The Requirements Those Who Serve God Must Meet
What must those who serve God possess so that their service of God is in accordance with God’s requirements? Let’s take a look at what the words of God say. In “How to Serve in Harmony With God’s Will,” God says, “Everyone who has resolved to can serve God—but it must be that only those who give every care to God’s will and understand God’s will are qualified and entitled to serve God.” All those who have resolve can serve God. The meaning of this is that God allows all those who are willing to expend for Him and cast everything aside to serve Him. However, to truly conform to the criteria, one must be considerate of God’s intentions and understand God’s intentions. Only then would one be qualified and entitled to serve God. This is a condition that absolutely must be met. Perhaps there are some people who understand and others that do not when it comes to being considerate of God’s intentions. Accurately speaking, to be considerate of God’s intentions means understanding what God intends to do in His chosen people. It means to understand what God intends to accomplish in His chosen people and what results He intends to achieve in them. If someone understands this matter, it means they have an understanding of God’s work, they know how God saves mankind and they know how to help God’s chosen people understand and enter all the truths and words that God expresses. This kind of person understands God’s intentions and they also know what God is most anxious about. This person knows what God most wants to do at this moment. This person also knows what kind of people God needs to cooperate with Him and how to do work that would achieve the desired results. Only those who feel God’s eager intentions, know what God intends to accomplish in His chosen people and know what kind of people God needs to cooperate with Him are genuinely considerate of God’s intentions. Since those who are considerate of God’s intentions understand God’s intentions, they know how to lead God’s chosen people to enter into God’s words, understand the truth and step onto the right track of faith so that they can attain salvation. That is why their leadership, their fellowship and their sermons are capable of guiding God’s chosen people into God’s word—it is effective. As such, their service is capable of fulfilling God’s intentions. Learning to be considerate of God’s intentions must be built upon a foundation of understanding God’s work. To understand God’s work, of course this person must first have a genuine experience of it. First, he must obtain the Holy Spirit’s work and have an understanding of God’s word and the truth that God expresses. Only then can this person be able to understand and be considerate of God’s intentions. That is why, in God’s work, those who are genuinely considerate of God’s intentions and who truly understand God’s intentions are in the minority. These are all people who pursue the truth and who have the Holy Spirit’s work. That is why they are able to achieve these results. Within the church, we can see there are many people that are passionate and who are willing to fulfill their duties and serve God. However, since their understanding of the truth of God’s word is inadequate, they are unable to understand God’s intentions. They do not understand God’s intentions and they do not know what aspects of truths God’s chosen people should enter into. They also do not know what God intends to complete in man and what fruits He wants to achieve in man. They do not understand these matters. These are people that do not understand God’s intentions. Those who do not understand God’s intentions, regardless of how passionate and faithful they are, they will only be able to fulfill a few duties. They are incapable of serving God. Those who serve God must understand the truth and they must be considerate of God’s intentions. This is a condition that one who serves God must meet. Another selection of God’s word mentions that the people who serve God must be God’s intimates and bosom friends. We should be able to understand just who God’s close friends are. We should know what kind of people can become God’s close friends. This is a crucial subject. When it comes to our interactions with other people, even though we know a lot of friends, there are very few who are close friends. What makes a close friend? A close friend is one who knows your heart. What is the meaning of “knowing your heart?” This means that you and this person in question have the same heart. This person knows what is going on inside your heart. He knows what your heart is after and knows your earnest intentions. This person knows what your heart is anxious about and they know why your heart is worried or in pain. Such a person is your intimate. If you are to be one of God’s close friends, you need to know God’s heart. If we are to know God’s heart, how would we go about doing so? Many people fulfill their duties outside their home. They can see that the work that God does is not easy. It is not easy for God to obtain people. Each stage of God’s work of saving mankind is considerably difficult because the corruption of mankind is particularly deep. Since mankind’s corruption is very deep, man’s resistance, misunderstanding, judgment and complaints when it comes to God are numerous. No matter what God does, it is difficult for man’s heart to accept. That is why, out of the entire corrupt human race, there are only but a few who truly know God’s heart, God’s pain and God’s distress. Therefore, it can be said that there are a very few people that are of the same mind with God. As humans, when we suffer, what is it that we most need at that moment? We all know that what we most need is to be comforted. Now, when God suffers, what does He most need? He also needs to be comforted. Man can comfort man by saying a few caring and intimate words. However, when it comes to man comforting God’s suffering heart, it is insufficient for us to say a few sentences. This would not resolve the matter. Instead, we must do a few concrete things. What kind of concrete things must we do? We must best fulfill our duties to satisfy God. In order to satisfy God, we must stand resolutely and bear witness. We must pursue the truth and achieve an understanding of God. If we do these things, then we will be able to truly comfort God’s heart. If we do not have some actual living out or testimonies to comfort God’s heart and instead we only praise God and give thanks to God with our lips, this is truly insufficient. All those who are able to really bear witness to satisfy God are God’s close and intimate friends. Thus, all those who pursue the truth, who fulfill their duties for God with devotion, and who can stand firm in their testimony when facing all kinds of trials, are people who are truly able to satisfy God’s intentions and comfort God. God also chooses these people to serve Him. God will call those who are devoted, obedient and bear witness to Him to serve Him. The Holy Spirit will touch these people’s hearts and move them to serve God. Since these people are qualified to serve God, the Holy Spirit specifically chooses these kinds of people to serve God. After someone has entered onto the right track of faith and has some actual understanding of God, they will be able to start to understand a bit of the truth and they will be able to talk a bit about some real and practical experiences. After someone has achieved this kind of spiritual stature, God’s chosen people will be able to benefit from this person’s work and they will be able to enter life in a practical manner. That is why those who have the reality of the truth, their sermons, their communications, their provision and the way they help and sustain people are all done with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and leadership. This kind of person will be able to serve God. This kind of person is qualified to serve God. While serving God, if this kind of person has a genuine understanding of God, then they will have a heart that reveres God. If a person has a heart that reveres God, then they will be qualified to serve God. Therefore, those who serve God are also those who genuinely obey the work of God. They are also those who have a true experience of the words that God expresses and who enter the reality of the truth. Since these are people that pursue the truth, they are people who have the Holy Spirit’s work. After they have attained the Holy Spirit’s work, they are able to gradually understand God’s intentions. They have a genuine understanding of God’s disposition and they have a heart that reveres God. This is why these kinds of people are those that the Holy Spirit targets for perfection. They are people that the Holy Spirit guides.