Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


6 Apr 2019

The Heart's Voice of a Created Being

belief,Testimony,Almighty God,Praying ,holy ghost

Verse 1
So often I wanted to cry out,
but no place ever felt right.
So often I wanted to sing aloud,
but nary a tune I could find.
So often I yearned to express
the love of a created being.
I searched high and I searched low,
but all the words
seemed to have failed me.
You are the love in my heart.
The heart's voice of a created being.

Verse 2
Man came out of the dust,
from the dust without life.
You made man and gave us breath,
You gave us the breath of life.
How sad that Satan has corrupted us,
lost are our reason and conscience.
Generation after generation,
and many more after
have fallen ever since.
Almighty God,
You are the love in my heart.
The heart's voice of a created being.

My heart leaps, my hands rejoice
to praise Your coming to earth.
Corrupt was I, yet You saved me.
And now I see Your glorious face.
Obeying Your plans,
satisfying Your will,
myself I will no longer choose.
I come from dust;
to love You is a great blessing.
How can I not bow and worship You?

Verse 3
You created and love man.
You became flesh again to save us.
You have endured
all kinds of humiliation,
You have endured persecution,
You have tasted all the sweetness
and bitterness of life,
so man can be brought
to a beautiful destination.
How can we not thank You endlessly
for such a great salvation?
Almighty God,
You are the love in my heart.
The heart's voice of a created being.

Verse 4
Today I am saved
and pursue the human life
only by Your exaltation and Your grace.
I enjoy Your words
and accept Your judgment.
I come to know
Your righteousness and holiness.
Enduring all kinds of
persecution and pain,
I realize that You are the loveliest.
Because Your work
is what I am going through,
I live in the light, being cleansed.
You are the love in my heart.
The heart's voice of a created being.

It's the creature's bound duty
to worship God,
it's the creature's bound duty
to worship You.
I hate Satan with all of my heart.
It uses any means to lure me.
I'd rather love You
in all Your judgement,
I'd rather love You
in all Your chastisement,
no longer lusting for fleshly comforts,
no longer living under Satan.
Almighty God,
You are the love in my heart.
The heart's voice of a created being.


Top Gospel Song of All Time | Praise the Return of the Lord | "Every Nation Worships Almighty God" (English Dubbed)

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