Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


18 Jun 2019

Gospel Song | The People of the Heavenly Kingdom

Gospel Song,  God's words,  judgment, love God, truth

Gospel Song | The People of the Heavenly Kingdom

Verse 1
The Lord's words say, "Repent,
heaven's kingdom is near."
God's here in the last days,
His kingdom among us.
Heaven's kingdom, Christ's kingdom,
has appeared on earth.

Verse 2
The wise virgins heed God's voice
and come before His throne.
We read God's words, accept truth,
attend the Lamb's feast.
Judgment, revelation of
His words show my nature.
Deceitful and inhuman,
I'm unfit to live before Him.

Verse 3
Undergoing Christ's judgment
cleanses my corruption.
I bare my heart to God
and there are no barriers.
I love God, do my duty well,
accept His searching.
My faith is to gain the truth,
live a human likeness.

The honest people who truly love God,
they're the people
of the heavenly kingdom.
Christ's kingdom is heaven
and honest man's home.
I will love God now and forever!
I will love God forever!

Verse 4
Scheming to gain
one's own blessings is vile and shameless.
One who's upright and fair,
honorable at heart, is honest.
They'll give all, use themselves for God
to repay His love.
Honest people live the truth
and have true repentance.

They live to do God's will,
no complaints and no regrets.
They learn to fear God,
shun evil and live before Him.
Through their persecution
and their trials,
they still bear strong witness
to glorify God.

The honest people who truly love God,
they're the people
of the heavenly kingdom.
Christ's kingdom is heaven
and honest man's home.
I will love God now and forever!
I will love God forever!

Recommend More: Serving God 

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