Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


9 Jul 2018

Choir Song | Music Concert "Gospel Choir 7th Performance"

My understanding:   🎵🎧💎🌈🐑🐐🐑
God's love is the truest and the most beautiful. Praise and thanks be to God!

Songs of Choir:
1. God's Own Identity and Position
2. God's Substance Truly Exists
3. The Significance of God's Name

1. God's Own Identity and Position
God is the One who rules over all things, God is the One who governs all things. He created everything and governs everything, He also rules over and supplies everything. This is God’s position, and this is God’s identity.
To everything and all things, God’s true identity is the Creator, and also the Ruler of all things. God has such an identity, which is unique among all things. No created being, among mankind or in the spiritual realm, can assume or replace God’s identity or God’s position in any way or on any pretext. This is because there is only One among all things who has such identity, such power, and such authority, and who can rule over all things.
He is our unique God Himself, He is our unique God Himself.

He lives among all things and walks among all things. He can also ascend to the highest and above all things.
He can humble Himself and become a man, becoming a member of men who have blood and flesh, who have blood and flesh, be face to face with men, and share joys and sufferings with men. At the same time, He governs everything, decides the destiny of everything, and decides the direction for everything to go forward.
Furthermore, He guides the destiny of all mankind and guides the direction for all mankind to go forward.
Anyone who has life should worship, obey, and know such a God. Therefore, no matter which part you are of among mankind, and no matter what kind of person you are among mankind, to believe in God, follow God, fear God, accept God’s sovereignty, accept God’s sovereignty, and accept God’s arrangement for your destiny,
this is the only choice and obligatory choice, the only choice and obligatory choice for anyone, anyone who has life.

from “God Himself, the Unique VIII God Is the Source of Life of All Things (IV)” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

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