Eastern Lightning | Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.


27 Nov 2018

God’s Name Will Be Magnified Among the Gentile Nations

gospel,Almighty God,word of God,the last days,Christ
The purpose of God's judgment
is to encourage man's obedience;
the purpose of God's chastisement
is to allow for man's transformation.
Though God's work
is for His management's sake,
none of what He does
isn't good to man.
God wants the lands beyond Israel
to obey as the Israelites did,
to make them into real men,
so that in the lands beyond Israel
God's foothold shall be gained.
This is the management of God.
It's His work
in the lands of the Gentiles.

many people still don't understand
God's management.
It's because their cares and desires
are focused on the future
they'll acquire.
No matter what God speaks,
Him and His work they don't seek.
Man only thinks of tomorrow's land.
If this goes on,
how will God's work expand?
How will the gospel spread the world?
You must know
when God's work grows,
you will be scattered far and wide.
God will strike you,
God will strike you,
as Jehovah did with Israel tribes,
so the gospel will spread the earth,
God's work to Gentile lands.
Among young and old
God's name will expand,
and from the mouths of all tribes
shall God's holy name be praised.

In the end times,
in the final age,
God's name will be magnified
among Gentile nations.
The acts of God
will be by Gentiles seen,
and they'll address Him
as the Almighty,
and thus His words shall
one day soon come true.
God will make man know true
He is not only God of Israelites,
but God of all Gentile nations too,
and those accursed by Him.
God will make every man see
that the God of all creation is He.
This is God's greatest work,
the purpose of His work
in the end of days,
and the only work He shall do
at the end of days.
from "The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man" in The Word Appears in the Flesh

More attention :

What Is the Difference Between Christianity and The Church of Almighty God?

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