Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


19 Dec 2018

The Significance of God’s Managing Mankind

believe in God,Eastern Lightning,judgment,the truth,life

God's management is to gain
mankind who worships
and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan,
they call it father no more, no more.

God's management is to gain
mankind who worships
and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan,
they call it father no more, no more;
they know Satan's ugliness,
and so reject it, so reject it.
They come before God,
accept chastisement and judgment.
They know that which is ugly,
and that which is holy, holy.
And they know the greatness of God,
and evil of Satan.

A human race such as this
will labor for Satan no more,
will worship it no more,
will worship it no more,
and make offerings to it no more.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.

In God's management of this time,
man is the target
of Satan's corruption,
he is the object of God's salvation
and what God and Satan fight for.
Over the course of God's work,
He recovers man step by step
from the clutches of Satan.
Then man gets ever closer to God…
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people
who've truly been gained by God,
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.

from "Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst the Management of God"
in The Word Appears in the Flesh

More attention:

Message from God | Almighty God's Word "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'" 

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