holy Spirit is at work,
no matter
how long you've followed Him.

30 Aug 2018

The Significance of Obeying God

Holy Spirit worship,testimony,Jesus,Christ

Which Aspects Are Included in Obeying God

Obeying God includes several aspects. The first aspect, which is the most important, is to obey the work of God. Obeying the work of God includes eating and drinking and enjoying the entire word of God, especially the words of judgment and chastisement, the words of pruning and dealing, and the words that reveal mankind’s corrupt essence. These are the most important, but there are also various kinds of words of trials and refinements, such as the trial of “service-doers” and the trial of death. There are also words of particular judgments of God, words that have the quality of God’s chastisements and the quality of refining people, all of which are words that can cause men to undergo refinements. It takes some time for man to accept these words and obey them. He cannot obey them immediately after reading them. This involves obeying the work of God. If man is not able to properly obey the word of God, then he has no hope of being saved, for this is the most crucial point of obedience. To obey the work of God is to obey the judgments and chastisements of God, to obey the pruning and dealing of God, and to obey the trials and refinements of God in order to be saved. This is the first part of obeying God. The second aspect of obeying God is to obey God’s requests and put into practice the word of God. In carrying out His work, God requests many things from man, and each and every one of these words where God is requesting man to do something should be properly eaten, drunk and contemplated over by man. These requests by God should be met by man. This is the second aspect of obedience. This second aspect also includes putting the word of God into practice. God’s request for men “to be honest” is a major one, but receiving the judgments and chastisements of God is also His request. God also requests that you conduct yourself, that you stand witness for God, and that you follow Him to the end. There are many words from God that are requests for man. You ought to sort out all of the requests that God has of man, all of the things that He requires man to do, you should be able to know this by heart, and you should obey and enter into these words of requests. This is the second aspect of obedience. The third aspect of obedience is obeying the work of the Holy Spirit. This is also very crucial. Obeying the work of the Holy Spirit includes submitting to the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Submitting to the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit primarily refers to submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit in such aspects as understanding the word of God, fellowshiping the truth, the entry of man, and man’s knowledge of God. These aspects of obedience are the most crucial link to guarantee that you will be saved and enter into the word of God. Also included among the aspects of obeying the work of the Holy Spirit is obeying the arrangements of the man used by the Holy Spirit. This also constitutes an item of the work carried out by the Holy Spirit. This is the third aspect of obedience. The fourth aspect of obedience is to submit to the sovereignty and arrangements of God. Your environment, your family, these are what have been preordained by God long ago. In addition, the duties that you ought to perform in the house of God, the duties that you are suited to perform, are also preordained by God. For the duties that God’s family arranges for you to perform, you should carefully submit to them. For this aspect of obedience, the most important thing is that you should know the arrangements and predestination of God.

29 Aug 2018

Los Angeles North Hollywood KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival Musical Xiaozhen's Story Wins Award

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took power, it has never ceased in persecuting religious beliefs. The CCP has openly designated Christianity and Catholicism as cults, and the Bible as a cult book. Countless copies of it have been confiscated and burned. Since 1995, the CCP has included many house churches, including The Church of Almighty God (CAG), in cult lists and began its open repression and persecution. After Xi Jinping took office, the CCP has intensified its crackdown on Christianity, in particular The Church of Almighty God. It even deploys armed police to carry out maniacal repression and arrests, and also uses all kinds of media to manipulate public opinion and discredit The Church of Almighty God. CAG Christians had to flee overseas to escape the persecution of the CCP and applied for asylum in democracies. However, governments of countries such as South Korea, France, and Italy do not acknowledge the fact that these Christians are persecuted and refuse to grant them asylum. What are the reasons behind it? In the episode, we have invited Ms. Rosita Šorytė as our guest, who is a former Lithuanian diplomat and currently the president of International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees (ORLIR). She will analyze and talk about the reasons why these democratic countries refuse to grant CAG Christians refugee status, such as the fake news manufactured by the CCP, the refugee crisis in Europe, and economic pressure exerted by China. Please stay tuned!

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What exactly is the true belief in God? How should one believe in God in order to obtain His praise?

28 Aug 2018

Those Who Are to Be Made Perfect Must Undergo Refinement

Meaningful Life,word of God, Jehovah, Jesus,Christ,

  If you believe in God, you must obey God, put the truth into practice and fulfill your duties. Additionally, you must understand the things you should experience. If you only experience dealing, discipline and judgment, if you only enjoy God, but you are unable to feel when God is disciplining you or dealing with you, this is unacceptable. Perhaps in this instance of refinement, you stand firmly where you are. This is still not enough, you must march forward. The lesson of loving God is endless, and there is never an end to it. People see believing in God as too simple, but once they gain some practical experience, they realize that belief in God is not as simple as people imagine. When God works to refine man, man suffers, his love of God becomes greater, and the more of God’s power is made plain in man. The less man’s refinement, the less his love of God, and the less God’s power is made plain in him. The greater his refinement and pain and the more his torment, the deeper his true love of God will be, the more genuine his faith in God will be, and the deeper his knowledge of God will be. In your experiences you will see that those who suffer great refinement and pain, and much dealing and discipline, have a deep love of God, and a more profound and insightful knowledge of God. Those who have not experienced any dealing have but a superficial knowledge, and can only say: “God is so good, He gives people graces so that they can enjoy Him.” If people have experienced dealing and discipline, then they would be able to speak the true knowledge of God. So the more wondrous is God’s work in man, the more valuable and significant it is; the more impenetrable it is to you and the more incompatible it is with your conceptions, the more God’s work is able to conquer you, gain you, and make you perfect. The meaning of God’s work is so great! If He did not refine man in this way, if He did not work by this means, then God’s work would be ineffectual and without significance. This is the reason behind the extraordinary meaning of His selection of a group of people during the last days. Previously, it was said that God would choose and gain this group. The greater the work He carries out within you, the deeper and purer your love, and the greater the work of God, the more you are able to appreciate His wisdom and the deeper is your knowledge of Him. During the last days, 6,000 years of God’s plan for management will come to an end. Can it possibly end just like that, so easily? Once He conquers mankind, will His work be over? Can it be so simple? People imagine that it’s so simple, but what God does is not that simple. No matter what part of God’s work it is, all is unfathomable to man. Were you able to fathom it, then God’s work would be without significance or value. The work done by God is unfathomable, it is too at odds with your conceptions, and the more irreconcilable it is with your conceptions, the more it proves that God’s work is meaningful; were it compatible with your conceptions, then it would be without meaning. Today, you feel that God’s work is too wondrous, and the more wondrous it is, the more you feel that God is unfathomable, and you see how great are God’s deeds. If it only took some perfunctory work to conquer man, after which this work was finished, then man would be incapable of beholding the significance of God’s work. Although you have received a little refinement today, it is of great benefit to the growth of your life—and so such hardship is of the utmost necessity to you. Today, you have received a little refinement, but afterward you will truly be able to behold the deeds of God, and ultimately you will say: “God’s deeds are so wondrous!” Such will be the words in your heart. Having experienced God’s refinement for a while (the trial of[a]service-doers and the times of chastisement), some people ultimately said: “Believing in God is really difficult!” This “difficult” shows that God’s deeds are unfathomable, that God’s work is possessed of great meaning and value, and highly worthy of being treasured by man. If, after I have done so much work, you had not the slightest knowledge, then could My work still have value? I will make you say: Service to God is really difficult, the deeds of God are so wondrous, God truly is wise! He’s so lovely! If, after experiencing for a while, you are able to say such words, then this proves that you have gained God’s work in you. One day, when you’re abroad to spread the gospel and someone asks you: “How is your faith in God?” you will be able to say: “God’s actions are so marvelous!” As soon as they see you say this, they’ll feel that there’s something within you and that God’s actions truly are unfathomable. This is truly bearing witness. You will say that God’s work is full of wisdom, and His work in you has truly convinced you and conquered your heart. You will always love Him because He is more than worthy of mankind’s love! If you can speak to these things, you can move people’s hearts. All of this is bearing witness. If you are able to be a resounding witness, to move people to tears, that shows that you truly are one who loves God. That’s because you are able to act as a witness of love for God and God’s actions can be expressed through you. And through your expression, other people can seek out His actions, experience God, and they’ll be able to stand steady in whatever environment they find themselves in. Only bearing witness this way is genuinely bearing witness, and this is exactly what is required of you now. You should say that God’s actions are extremely valuable and worthy of being treasured by people, that God is so precious and so abundant, He can not only speak, but even more He can refine people’s hearts, bring them enjoyment, and He can gain them, conquer them, and perfect them. From your experience you will see that God is very lovable. So how much do you love God now? Can you really say these things from your heart? When you are able to express these words from the depths of your heart you will be able to bear witness. Once your experience has reached this level you will be capable of being a witness for God, and qualified for it. If you don’t reach this level in your experience, then you will still be too far off. It’s normal for you to have weaknesses in refinement, but after refinement you should be able to say: “God is so wise in His work!” If you are truly able to take in practical recognition of this, it is precious, and your experience is valuable.

27 Aug 2018

How to Eat and Drink the Words of God to Achieve Good Results

How to Eat and Drink and Experience the Words of God

Today we are communicating about how to eat and drink the words of God. First we need to be clear on the significance of eating and drinking the words of God. Our belief in God is mainly a pursuit of the truth, and only by pursuing the truth are we able to be saved. Pursuing the truth involves the issue of eating and drinking the words of God, because only God’s word is the truth, and all the truth that God expresses is concealed within God’s words. If we truly understand the significance of eating and drinking the words of God, we will be willing to put in a great amount of effort into eating and drinking God’s words, and we will be willing to do our utmost to pursue and obtain the truth in God’s words. Pursuing the truth is mainly done by eating and drinking the words of God, experiencing the words of God, and understanding the words of God. This must be clearly understood. If eating and drinking God’s words did not achieve results, then people would not be able to understand the truth. If you did not get good results in eating and drinking God’s words, and you didn’t understand the truth, then how could you put God’s words into practice? There are many people who only understand a little of the doctrine in some of the passages of God’s words. They are only able to say some general, shallow things about God’s words and they are unable to clearly understand the reality of the words. Afterward, they merely practice that particular aspect of the doctrine and only follow the letter of God’s words mechanically. They put it into practice for a period of time and then feel that their spirit is willing but their flesh is weak, and that they aren’t getting results. Consequently, they don’t put it all into practice and they give up. So, you see that if there are no results attained in eating and drinking the words of God, it’s not possible to produce results in putting God’s words into practice and experiencing God’s words. Therefore, it is crucial to attain results in eating and drinking the words of God. God’s words are mostly words of judging and chastising corrupt mankind and are mainly to reveal mankind’s corrupt substance. Most of His words are regarding this aspect. Regardless of what aspect God speaks about, it is all done for the purpose of obtaining a result. So, in eating and drinking the words of God, one must first be clear on what results are to be achieved through God’s words. How does one become clear about the results God’s words are to achieve? When you have read a sentence of God’s words, you must first think about the purpose for God speaking these words and what results God is trying to achieve. You must first ponder this question. This sentence certainly contains truth. Where is the truth in this sentence? Why does God want us to understand this aspect of the truth? What results does He want to attain through letting us understand this aspect of truth? Only by contemplating in this way can you deeply enter into the substance of God’s words, grasp the intentions in God’s words, and understand the purpose of God speaking them and the results to be achieved. Every sentence of God’s words contains the will of God and in it is hidden the truth that all people need to obtain. If people truly understand the truth from God’s words, understand the will of God, and see God’s requirements, then it will be easy for this sentence of God’s words to obtain results in people. Therefore, reading the words of God is key! The first step in believing in God is reading His words. The key to whether or not a person who believes in God is able to get on the right track, obtain the truth, and be saved lies in how this person reads God’s words and whether or not this person knows the proper way to read God’s words. If this person has good inner qualities, has the ability to comprehend the word of God, knows how to pursue the illumination of the Holy Spirit while pondering God’s words, is serious with God’s words, pursues the truth, and frequently fellowships with experienced people, then this kind of person is able to attain an understanding of the truth in God’s words. If a person understands the truth through God’s words, then when they experience and practice God’s words, they will have a path forward, and will not merely mechanically follow the rules. If they are unable to understand the truth from God’s words, then they will be unable to experience God’s words. Do you think they could experience them and put them into practice? … If you do not know how to eat and drink the words of God, you will not be able to write a true understanding, experience or testimony. You must learn to eat and drink the words of God; true experiences and testimonies about believing in God are the results obtained through eating and drinking the words of God. Only if you are able to understand the truth through eating and drinking the words of God will you be able to obtain the truth. If you are never able to understand the truth through eating and drinking the words of God, then you will be unable to obtain the truth.