Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


Showing posts with label What Salvation Is. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Salvation Is. Show all posts

19 Jun 2019

Hymns of Praise | Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death

Hymns of Praise, flesh, life, What Salvation Is, will

Hymns of Praise | Through Thick and Thin, Faithful Till Death

From heaven to the earth,
hiding in the flesh.
Working among men,
through winds and rains.
Taking a rough path,
open a new age.
To redeem mankind,
lay down Your life
and shed blood.
Wind and rain,
so many years.
Forsaken by every man.
Humble and hidden,
enduring all along.
Humble and hidden,
enduring all along.

17 Jun 2019

The Word of God | "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'" (Excerpt 2)

Almighty God says, "In each age and each stage of work, My name is not baseless, but holds representative significance: Each name represents one age. 'Jehovah' represents the Age of Law, and is the honorific for the God worshiped by the people of Israel. 'Jesus' represents the Age of Grace, and is the name of the God of all those who were redeemed during the Age of Grace. … And so, when the final age—the age of the last days—arrives, My name shall change again. I shall not be called Jehovah, or Jesus, much less the Messiah, but shall be called the powerful Almighty God Himself, and under this name I shall bring the entire age to an end" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Recommend More: What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God